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Argumentative Essay on Lack of Diversity in Ballet

2 Pages 935 Words
Since the first development of Ballet in the 1500s with the Italian renaissance or the first traveling company with Sergei Diaghilev the levels of diversity in ballet and well known dance companies/productions [modern day] have been extremely low and have completely lack in producing a more diverse ballet company. Misty Copeland is one of the very first African-American/Black ballet dancer...

Architecture Critique Essay

6 Pages 2862 Words
It is pertinent to address the disparate and malleable ideology that our contemporary society is facing. Neoliberalism is widely employed today, and it allures states and households hidden in the name of “market”. Its governance now became powerful that contributed more to the current condition of inflation and income inequality. Architecture as an agency, a neutral ground. From the readings...

Approaches to Studying Art History: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 874 Words
When observing the progression of humanity, the accomplishments achieved regarding art have proven not only everlasting but ever-impressive. From the first cave paintings to the most recent architectural marvel, art in any form can both reflect and impact society in significant and meaningful ways. With each work serving as a glimpse into humanity’s past, we hope to achieve a greater...

Application of Virtual Reality for Interior Design Modelling: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1835 Words
Abstract: Virtual Reality technology refers to a computer simulation system, which provides users with fully immersive in-depth feeling of the environment in which the user is simulated to. In Interior Designing domain it is challenging to convince the customer about the design without the look and feel of the design. This paper proposes virtual reality-based designing framework that helps the...

Andy Warhol and Consumerism: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1080 Words
Born in 1928, Andy Warhol made a big impact on the art world. In 1949, he graduated from Carnegie Mellon School of Art, where he studied Pictorial Design. By the late 1950s, he was living in New York, working as a highly in demand commercial artist and later on went on to work in the fine arts as a strong...

Analytical Essay on Street Art in Ecuador

2 Pages 810 Words
Ecuador is a country that is very accepting of street art in general. But there is one city that is in the lower part of Ecuador, that is especially welcoming of street art, and that is Cuenca. In fact, Cuenca is the one and only city in Ecuador that has a municipal ordinance that regulates street art. In Cuenca, the...

Analytical Essay on Postmodernism: Annotated Bibliography

4 Pages 1858 Words
Annotated Bibliography Pinedo, I., (1996) Recreational Terror: Postmodern Elements of The Contemporary Horror Film. Journal of Film and Video [online]. 48 (1/2), 17-31. [Viewed on 5 October 2020]. Available from: Pinedo’s article examines the way in which postmodernism relates to the horror film, she draws from many other sources to determine the definition of what postmodern means when referring...

Analytical Essay on Periodization of Art History

5 Pages 2380 Words
Schapiro: ‘By style is usually meant the constant form – and sometimes the constant elements, qualities, and expression – in the art of an individual or a group’. Barthes: ‘Style excuses everything, absolves us from everything, notably any historical reflection; it imprisons the spectator in the servitude of a pure formalism’. The above two quotations give, firstly, a working definition...

Analytical Essay on Painting: Influence of Samuel Peploe

2 Pages 1021 Words
Samuel Peploe Samuel Peploe was a Scottish impressionist artist born in Edinburgh in the 1800s. He was noted for his still life work and for being a part of a group of four painters called the Scottish colorists. Influences From 1893 to 1894, Samuel peploe studied at the Scottish academy schools. Studying here influenced his work greatly and began his...

Analytical Essay on Painting: American Portraits throughout Time

5 Pages 2126 Words
After visiting the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts, three paintings particularly caught the eye. With a focus on the development of American portraits from the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth century, the first painting that stood out was Paul Revere, by John Singleton Copley, created in 1768. The next portrait is Self-Portrait, by Ellen Day Hale, which was painted...

Analytical Essay on Mona Lisa's Origin

2 Pages 996 Words
Mona Lisa, also called Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo, Italian La Gioconda, or French La Joconde, oil painting on a poplar wood panel by Leonardo da Vinci, probably the world’s most famous painting. It was painted sometime between 1503 and 1519, when Leonardo was living in Florence, and it now hangs in the Louvre Museum, Paris,...

Analytical Essay on Manifestos and Movements in Art History

3 Pages 1489 Words
The influences for my own manifesto begin with manifestos by; Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc’s “Preface to Der Blaue Reiter Almanac” (1912), Vincente Huidobro “We Must Create” (1922), Barnett Newman “the sublime is now” (1948) and Claes Oldenburg’s “I am for an art” (1961). The fundamentals of these manifesto’s wish for exploration of endless possibilities, a desire to be the...

Analytical Essay on Artworks by Diego Rivera

2 Pages 864 Words
What is it then that we really need?An art with revolution as its subject: because the principal interest in the worker's life has to be touched first (Rivera D., 1929) This quote describes Mexican Modernism and its aim to honour the working and agricultural class, as well as indigenous people. The movement blossomed in the 1920s after the Mexican Revolution...

Analytical Essay on Art History: Study of Medieval and Modern Art

2 Pages 898 Words
Art history spans the entire history of humankind, from prehistoric times to the twenty-first century. In modern times, art history has emerged as a discipline that specializes in teaching people how to evaluate and interpret works of art based on their own perspective. Art history has frequently been criticized for its subjectivity because the definition of what is beautiful varies...

Analytical Art Essay: Claude Monet and Woman With A Parasol

3 Pages 1245 Words
Who Is the artist? Claude Monet (Oscar Claude Monet/ Claude Oscar Monet) was born on a solemn day 14th Day of November 1840, Giverny, Paris and endured a life full of suffering till the golden old age of 86 on December 5, 1926. He was a man of plentiful talents, one that stood out was his everlasting love for painting....

Analysis of Unconventional Art World: Guernica and The Jungle

1 Page 510 Words
Artists create new ways of seeing and representing the world through visual perception by defying key features of conventionalism. Artists such as Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) and Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982) were central contributors to the unconventional art world throughout the 1900s. Pablo Picasso’s oil painting, ‘Guernica’ (1937), is a politically oriented cubist painting highlighting the artist’s immediate...

Analysis of the Style Used by Vincent van Gogh in Impressionism and Post-Impressionism

2 Pages 822 Words
Visual art have different kind of art forms one of them are painting which are usually common to people but sometimes people doesn’t understand the meaning behind the painting. Painting can be really interesting especially if you know what is the meaning behind the painting. There are types of painting that have different kind of style and this essay will...

Analysis of a Contemporary Tourism Advertisement for the Middle East and How it Perpetuates the Prejudices of Orientalism

5 Pages 2266 Words
Peoples and places around the globe are continuously re-invented, re-produced and re-created as tourism marketers create powerful representations of them (Salazar:2009). As a result, these different ways how people and places are being represented has a huge impact or rather plays a big role on how the tourists imagine and form views and expectations about their future destinations. However, the...

Analysis of The Balcony by Edouard Manet

2 Pages 1116 Words
Édouard Manet is known and celebrated today for being pioneer of the Impressionist movement in 19th Century France. He was born in Paris in 1832 and grew up in an affluent family with ties in politics. He was expected to pursue a career in law, but instead decided to explore the world of art. After years of training with Thomas...

Essay on Aladdin Orientalism

2 Pages 749 Words
Lyrics in Aladdin Before the change of lyrics to the film’s VHS release in 1993, the original lyrics were “[…]Where they cut off your ear If they don’t like your face It’s barbaric but hey—it’s home!” (Aladdin: The Complete Script”). Tracing back to Said’s Orientalism, these lyrics allow all Orient societies to be characterized as the same barbaric regions: That...

Advantages of Digital Photography

3 Pages 1549 Words
Executive Summary: Photography is an art of taking the light with the help of a camera; before smartphones, it was done by conventional or digital photography but when smartphones have come into existence then it affects the photography business in a negative way so some photography field needs some advancement to come back into the existence. The photography industry has...

Admissions Essay to Become a Fashion Designer

1 Page 494 Words
To be perfectly candid – I never would have envisioned myself finally pursuing my Masters in the field of Art & Design; not till today at the very least. Like every other young designer out there, my aspirations and desires (career-wise, of course) at first started with ruling the roost of the fashion world and ended with making a name...

A Rose for Emily Modernism

2 Pages 705 Words
Modernism is an interesting genre of literature as it is presented not only through the themes and subjects of a text but also in the actual way in which it was written. Indeed, the focal point of any modernist work of fiction is a clash of the traditions and innovations, the subjectivity vs objectivity of reality, and the biases which...

20th Century English Literature: Modernism and Postmodernism

3 Pages 1254 Words
Modern is the historical period starting from the Renaissance period and ending with the birth of Postmodernism in the second half of the 20th century. Modernity is an adjective derived from the Modern period. Modernity actually started during the Renaissance and ended in 1950 with the birth of Postmodernism. Modernity is associated with the word “modern”, that also has been...

Thucydides’ Melian Dialogue as a Compelling Case for Realism

5 Pages 2266 Words
Introduction Thucydides might be one of the most influential figures not only as a historian but also the founding father of realism through his writing, the ‘Peloponnesian War’ (Viotti and Kauppi, 1987). His book would suggest significant paradigms about realism (Keohane and Nye, 1977:42), and this has been considered as the core textbook penetrating all the time (Welch, 2003:303). Among...

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