Analysis of Research Methodology and Research Methods

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction-
  2. Research design-
  3. Research strategies -
  4. Some research strategies for research study-
  5. Data Collection


This Chapter will focus on research Methodology and research methods that will be used in a research study. This chapter will be an Encyclopaedic initiation to research. A strive is essential to clarify and deliver a distinction within research methodology & research method. The Methodology behind the research will be discussed with Proper vindication. According to Rajasekar et. al. (2006), “Research is a logical and systematic search for new and useful information on a particular topic.” For any research, there are particularly designed objectives Explanatory, Exploratory, Correlation & descriptive.

  • Explanatory research format to discover relationships between more than two perspectives or situations.
  • Exploratory research is also known as pilot research as well which is practiced to understand or investigate a bit about an area undertaken in particular research.
  • Correlational research is used to find existing relationships between more than two aspects of a situation.
  • Descriptive research to format hierarchy of situational problems, informative & services attitudes towards a research problem.

Research approach plays a pivotal role in study to evaluate with authenticity.

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Cresswell (2007) asserted the importance of illustrating the research approach as an effective strategy to increase the validity of social research.


Research design-

Research design plays a significant role to form a formal structure in research by considering all important elements in the study altogether. A definition of research design According to Jahoda, Deutch & Cook “A research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy and procedure”

  1. Qualitative research- This form of research design is for probing & comprehending the meaning of an individual or a mass group for society & cultural problems. The research process includes developing questions & follow-up channels channel for data collection and a researcher can easily analyze & interpretative data.
  2. QuantitativeQuantitive research- This form of research is designed to trial theories in the relevance of the objective to examine examined the relationship among variables which can be examined by measuring numbered data which can be scrutinized by scrutinizing by the statistical procedure. The concluding review will be a structured structure with an introduction, literature review & Theoretical perspective, Methods, Findings & suggestions. Those researchers doing qualitative research researchers and engaged in a research of assumptions regarding testing scholars & previous work by them and maintaining secondary explanations which help to suggest findings.
  3. The Mixed Method-This form of research design includes studying both quantitative & Quantitative forms of data collection this approach includes assumptions & theoretical framework. The core pivotal of this mixed form approach is to completely understand research problems.

Research strategies -

Research strategy helps to connect important dots in a research evaluation like Research areas, Theoretical perspectives, Research design & required methods and will help to implement research methodology. It is pivotal to make consistency within subjective/objective & Methodology applied which point towards the type of research strategy that is adapted to make core elements to be fit with a single element so that research would be built upon primary and secondary data. As secondary data is collected with the help of a third party for example Surveys, Market examinations, Rationale data, interviews, Case studies and many more because use of secondary data will not be time-consuming but is required to collect good data for further analysis. (Kristian Sekulic/, n.d.)

Some research strategies for research study-

Case study- This method of data collection leads to in-depth research on a single firm. In case of study research is generally from different sources and with the use of different types of data for example surveys, Analysis of papers & Interviews. Data can be in any form either mixed a combination of Qualitative & quantitative or Qualitative, Quantitative individually. In this research, the case study topic is ----. As a case study, helps research projects to explore combined & multipurpose probes towards research questions?

Interviews- There are various forms of interviews as the research is based on two countries UK & India. Phone -In interviews conducted for research purposes and interviews are widely used methods of data gathering. Interview required a constructive and systematic way to conduct an interview. Interview required a lot of skills like good communications, Body language & Social responsibility as well.

Survey- This method is widely used in a research study which helps to easy excess to connect a high frequency of responders. The technical way of maintaining questionnaires is one of the feasible & cheapest for data collection. The questionnaire should easily make a connection with the respondents. Questionnaires should consist of short questions without jargon and not be so difficult to understand.

Data Collection

The task of data collection provides shrewdness in the data collection Includes Survey through a mode of the questionnaire in the public relations & the changing market structure and how corporates replaced the MSMEs sector in the Wholesale & Retail industry as well as a brief relevance of data from the literature review. The responses filed by respondents were pen down & analyzed. The research includes Two types of data: Primary data & secondary data.

Data Collection Process -

[A] Primary Data- This form of data collection is based on a research objective in which data is adapted from questionnaires filled by Small/Micro& medium scale business people who are working in a related atmosphere.Interviews from related people within the MSMEs industry.

[B] Secondary Data- In this data is collected from authentic & reliable sources which are already being examined or analyzed. Theoretical framework & previous work by scholars.

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Analysis of Research Methodology and Research Methods. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 27, 2025, from
“Analysis of Research Methodology and Research Methods.” Edubirdie, 14 Jul. 2022,
Analysis of Research Methodology and Research Methods. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Feb. 2025].
Analysis of Research Methodology and Research Methods [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 14 [cited 2025 Feb 27]. Available from:

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