800 Word Essay Examples

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Writing an 800-word essay can be challenging, but with the right strategies and examples, you can create a compelling piece of writing that will leave your reader wanting more. In this article, we will explore the structure of an 800-word essay, provide helpful writing strategies, and ...

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Social Issues

Essay on Redemption Vs Forgiveness

Introduction Throughout the years of Christianity, beliefs and morals have been put down as the foundation of the religion. Some of these beliefs still stand today and are at the heart of many people around the world. This video will discuss the meanings of some of these beliefs, rituals, and practices used in Christianity and how we can put some of these beliefs and practices into action at St Joseph’s College. Good and evil are seen as opposites in most...
2 Pages 813 Words

Essay on Racism in the 1900

The 1960s was an intense time, practically intolerable for individuals of various social foundations, additionally, what made these circumstances difficult and the going gets unpleasant was the Jim Crow Laws. Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation. Black people groups and people that endeavored to resist Jim Crow laws were frequently met with savagery and demise. The tale distributed by Harper Lee in 1960 resisted the laws and pushed to change those...
2 Pages 808 Words

Essay on Gender Roles in the 1940s

In both ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ and ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, the characters’ existence is influenced by the idea of the American dream. An idea that was seen by capitalist America was that you must ruthlessly work to achieve your highest aspirations, and could be recognized by others through wealth and social class. With the ending of World War Two, the American public now felt they were in the perfect place to achieve their ‘American Dream’. Stanley’s attitude is...
2 Pages 784 Words

What Gives You Hope for the Future Essay

This quote is said by a very important man in this movie, Red. This quote is first of all strong because he said it and he is the man who is still hoping for a future without prison. In this scene they are all sitting at the table, eating their meal like every other day. Andy is talking about how they can not take away his music and that it is kind of his sprinkle of hope. The rest at...
2 Pages 797 Words

Rogerian Argument Essay on Gay Marriage

Contentions also known as arguments can be made out of pretty much anything. Just like anything else in life, there are always two sides to every story so the same applies when it comes to arguments. An argument has opposite sides, and passing on a feeling is one of those opposite sides. Arguments sort out the perspectives of others and the help of those arguments spoken to by those individuals from past occasions. These occasions let others demonstrate their contention...
2 Pages 788 Words

Essay on Metaphors about Hope

For a reader to be able to completely understand and appreciate the struggles and outcomes of WW2, grading has explored key themes such as hope, loss, and relationships to highlight how Yael has managed to survive in a deadly time. In the novel speculative fiction is a central element that makes the reader question what truly could have been a reality. Throughout Yael’s story, the importance of hope becomes greater as she begins to understand how important she is to...
2 Pages 786 Words

Essay on Picasso Surrealism

In this part of the portfolio, I am going to start by introducing the artist and then I going to analyze the two artifacts that I chose and demonstrate my approach. I have always admired Picasso as an artist and felt attached to his work , The Picasso Museum in Malaga [which is where I am also from], which houses some of his less-known pieces such as his painted plates is one of the very first museums I visited and...
2 Pages 818 Words

Kindergarten Classroom Observation Essay

Observation Report Child's name: Cailey LauChild's age: 5 years 3 months Date of observation: 01-12-2021Setting: Small group Description: During small group activities, Cailey had planned to play with the material set in the science corner. She chose the balancing set. She put the paper towel tube on the table and then put the rectangular Styrofoam plate on top of the paper towel tube. Then, she carefully put two building blocks on the two sides of the rectangular Styrofoam plate. She...
2 Pages 786 Words

Expository Essay about Forgiveness as a Strength

The knowledge of one’s worthiness is crucial to a person’s ability to feel a sense of love and connection. In 2010, Brene Brown did a TED talk on how impactful being vulnerable is to our ability to feel belonging and connection which received over 40.5 million views. She explains that the soul of her work as a researcher is to study, predict, and control phenomena, but through her research, she discovered that the best way to live is to cease...
2 Pages 788 Words

Essay on 'The Interlopers' Conflict

Today is October 21, the birthday of my 23-year-old, I received my first job offer for our landowners, Ulrich von Gradwitz. A yellow gingham hardcover complete with glue that seals the edge with the envelope protects the words from unwelcome eyes. I fell in love with this job when I first saw it; it's probably will become a significant part of my routine as an adult. As everyone knows, I live in an unknown village, the worst environment you also...
2 Pages 792 Words

Forgiveness as a Theme in Literature and Movies Essay

Forgiveness and loss an important themes in everyone’s life. It helps people to endure a challenge of hardship or to overcome a fear that they must be able to face in the future. For instance, Don Hall and Chris Williams’s film produced in 2014, Big Hero 6, conveys how important forgiveness and loss are throughout out the film. As a young robotics prodigy, Hiro forms a superhero team to fight against an evil villain named Professor Callaghan. “Loss” is an...
2 Pages 793 Words

Essay on 'The Cask of Amontillado' Conflict

It was about 1812 in Italy. There were these two kids named Montresor and Fortunato, about the age of 16 and 17 years old. Montresor was 16 years old, his family was a well-known, respected, and wealthy family. He had been born into a family that had a lot of knowledge of wine. Montresor would soon be the main one in his family known as the 'Wine Connoisseur', but not the only one in town. Fortunato was 17 years old...
2 Pages 801 Words

Essay on Invasive Species Management

Background: Invasive species is the second letter in the acronym HIPPO. HIPPO stands for Habitat destruction, Invasive species, Pollution, human overpopulation, and Overharvesting by hunting and fishing. According to The National Wildlife Federation, invasive species are defined as “any kind of living organism—an amphibian, plant, insect, fish, fungus, bacteria, or even an organism’s seeds or eggs—that is not native to an ecosystem and causes harm.” Invasive species are one of the largest threats to native species and are a problem...
2 Pages 825 Words

Essay on I Wanna Be an American

Before this class, I never thought much of my ethnic background. After asking my grandparents and parents I gathered a little more information about our ethnic background. Although my maternal grandmother was born a mixture of English and Italian, she was raised in a household that was a blend of Italian and French. Her mother, who is my great-grandmother, who was a mixture of English and Italian, remarried after giving birth to her first son. Her new marriage was to...
2 Pages 820 Words

Essay on Positive and Negative Effects of the Black Death

Within the years 1346 and 1352, a lethal epidemic swept throughout Europe at an alarming rate. Centuries later, the pandemic was named the Black Death. This title originated from a mistranslation of the Latin expression 'atra' meaning both 'black' and 'terrible'. Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which originates in areas with vast numbers of wild rodents, the three strains of the plague, bubonic, pneumonic and septicemic, killed approximately 25 million people in Europe alone, around a third of the...
2 Pages 777 Words

Essay on Imagery in 'Dracula'

However, a mere simulacrum's ability to divulge insatiable desire foreshadows the power of the unfamiliar to eradicate virtue, implying Ambrosio is dissatisfied, desperately seeking the untainted woman. Ambrosio’s fragile humanity is implicitly threatening- animalistic imagery used later in the novel depicting his demise, like Dracula, exaggerating his “fall,” likened to an archetypal Gothic creature, “acting out the repressed fantasies of the other5”-the pure embodiment of the uncanny. Using anthropomorphism to describe Dracula and Ambrosio amplifies the unfamiliar’s ability to shroud...
2 Pages 790 Words

Essay on Concussion

Concussions, they are a problem for every athlete that competes in a contact sport goes through, whether its reported or not. Concussions are something that cannot just be ignored. 50% of high school athletes and 70% of college athletes fail to report a concussion. Concussions can not only lead to brain damage, but also short-term or even long-term memory loss. We should be able to better understand concussions, why they’re a problem in sports and what measures are being taken...
2 Pages 781 Words

Essay on 'The Hunger Games': Haymitch Analysis

From the birth of Panem, the great capital is the one that governs over all the other districts. President Snow who lives in the capital calls it the brain, his dictatorship and theft of freedom from the other districts the examples of sovereignty that will be looked at. Following the main character Katniss, we see her grow out of the capital's rules. Along the way, she meets other people who also begin to defy the capital's rules. Home of Katniss,...
2 Pages 776 Words

Essay on Problem of Drunk Driving

Driving after drinking according to the CDC is an act that continues to happen across the United States(CDC). According to The California Highway Patrol if you drive while impaired could put you in situations like getting arrested, or being involved in a traffic crash that causes serious injury or death(CDC). Approximately one-third of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers with a BAC of .08 or higher(NHTSA). There were 10,511 people killed in 2018, in reportedly...
2 Pages 804 Words

Essay on H&M Child Labour

Hennes & Mauritz AB is a multinational company of Sweden who are involved in the clothing-retailing industry and well-known worldwide for manufacturing fast-fashion clothing for the people of all ages. They are operating in the different markets worldwide which call for the need of establishing factories in different parts of the world. They also collaborate with different factories (Nissen 2017). According to a book that was published in Sweden stated that children as young as 14 was appointed to work...
2 Pages 809 Words

Female Oppression Essay

Dark, trapped, separated. Oppression targets a group and pushes them below society, belittling them. Gender oppression has played a role in history since the beginning of time. Females have again and again been stuck to playing the role of supporting and tending to whatever the male desires; men in modern times are also faced with indifferences of their own, but never oppression. We as a society send young girls every day to a classroom where they are told they are...
2 Pages 798 Words

Essay on Mechanical Engineering Robotics

As a high school freshman, I became interested in prosthetics after joining a high school robotics team. I was in charge of the mechanical arm, and the robot was supposed to throw balls into hoops and retrieve balls too. Our robot functioned well, and our team was awarded the Rookie of the Year Award! I was fascinated with robots and decided to research and build my 3D printer from scratch since my parents told me it would be too expensive...
2 Pages 790 Words

Essay on Benvolio's Role in 'Romeo and Juliet'

The play “Romeo and Juliet” is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, believed to be written in about 1594-1596. The tragedy is set in the Renaissance period in Verona, Italy, involving the fate of two lovers from feuding families. The main themes in the play are love, fate, and violence. To summarise the play, another battle breaks out on the streets of Verona between the Montague and Capulet families. The constant battling of the two families disturbs the citizens of...
2 Pages 790 Words

Essay on 'Much Ado about Nothing': Don Pedro Supports

'The play Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare is a superlative play. It is often considered a 'tragicomedy' because it has many impediments like a traditional comedy, but not knowing that the impediments could be disastrous and that there is always a probable chance of it turning into a tragedy. In society, particularly the one portrayed in Shakespeare's play, there is a very preeminent idea of how one’s self-respect is often shaped by their reputation, how reputations are often...
2 Pages 809 Words

Essay on Nikola Tesla Inventions

Tesla's first time experimenting was when he showed that alcohol was less damaging than caffeine, chewing gum, tobacco, etc. An innocent and amateur experiment in the professional world but it is a beginning. His conclusion on the experiment can be seen in the line” A drastic, if not unconstitutional, measure is now being put through in this country to prevent the consumption of alcohol, and yet it is a positive fact that coffee, tea, tobacco, chewing gum and other stimulants,...
2 Pages 787 Words

Online Grocery Shopping Essay

The explosion of the Internet has caused substantial growth in electronic commerce (e-commerce) as many businesses found that the start of online businesses provides unparalleled opportunities for organizations to extend their operations. The Internet is a medium that is gaining popularity across the world. In this age of globalization, the Internet has gone beyond networking and is now concentrating on the delivery and trading of information, goods, and services. This increasing use of the internet has been simplified by the...
2 Pages 821 Words

Essay on Cultural Oppression

Tell Me a riddle is a complex literature material by Tillie Olsen that uses several stylistic devices including coded language, irony, symbolism, and themes, among others to narrate a story centered on love and relationship, freedom fight, mother and daughter relationship, and the power of art. The story talks about Eva whose freedom is curtailed by her family and one who sacrifices her own life for her children and husband. With time, Eva becomes resentful and demands her own space...
2 Pages 824 Words

Black Friday Shopping Essay

Black Fridays are usually a very exciting season each year. Previous seasons of black Fridays I have witnessed usually got me very expectant of the next season. Regardless of whenever it holds, be sure it must be a day after Thanksgiving which this year’s date falls on the 27th of November, 2020. The reactions and concerns from people as regards this year’s big shopping day have been tied around what the after-effects of the pandemic will be on the upcoming...
2 Pages 798 Words

Essay on Oprah Winfrey Vision

While watching a single TV show can be tedious, people still find solace in it. One show that has successfully managed to impact people positively is The Oprah Winfrey Show, an American talk show hosted by Oprah Winfrey. TVs were initially intended to inform without focusing much on the viewers' engagement. Notably, Oprah Winfrey Show changed this perspective as content was extended from merely new reporting to telling shows that reflected people’s lives, making viewers feel part of the televising....
2 Pages 800 Words

Essay on Motives for European Imperialism

For years, countries such as Great Britain and France have been colonizing small and/or poor countries. For years, the question has been why or how did they do it. The driving force in African imperialism has been a national competition. Imperialism is the policy and ideology of expanding a country’s rule over foreign nations, often by military force. Imperialism was common and normalized throughout history the earliest example being mid-third millennium BC. King Leopold II, king of Belgians, began imperialism...
2 Pages 814 Words
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