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The Role of the African Cinema

2 Pages 747 Words
Cinema is one of the youngest and at the same time one of the most popular arts. Its history is short compared to the thousand-year history of music, painting or theater. At the same time, millions of viewers fill the cinema halls every day, and even more people watch movies on television. Cinema in our time has become a very...

Modern Architecture Vs Classical Architecture

2 Pages 967 Words
Art enhances the human condition. What would our lives be without it? Music, paintings, sculptures, and poetry all make life worth living, but an often forgotten art form, architecture, is arguably the most important. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American spends 87% of their life inside buildings. With so much time spent in and around structures it...

Comparative Analysis of Organic Design and Art Nouveau

4 Pages 1745 Words
The products of organic design and Art Nouveau movement are catching my attention. I love the elements that those products used from the movement. I love those design products with nature style very much. Since I always think that nature is the artwork of God and they are really perfect. Also, I would like to learn some other features of...

Western Influence in Japanese Art

2 Pages 883 Words
While it is well known that Japanese art has been an influential factor in European artists such as Monet, Van Gogh, Frank Floyd Wright, it is also true that this influence worked in reverse. European influence plays a role in Japanese art in a variety of ways. In 1868 Meiji Resoration many Japanese artists began to study techniques and themes...

Analysis of the Painting 'Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert' by Paul Cezanne

3 Pages 1227 Words
The paper will be concerned with the analysis of art named ‘Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert’ which was done by Paul Cezanne for his uncle who was a monk. The paper will seek to explain the various elements that have been applied to the painting which make it unique and give it the ability to stand the test of time. comparison...

What Effect Did Pop Art Have on American Culture?

2 Pages 752 Words
The emergence of American Pop Art thoroughly reconstructed post-war culture by conjoining the relationship between art and mass culture, redefining the advertising industries as mediums of art, becoming one of contemporary art’s most recognizable styles. Based on the abstract expressionism of 1940’s, pop art is a creative arts movement which incorporates imagery and themes of popular culture. It marked a...

The Influence of Cultural Context on the Art Produced by African Culture

2 Pages 1071 Words
Archaeological evidence from about 200,000 years ago suggests that the first modern humans lived on the African continent, before moving to other parts of the world. Due to the fact that as more recent records of human activity show, oral history is more important for African communities in comparison to written documentation, therefore making art a particularly important form of...

An Appeal to Filippo Tommaso Marinetti on Modern Futurism

1 Page 591 Words
Dear Marinetti, If only you were alive to see the world we live in today! Your futurism movement is still a great influence for some. However, today, when we talk about futurism, we are not usually talking about painting, sculpture, or poetry. Futurism today is focused on technology rather than art, but like the Italian Futurists, today’s Futurists praise invention,...

Golden Rules for Mastering Typography

2 Pages 1028 Words
In the construction of a visual, the text is often inseparable from the image, even if it is present in small quantities. For reasons of balance, as much as power of the image, you must spend as much time typography these words as crop and other filter effects selected. That's why I want to discuss 15 typography rules to know...

Surrealism Vs Pop Art

1 Page 406 Words
By tracing a timeline through different art movements, not only are we able to see how modern and contemporary art has developed, but we can interpret it as a reflection of its time. In this essay, I will be discussing two art movements - surrealism and pop art. The Surrealism movement depicted bizarre scenes and dream imagery but retained a...

The American Institute of Architecture Students Community

4 Pages 1632 Words
The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is a student run architecture organization whose goal is to give leadership skills, additional architecture education, training, and to encourage the youth of the 21st century to pursue a career in architecture. The AIAS can be considered a discourse community based on John Swale’s ‘The Concept of a Discourse Community’. This community uses...

Futurism and Its Connection with Fascism

2 Pages 1099 Words
When the 20th century emerged, it was well-known that Italy was far behind in industrial and technological innovation when compared to ‘first class’ countries such as the United States, Great Britain, and Germany. A wide group of people became particularly concerned about the mobility and prosperity of their artistic world as it appeared to be fixated upon what was characteristic...

Sianne Ngai and Her View of 'Funny', 'Cute' and 'Interesting' as Aesthetic Categories

2 Pages 998 Words
The Aesthetic experiences of the zany, the cute and the interesting that Sianne Ngai describes have saturated our postmodern civilization. They control the appearance of its artwork and commodities as well as our discourse about the ambivalent emotions these items often encourage. Sianne Ngai who is an American cultural theorist, feminist scholar and literary critic; proposes a theory of aesthetic...

An Overview of the Evolution of Typography

4 Pages 1646 Words
The industrialization and mechanization of the process of making goods during the latter half of the Industrial Revolution created an immense malcontent within society. During a time of socialist ideology and labor union formations for workers, came a sense of malcontent towards the mass production of items, with apparent quality deficiencies. Whilst the new industrial age was enabling mass production...

Reflection on Why Nordic Modernism Is More Than an Aesthetic Movement

3 Pages 1243 Words
Nordic modernism came to light in response to previous architectural styles and social changes in the late 19th and 20th century, essentially seen to be a reaction to realism. Aesthetics often dominate architecture; however, the aesthetic side of Nordic modernism is not all that lead the movement. “Nordic design attempts to achieve a balance between form, function, color, texture, durability...

The Arts and Crafts Movement: From the Past to the Present

3 Pages 1531 Words
The Arts and Crafts movement are to assert the individual craft people who are creativity independent, and to retuned to hand craftsmanship. Take the reaction of against the industrialized society that the boom in Britain during the Victorian period, also the organization (artistic reform). Nowadays, the Arts and Crafts Movement design has transformed into society, as individual artists are still...

Reflection on How Architects Have Become More Visually Aesthetic in the Past 100 Years

6 Pages 2671 Words
In this essay I will be looking into the aesthetic of architects and their architectural buildings over the past 100 years. The reason why I am looking at the aesthetic of architecture is because it is an amazing example of how we as a species document aesthetic and ‘modernism’. I will be looking at architectural illustrations and sketches of buildings...

What Do I Think Is New About Art Nouveau

3 Pages 1389 Words
I love the link between nature and architecture and how it creates exciting forms in the shapes and styles of the products and items, central to the outcome of the movement. It is so interesting how unique and distinctive each piece of design is compared to past movements and how popular Art Nouveau was throughout different countries. I chose this...

Northern Renaissance Vs Italian Renaissance: An Essay on the Different Representation of Social Classes by Periods

2 Pages 779 Words
Due to the fact that different periods showed social classes in countless ways, social classes show the style of art from different periods. This remains true even though the Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance use different styles and ideas to show the middle class. The social classes were represented differently by the people and styles. In the time of Early...

Essay on the Analysis of the Painting by Pablo Picasso ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’

1 Page 621 Words
Pablo Picasso, born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain wanted to develop a new way of discerning that reflected the modern age, and cubism is how he achieved this goal. Throughout his life he painted a numerous amount of cubism paintings and one of the main ones was called as ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’. This painting we are going to discuss to...

Aesthetic Art: A Fundamental Guide to the Expression of Logic and Ideology

3 Pages 1478 Words
Aesthetics is defined to be applied in arts like industrial and architecture whereas this matter usually pertains to ideologies and paradigm of fine art. Moreover, it is the branch of philosophy that involves conceptual and theoretical perspective of art and experience. According to Markorivic (2010), aesthetic experience is one of the aspects that are important to concepts of psychology and...

Florence as the Birthplace of the Italian Renaissance

1 Page 629 Words
Florence was known to be found during the time of 59 BCE, during that time the original function of it was a place for colonies meant for soldiers coming from Rome. During this time the city was also shaped as a rectangle shaped garrison town with streets formed in patterns of rectangular blocks. Being the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance,...

How Modern Japanese Architecture Influences from Historic Style

7 Pages 3125 Words
Japan has a lot to offer to those with an interest in architecture. Architectural styles in Japan have developed throughout the hundreds of years, intensely impacted by topography, atmosphere, the crude materials accessible, and even the course of natural disasters. Japanese architecture, in the long run, came to consolidate components from neighboring Asian societies just as Western impacts. Historically, the...

Analysis of Fatimah Chik's Islamic Artwork ‘Series Sejadah: Subuh’

2 Pages 760 Words
The Malaysian contemporary Islamic arts artist that had been choose are Fatimah Chik. Fatinah Chik has earned a reputation, as one of Malaysia’s more significant middle-generation artists. During the late 1960s Fatimah Chik was trained initially as a textile designer at the MARA School of Art and Design in Kuala Lumpur. After she began doing an experiment about symbolic textile...

Contribution of William Morris and Stuart Haygarth to Sustainable Design

4 Pages 1962 Words
The emergence of sustainable design practices pre-dates modern times to a consumerist era within the 19th century, where it originated as a counter movement to the booming industrial revolution. In contrast to a world that once was culturally interconnected with its natural environment, the turn of century gave rise to mass manufacturing and a global economy constituting and forming an...

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