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Creativity Versus Intelligence: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1276 Words
Since a long time, intelligence and creativity have been seen as two separate abilities and creativity has been an ignored subject in psychological research. But in life, creativity is been valued more than intelligence as it comprises individuals adapting to novel situations that would lead to either result in success or failure. According to Plato, a writer is barely able...

Creativity Crisis Essay

1 Page 679 Words
The Creativity Crisis: Should creativity be sacrificed? The Flynn Effect states that Intelligence is increasing worldwide. So, how has Creative Thinking changed over the last 40 years? Kyung Hee Kim set out to answer this with her article The Creativity Crisis: The Decrease in Creative Thinking Scores on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. Threshold Theory The relationship between intelligence...

Concept of Beauty in the Ideas of John Berger: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 832 Words
Berger touches on the thought that beauty is with in the eye of the beholder, which really does make the attention the centre of the visible world. The invention of the camera has really changed the perception of the world, and has changed not only what we can see, but also how we see it. Berger also talks about how...

Comparing and Contrasting Guernica and 3rd of May

1 Page 614 Words
The two art pieces are historically rich in the reasons behind the painting, the reasons within the paintings, and how the paintings affect the societies where they were painted and across the world. Francisco Goya Francisco Goya Francisco de Goya was born on March 30, 1746, in Fuendetodos, Spain. He began painting as a teenager, he went to Rome and...

Compare the Lives and Works of Raphael and Michelangelo

5 Pages 2438 Words
Raphael: A Prodigy of the Renaissance Raphael was an Italian painter and sculptor, who is most famous for his Madonnas like the Sistine Madonna. He became Perugino’s apprentice in 1500, which is how he got most of his training. All in all, he was a very talented renaissance man who created extremely astonishing pieces of artwork. At the age of...

Comparative Essay on Wassily Kandinsky and Andy Warhol

2 Pages 698 Words
The conceptual framework is a model designed to represent the four interactive, interrelated and interdependent agencies of the artwork – the world, artist, audience and artwork. Here, the concept of the ‘artist’ encompasses practitioners such as artists, craftspeople, designers and architects. The ‘world’ refers to how interests in the world are represented in art (e.g. art as a representation of...

Comparing Themes in Art: Ophelia & The Awakening Conscience

7 Pages 3408 Words
The paintings being compared and contrasted within this essay include Ophelia and The Awakening Conscience, both of which can be found in the Tate Modern Museum, located in London, UK. Ophelia was created by Sir John Everett Millais, Bt between 1851-1852 using oil paint on canvas, with the dimensions coming in at around 30in x 44in. The Awakening Conscience was...

Community Architecture

4 Pages 1796 Words
Through olden times, architecture has been a representative of the social order, reflecting the success, morals, and ultimate downfall of civilizations over time. Architecture is more than just the built environment in which people live but also a part of our culture. While the aspect of shelter is a fairly simple thing, the building style was initially shaped by the...

Color Psychology and Data Visualization: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 992 Words
All of us at some point in life have been fascinated by colors. Do colors have any psychological effects on humans, do colors affect our everyday behavior, our reactions to things or our perceptions? Color Phycology has become a hot cake, it is difficult to fathom varied applications of color psychology. From Art and design to marketing and consumer behavior,...
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Color Affects the Way We Feel: Essay

1 Page 553 Words
Do colors really impact our feelings? So if you want to pump up, look at some red, or surround yourself with hues of blue and green if you want to feel calm. The internet is full of sketchy facts and rumors about color psychology. the idea that certain colors can change our mood or influence our decisions. But what does...
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Characteristics of the Mona Lisa

3 Pages 1169 Words
Clearly one of the most recognizable historical figures of the Renaissance, Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian painter, polymath, architect, and inventor. Being a talented artist, he painted two legendary masterpieces that are still admired by the general public today; the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. He also made other countless contributions to the development of...

Characteristic of Postmodern Film: Analytical Essay on Film Industry

1 Page 376 Words
The term 'postmodernism' is regularly used. Anything that looks to contradict ordinary meetings or breaks the fourth wall can be effortlessly explored, however what exactly is postmodernism? In this blog, we will analyze about the history of postmodernism and its place in the contemporary movie industry. We will research about a number current motion pictures such as 'Blade Runner' and...

Revisiting Caravaggio's Boy Bitten: New Art History Perspectives

5 Pages 2499 Words
‘Out of studies and observations of his own features – laughing, terrified, grimacing – and of his torso, which he apparently saw in three-quarter length in his mirror, Caravaggio invented his imaginary portrait…of the frightened effeminate boy bitten by a lizard’ In 1955 Walter Friedländer published his seminal work, Caravaggio Studies; a monograph that included comments on the life and...

Categories of Evaluation Design: Analysis of Experimental Design

8 Pages 3457 Words
In this term paper, I will discuss the evaluation design which is broadly classified into three categories, experimental, non-experimental as well as quasi-experimental design. Hence I will discuss how those designs would be useful in finding out the impact of different intervention like in TASAF intervention in Kagera Region, Zanzibar Universal Pension Scheme (ZUPS), Five Years Development Plan II (2016-2021),...

Ballet Vs Modern Dance

2 Pages 1015 Words
Introduction Modern dance is a style of dance that developed as a reaction to the strict rules that defined ballet. Historically, modern dance began as free-form style lyrical ballet among a community of professional ballet dancers who refused to stop dancing. Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis promoted modern dance as a way of continuing their dance careers, according to...

Background and Legacy of Impressionism: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2331 Words
Impressionism was an art movement from the mid-1800s in France, that had cardinally changed the entirety of art forever. These artists were able to completely overthrow the principles of traditional European art. Because the Impressionists did not conform to the rules of the Salon, their art was seen as radical, shocking the conservative tastes. These artists were Claude Monet, Alfred...

Warhol's Ketchup Box: Artistic Industrialization Reflection

2 Pages 769 Words
Andy Warhol’s art piece, Heinz Tomato Ketchup box, is a sculpture and exact representation of a Heinz tomato ketchup box. The sculpture itself was constructed using wood panels and the graphics printed on the sides were done by the use of a silkscreen printing method. The sculpture is free as there is nothing holding it down on the base of...

Artist Research: Oscar Claude Monet and Impression Sunrise

5 Pages 2412 Words
Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated predominantly for their beauty or emotional power. I am going to be discussing about three of my favorite artists during the modern period. The work by these artists are very diverse and appreciated...

Artist Investigation: Opinion Essay on Claude Monet

3 Pages 1174 Words
“Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand when it is simply necessary to love.” Introduction. Claude Monet was born on the 14th of November 1840, in Paris, France and, unfortunately, passed away on the 5th of December 1926. Monet was a famous French painter, who had created the well-known art movement; impressionism....

Kahlo's La Columna Rota and Henry Ford Hospital in Medical Art

2 Pages 753 Words
Some may ask themselves, how do we draw a conclusions between art and make it relevant to our professional lives? As a medical assistant we are able to give patients treatment options as well as give them resources to better themselves; one of which could include creating art. The art work “la columna Rota” and “Henry Ford Hospital” by Frida...

Art and Architecture Essay

3 Pages 1164 Words
What is the relationship between art and architecture? Is there a difference between art and architecture? The question of what separates architecture and art is very confusing and has been repeatedly discussed for a long time. Artists and architects create visual compositions using a common knowledge base, but their goals are completely different. Some designers or architects consider themselves artists,...

Debate: Graphic Design as Fine Art

3 Pages 1493 Words
The designer left commercialism for art, and all the artist seemed angry. Art is a subject we all know well, everyone has their own version of art and what it means to them. Despite the fact that graphic design and fine art are different professions; graphic design should be considered a fine art. Art and design are closely related, regardless...

Argumentative Essay on Lack of Diversity in Ballet

2 Pages 935 Words
Since the first development of Ballet in the 1500s with the Italian renaissance or the first traveling company with Sergei Diaghilev the levels of diversity in ballet and well known dance companies/productions [modern day] have been extremely low and have completely lack in producing a more diverse ballet company. Misty Copeland is one of the very first African-American/Black ballet dancer...

Architecture Critique Essay

6 Pages 2862 Words
It is pertinent to address the disparate and malleable ideology that our contemporary society is facing. Neoliberalism is widely employed today, and it allures states and households hidden in the name of “market”. Its governance now became powerful that contributed more to the current condition of inflation and income inequality. Architecture as an agency, a neutral ground. From the readings...

Approaches to Studying Art History: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 874 Words
When observing the progression of humanity, the accomplishments achieved regarding art have proven not only everlasting but ever-impressive. From the first cave paintings to the most recent architectural marvel, art in any form can both reflect and impact society in significant and meaningful ways. With each work serving as a glimpse into humanity’s past, we hope to achieve a greater...

Applications of Digital Photography in Advertising: Analytical Essay

8 Pages 3596 Words
For decades, digital photography has been a key feature in the campaigns of brands, big or small. Photographs are used to highlight the product or service that a brand is offering, and by applying various techniques, which I shall later highlight, to idealise the product in question. Brands use photography to give consumers an idea of how products appear when...

Virtual Reality in Interior Design Modelling

4 Pages 1865 Words
Abstract: Virtual Reality technology refers to a computer simulation system, which provides users with fully immersive in-depth feeling of the environment in which the user is simulated to. In Interior Designing domain it is challenging to convince the customer about the design without the look and feel of the design. This paper proposes virtual reality-based designing framework that helps the...

Andy Warhol and Consumerism: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1080 Words
Born in 1928, Andy Warhol made a big impact on the art world. In 1949, he graduated from Carnegie Mellon School of Art, where he studied Pictorial Design. By the late 1950s, he was living in New York, working as a highly in demand commercial artist and later on went on to work in the fine arts as a strong...

Analytical Essay on Street Art in Ecuador

2 Pages 810 Words
Ecuador is a country that is very accepting of street art in general. But there is one city that is in the lower part of Ecuador, that is especially welcoming of street art, and that is Cuenca. In fact, Cuenca is the one and only city in Ecuador that has a municipal ordinance that regulates street art. In Cuenca, the...

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