American Values essays

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1 Page 514 Words
On April 24, 2019, the final episode of Avengers: Endgame was finally released worldwide, marking the end of an era for the Marvel Avengers series. Although the Avengers is just one of many Marvel series, it continues to captivate audiences. Over the 11 years of the Marvel series, countless people have cheered for these superheroes. It's as if these stories...
2 Pages 811 Words
The definition of an American is very difficult to tackle, it’s a definition that can branch out into so many subtopics. An American cannot have a single definition, especially when America itself is like no other country where its identity consists of just one ethnicity, one religion or one language. America is a unique combination of so many cultures, ideals,...
1 Page 599 Words
According to an old superstition, it’s good luck to find a penny on the sidewalk. But whether or not you believe picking up that penny will bring you luck, one thing it definitely won’t bring you is wealth. Pennies are worth so little now that by taking five seconds to pick one up isn’t even worth it. Pennies are so...
1 Page 650 Words
Will the penny survive? During recent years there has been significant debate over whether to keep the penny as part of the US currency or to discontinue production of the penny. Every year the United States Mint produces around 12 billion new pennies, but 6 billion get lost, stored, or disposed of. Even so, a recent poll shows most Americans,...
1 Page 473 Words
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In recent years, a debate on whether or not America should keep the penny has arisen. Numerous Americans are in favor of keeping it due to sentimental value, while others say it is just too costly. There are multiple upsides as well as downsides to America discontinuing minting the penny. Overall, continuing the use and manufacturing of pennies would be...
2 Pages 781 Words
The penny has served the American public faithfully for over 230 years. Do we really want to destroy this time-honored legacy in an attempt to lessen problems that will always plague our society? Besides its cultural value after being used by millions of people daily for hundreds of years, the penny also serves commemorative and economic purposes that cannot be...
1 Page 665 Words
America…Home of the brave land of the free and home to many different beliefs and opinions. One example of America's diverse belief system is the topic of Anti Americanism vs Pro-American Attitudes. I am writing about this topic because it's a big problem across the world today and so many people have different ideas and sides on this matter. Two...
3 Pages 1457 Words
How is a ‘real’ American defined? A recent study revealed that a large amount of the American population could not show the location of Iowa on a map of the United States, so how Americans define patriotism could be very equivocal. The definition of patriotism according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary reads: “a feeling of love for his or her country...
5 Pages 2367 Words
The role of the artist and intellectual in twentieth-century politically convulsed Europe was ambiguous and altogether disagreeable. The source of this dispute is deeply rooted in moral and ethical grounds and, in order to offer a more refreshing view on it, the sociological dialectics of Niklas Luhmann will be exposed. Nevertheless, first we shall consider the philosophical state of the...
2 Pages 1097 Words
The term ‘America First’ has a dark history of extreme white nationalism and is deeply rooted in racism, anti-immigration and xenophobia. However, the origins of this phrase stems from 1915, during the Great War, where President Woodrow Wilson and Americans used this slogan to oppose any US involvement in the First World War, in order to protect their own national...
6 Pages 2610 Words
The Right to Privacy: The Issues of Number One and Two The argument that bathrooms should not be gender inclusive is a relatively new one, as for much of American history, public restrooms, where multiple people have occupied a single space, were not the societal norm. The first law separating bathrooms by the sexes came in 1887 when Massachusetts passed...
2 Pages 1129 Words
The constitution was initially established September 17, 1787 at the constitutional convention. The constitution was created to establish a government where citizens had some type of control or power. Although the constitution has many duties, the true purpose of the constitution was to provide a silhouette of rights and laws of Americans. The United States constitution is made up of...
5 Pages 2083 Words
America is a contradiction. It’s core constitutional values rest on prosperity, and the idea that all men are created equal, and yet was built and is thriving off of the systematic oppression and domination of people of color. It could be argued that the American culture hinges on on a widespread set of views, norms and beliefs, rather than true...
1 Page 506 Words
The 21st amendment of the United States Constitution was proposed and put into action by Congress and Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was officially ratified on December 5th, 1933. There were many reasons the 21st amendment was created. In 1920, prohibition movements reached the highest because during this period Congress ratified the 18th amendment, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale...
2 Pages 818 Words
Following the devastation of the Civil War period and the unrest of the Reconstruction era, the United States saw a span of societal prosperity and monumental economic progress called “The Gilded Age”. Specifically, the Gilded Age offered a solution to the prevalent issue faced during the Reconstruction era; the nation needed a new labor system to replace the horrific slavery...
5 Pages 2177 Words
The United States invasion of Afghanistan occurred in October 2001, in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, marking the beginning of its “War on Terrorism” campaign. Seeking to oust the Taliban and find al-Qaeda mastermind Osama Bin Laden, the Afghan Northern Alliance provided the majority of forces, and the united kingdom, Canada, Australia, France,...
5 Pages 2254 Words
The burning of books, cover ups of tragedies, and the muting of other points of view. These actions are frequent, oppressive and yet sometimes necessary. Censorship- the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security- is very prevalent in society and affects a big portion of...
1 Page 499 Words
Democracy is founded within the principles of liberty of the individual and faith within the ability and essential rational nature of all human beings. Using these principles as the major premises of my argument, I will seek to present that censorship and book banning are impermissible because they violate the freedoms vital for preserving democracy and the liberty that accompanies...
4 Pages 1830 Words
Prior to the War of Independence, America was not yet a set of united states. Everyone had different aims and there was not one cohesive group. But what is Americanness? There can be no answer to the question until this has been defined. I believe that Americanness relates to a large group of people having a sense of belonging to...
3 Pages 2602 Words
Introduction The healthcare system is a popular topic of study throughout the world. Their popularity is due not only to the universal human need for health care but also to the various means of delivery systems and financing around the world. These many differences depend greatly on each country's political culture, history, and level of wealth (Saunders, 2002). The tight...
6 Pages 2672 Words
The American Dream is the ideal of equality of opportunity to achieve one's goals and have a better life. Many people have a dream, but not everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve it. Achieving the American Dream isn’t easy because it requires one to work hard and overcome obstacles that occur along the way. Everyone has a dream, but...
1 Page 534 Words
Introduction The period between 1890 and 1920 marked a significant transformation in American foreign policy. As the United States emerged as a global power, it adopted a more assertive approach to international affairs. This informative essay will explore the key elements and shifts in American foreign policy during this period, examining the motivations, strategies, and outcomes that shaped the nation's...
1 Page 596 Words
Introduction The American flag is a symbol that evokes a sense of pride, unity, and patriotism. Its iconic design and vibrant colors have come to represent the values and ideals of the United States of America. In this informative essay, we will explore the rich symbolism behind the American flag and what it truly stands for. Body The Stars and...
4 Pages 1857 Words
Introduction: In the past decades, parental separation has become common in all countries, especially Western countries. In Western cultures, more than 90 percent of people marry by the age of 50. However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. Some divorces in the Western world decreased, but only Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Slovak Republic,...
2 Pages 1104 Words
The United States is a country where everything makes it great through its prosperity of the economy, and this country stands out as an independent nation. Everything involving the laws, the constitutions, the government, and the freedom of people is presented through the will and pride of its people: American citizens as a whole. An independent nation is what the...

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