750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ebola Virus as a Deadly Disease

The Ebola virus is a fatal disease that spreads rapidly from human to human. Ebola is a type of filovirus, this is a virus that causes extreme haemorrhagic fevers to humans and some animals. This virus has two known diseases in it: The Marburg virus and The Ebola virus. The difference between these two filoviruses is that polyadenylation is a main factor in the ebola virus whereas it is not prominent in the Marburg virus. Another difference is that there...
2 Pages 737 Words

How Did Malala Yousafzai Change the World?

Numerous people throughout the globe advocate for education. Education is fundamental to the advancement of survival and prosperity and is therefore crucial to ensuring equality. Malala Yousafzai is amongst one of the most influential activists who advocate for female education. Notoriously known for being the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala has become universally recognized for advocating human rights and her diary about living under the Taliban rule. Malala has never been afraid to voice her opinions within the presence...
2 Pages 767 Words

History of The Parthenon

The Parthenon was a large marble temple for the goddess Athena in the city of Athens overlooking the city and Aegean Sea.Athens was one of many Greek cities and almost all had had an Acropolis. Athens was one of the most powerful city-state and around that time The Parthenon was built. The Parthenon was a Sacred precinct rather than a Defensive precinct and this building has tremendous influence as not only it became the Symbol of Democracy but also because...
2 Pages 732 Words

Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself

We all know that we have a different understanding about philosophy but for me philosophy is about knowing yourself. There are many philosophers but among those philosophers Socrates is the one who really drawn my reflections in life`s realities or experiences and also my view in life. He is the Father of Western Philosophy in the Western Era. Socrates thought me many realizations in my life. I like Socrates because he likes to ask a lot of questions and this...
2 Pages 731 Words

My Philosophy of Life: ‘I Think; Therefore I am’

Philosophy, etymologically, came from the word ‘Philos’ which means love and ‘Sophia’ which means wisdom. Hence, it literally means love of wisdom. There are certain individuals that engage in philosophy called philosophers, that is, a lover of wisdom. These individuals, called philosophers, are the people who question the very being and origin of Man. They are trying to know and uncover the truth of their own existence, why everything existed. They are attempting to find wisdom about their own meaning,...
2 Pages 752 Words

Toni Morrison's 'Sula': The Wright Women Vs the Peace Women

Two families, two viewpoints, two destinies. Seemingly, the Wrights and the Peaces are discrepant, conflicting, contrasting, antithetical families. In ‘Sula’, a 1973 novel by African-American Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison, two opposing universes the conventional Wright’s home and the Peaces’s liberal household work unintentionally together to build up strength and entitle women to explore sexual, economic, and mental freedom. On the one hand, Helene Wright is the archetypal woman who wants to be accepted and respected by the community, perhaps...
2 Pages 734 Words

The Problem of Systemic Racism and Abuse of Power in Modern American Society

In the Merriam Webster dictionary (2020), the definition of systemic racism is broken down into two words. Systemic meaning “fundamental to a predominant social, economic, or political practice”. Racism also defined by Merriam Webster definition (2020) means, “the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another”. I believe systemic racism occurs today. People treat people differently due to the color of their skin, and that is the sad, disappointing truth. At the start...
2 Pages 773 Words

Hepatitis and Its Various Types

In the medical field, a virus named Hepatitis was disclosed by Dr. Baruch Blumberg in 1965. Dr. Baruch Blumberg received a Nobel Prize for his significant discovery that impacted the medical field with its benefits of knowing about the disease. The primary name of Hepatitis was called the 'Australia Antigen'. 'Australia Antigen' was found when scientists looked for an Australian aborigine's blood sample. This sample was filled with an antibody in the serum of an American hemophilia case. In contemporary...
2 Pages 771 Words

Dirty Truth of College

On average 1,534,125 are the number of bacteria found in a woman’s living space in college. Even though bacteria is found everywhere, people don’t see it as the threat that it is. Especially for, college students who are constantly in and out of their room being exposed to outside bacteria and bringing it all in their room. This paper will focus on the effects of bacteria on my discourse community, the struggles we have with the bacteria, and ways to...
2 Pages 763 Words

Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain

Pain is the body voice that you need to listen to your body. Chronic body aches really make you suffer a lot; relieve it with natural methods and Ayurvedic remedies and herbs. “It’s not just pain. It’s a complete mental and emotional assault on your body” – Jamie Wingo. Popping up pills is surely an instant but not permanent solution to chronic pain and body aches. Over the counter medicines, natural methods and alternative medicine system works wonder to relieve...
2 Pages 739 Words

Overview of Nigeria's Most Circulated Newspapers

The most popular newspapers in Nigeria are The Nation, Vanguard and Daily Trust. In this essay, I am going to review them. The Nation The Nation was launched on July, 31 2006 and published by the Vintage Publishers Limited, Lagos. The newspaper has a two -term former governor of Lagos State, Senator Bola Tinubu, as the proprietor, who also has a profile of having represented Lagos West Constituency in 1992, 1999 and 2007 on the platform of the Alliance for...
2 Pages 773 Words

Mission Statement of the Red Cross

The Red Cross is an international humanitarian network of 80 million people that helps those facing disaster, conflict and health and social problems. It was founded 164 years ago in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland. They have approximately 17 million volunteers, members and staff worldwide. The Red Cross work develops along two lines. The first is helping victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence. The second involves developing and promoting international law and humanitarian principles. It was founded to...
2 Pages 762 Words

Collective Bargaining in India

The Supreme Court of India defined Collective Bargaining as “the technique by which dispute as to conditions of employment is resolved amicably by agreement rather than coercion” [1]. The process of collective bargaining involves discussion and negotiations between workers and employer regarding the terms of employment and working conditions. The trade union is generally used to represent the workers to express their grievances regarding conditions and wages before the employer and management. It is considered to be an unfair labor...
2 Pages 749 Words

Unethical Management Practices of Valiant Company

The share prices of Valeant dropped in just a few weeks from $ 262 to $ 27. This was due to the main reasons – the company's pricing strategy, the company's $ 600 million overestimation of its target earnings and the debt problems. Valeant used a pricing strategy where they increased the prices of the drugs of the acquired company to abnormal amounts every time an acquisition occurs. It was noticed that there was a 5500 percent increase in one...
2 Pages 733 Words

Review of the Novel 'Purple Hibiscus' by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

‘Purple Hibiscus’ falls under multiple genres like Bildungsroman and Romance that we see though Kambili’s character but is also a Novel and Domestic Fiction piece. The genres establish many themes and Adichie challenges readers to not just to think about violence, but about religious hypocrisy, family, and politics. The novel is broken up into four parts but does not follow a chronological order. Adichie includes many stylistic elements such as imagery, foreshadowing, flashback, repetition, and allegorical examples. The story is...
2 Pages 736 Words

Arguments for Why Schools Should Start Later

On average, schools in Canada start at 8:30 a.m. but some schools in our region such as Silver Stream start at 8:05 a.m. and others such as in the United States even start at 7:30. Even though this may not seem like a big difference, it actually is, and even the Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC) is concerned about kids that go to schools that start early. Furthermore, physicians recommend teens to get at least 8.5 to 9.5 hours...
2 Pages 765 Words

Analysis of James Joyce's Short Story 'Eveline'

The story ‘Eveline’, by James Joyce, talks about a young girl who faced with a choice between whether to stay in Dublin with her family or leave with her boyfriend for a new life in Buenos Aires, up to the last minutes to stay behind. The story is divided into three sections: in the first section, Joyce introduced the reader to Eveline, her house, her environment and her childhood memories. In the second section, we meet Frank. Frank invites Eveline...
2 Pages 773 Words

Passion to Be a Nurse

Nursing is a career that I would have never seen myself, until I realized along the way that it is where I belong. I have always been the kind of person who needs to help. I tend to go out of my way and in many instances put others’ before myself. This is just in my nature to do so. I never ask for a reward in return, I choose to help because everyone needs to know that they are...
2 Pages 761 Words

Frederick W. Taylor's Scientific Management Theory

Scientific management is also widely recognised as Taylorism. Taylorism was used in industrial firm to solve the complex problem about increasing the labour productivity. Scientific management allows absolute uniformity to a greater extent within the labour’s working in an industry. this eventually enforced great deal of burden, responsibilities, duties to the managers which never took place in the past. Frederick W. Taylor an American Engineer developed the scientific management theory in United States during the late 19th century. After working...
2 Pages 730 Words

Overview of Current Advancements in VR Technology

After the release of Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, and HTC Vive in 2016, the technological community has seen a growth in virtual reality products. On September 2018 Oculus released their new Oculus GO headset, which makes it even easier for customers to take their VR experience wherever they please. These products are now more affordable than ever and more accessible to the businesses and the public. In turn, they are changing the way individuals and businesses involved in the technological...
2 Pages 759 Words

Thomas Nowotny's Perspective on Diplomacy and Global Governance

This book analyzes on the diplomats’ service transforms in promoting different perspectives in internal organizations in politics and the author have emphasize on the states position which played a role and the current challenges in using new tools in order to archived the common goals. The overall structure has been focused on diplomacy, diplomatic and consular services, international organization and international relations, apart from that, this book consists of 23 subtopics that author has argue and focus on the how...
2 Pages 760 Words

Relationship Between Tears and Emotional State

Do you know according to science, only humans tears can come out when they become emotional? There are two reasons for tears: 1) maybe he/she is too much sad; 2) maybe something went into her/his eyes (or maybe he/she lying that something went into eyes). But if you are interested in science then science can tell you if he/she lying or something went into eyes! How? let's find out. Sadness, pain, hurt makes us cry, but why? Tears come out...
2 Pages 747 Words

Prejudice Towards Minorities as a Social Problem on the Example of Muslims

Prejudice has been an innate concept which has been growing in an individual since time immoral. It is a negative attitude and feeling towards an individual based solely on one’s membership in a particular social group. Prejudice is the broader term which has shaped certain elements such as stereotype, discrimination, etc. But prejudice includes all the aspects such as the affective, behavioural and cognitive style of thinking in shaping opinion. This has been developed with the onset of social norms...
2 Pages 742 Words

Logistics Companies Use Drones to Deliver Products: A SWOT Analysis

The expansion of international trade and modern technology has assisted organizations in the world in creation of large supply chains that has helped them in competing with their rival companies across the world. In the business world every detail can make a difference and when innovation is brought into operation it plays a crucial role in getting a competitive advantage over the rival companies. Because of the logistics, supply chain and distribution being a field that provides excellent results, new...
2 Pages 739 Words

Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Virtual Reality in Education

Our life can be hardly imagined without modern technology. Every day some scientists and engineers create new devices, which amaze and make us marvel. Thus, virtual reality or shortly VR is one of such incredible innovations. It’s actively used by the youth for fun and entertainment. It’s a new revolutionary kind of games. However, some educators use it for educational purposes. Should we use virtual reality in education? It’s an interesting question and we’ve tried to investigate it. This matter...
2 Pages 772 Words

Comparative Analysis of Civil Law and Criminal Law

Civil law systems, also called continental or Romano-Germanic legal systems, are found on all continents and cover about 60% of the world. They are based on concepts, categories, and rules derived from Roman law, with some influence of canon law, sometimes largely supplemented or modified by local custom or culture. The civil law tradition, though secularized over the centuries and placing more focus on individual freedom, promotes cooperation between human beings. In their technical, narrow sense, the words civil law...
2 Pages 740 Words

The Comparative Analysis of Moral Objectivism and Moral Relativism

Morality is the yardstick with which we judge our actions to be right or wrong. It is also the code of values to guide man’s choices and actions (Rand, 1957). There are two main views to morality; objective morality and subjective morality (Novella, 2013). Objective morality holds the belief that there are universal set laws that determine the rightness and wrongness of an action or choice while subjective morality believes that there are no set laws and that judgement of...
2 Pages 763 Words

The Main Issues in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates

In 1858, as the country drew ever nearer to disunion, two politicians from Illinois pulled in the consideration and attracted the attention of a nation. From August 21 up until October 15, Stephen Douglas battled Abraham Lincoln in a series of face to face debates around the state. The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series and progression of formal political debates between the challenger, Abraham Lincoln, and the incumbent, Stephen A. Douglas, in a campaign for one of Illinois' two United...
2 Pages 760 Words

Macroeconomic Trends and Their Impact on the Life of the Average Person

At its most basic level, macroeconomics studies the interaction among the main aggregate economic variables such as: unemployment, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, etc. It also simplifies and summarizes the interactions between the structures of the economy of an entire nation, taking into account things that apply universally to it. Considered as an important method in economic analysis, macroeconomics is highly useful for understanding economic policies, providing relatively rich information with regards to the variables and in reviewing the overall...
2 Pages 764 Words

Is Apple a Monopoly or Oligopoly?

Apple is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious companies in the world, but behind the great success they have had, hard work is hidden by its founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, since they were people with few resources and with a dream that which over time they could get little by little. The key to the ascent of this company was due to the union of qualities of its founders, Jobs was a visionary in the business world and...
2 Pages 729 Words
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