Astronomy essays

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Technical Development Required For Human Space Exploration

2 Pages 887 Words
Despite sending people to Earth's orbit and the moon, humanity's possibility of living in deep space would sound like science fiction. It takes a lot of innovation to create an atmosphere that can support human life in the near-complete absence of gravity and no electrical source or oxygen. Here are a few examples of the technical development required for human...

Finding The Constant To An Accelerating Universe: The Hubble Constant

4 Pages 1881 Words
Ever heard that the universe is expanding? We may just be floating into the abyss of space until the universe just tears apart. As terrifying as that sounds, scientists have been busy trying to figure out the rate at which the universe expands: the Hubble Constant [1]. This number has been debated since the 1920s which was when Edwin Hubble,...

The Existence Of Water On Mars

1 Page 701 Words
Why is earth the only planet that is suitable for living? After several researches and operations that has been sent to other planets to see whether if it’s possible for us human beings to live on them, but result are still vague. Since, other planets have scarcity in the essentials that humans need. Investigators are concerned that there aren’t any...

Why Is Mars A Red Planet?

1 Page 507 Words
For this Investigation we are trying to figure out what turned Mars red/how did it turn red. All BU had to create their own experiment with some of the teacher’s help. This experiment was called the “Her Deshar the Fire Star”. For the experiment we had to create a physically or a chemically change. Since we know that there could’ve...

Space Exploration In The Simple Terms

2 Pages 886 Words
Space exploration involves using the capabilities of humans and robots to investigate beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. It is the physical exploration of outer space stemming from scientist’s compulsion to know more about the Universe. Development of rockets, electronics and technologies in recent years has made it possible to discover the nature of the objects visible in the night sky. Probes...

The Decisive Reason For Exploring Space

1 Page 623 Words
Why do people keep trying to go into space, and explore space? Today, many countries try to explore and study space. Many people argue that space exploration is dangerous, so should not be done anymore, but why do people still explore space? There are three good reasons why we should continue to explore space. First, we're going to need a...

The Significance Of Solar Eclipse In Science

1 Page 440 Words
As a tremendous natural phenomenon, solar eclipse holds great significance in many scientific approaches. Normally, Sun, the most efficient energy source for the whole solar system, emits light that is too powerful and therefore blocks light reflected from other stars nearby, nor corona, the outermost layer of the Sun, can be observed with enough details.[footnoteRef:1] However, as the Moon blocks...

What’s Luna And Solar Eclipse And How They Are Correlated With Mathematics

7 Pages 3293 Words
The great astronomers Galileo wrote in his book Il Saggiatore, also named the Assayer: “Philosophy [i.e., physics] is written in this grand book — I mean the Universe — which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is...

Lunar And Solar Eclipse Meanings In Different Cultures

4 Pages 1895 Words
Introduction “The moon deserted her course and the sun at once veiled his beam threatening, no longer to give you light, if Cleon became general...” [8] This was the first western written record of the lunar eclipse by Aristophanes. Before that, people usually misunderstood it as some unnatural power controlled by witches or prediction of a city’s demise. The person...

Hubble Telescope And Contributions To Research On Astro-Distances

2 Pages 883 Words
Astronomical distances recognized simply as astro-distances or more frequently as light years, present fascinating reasons to make ongoing explorations about the macrocosm. However, the history of astro-distances should receive close attention to understand how various calculation approaches evolved. From the development of the Hubble telescope, the existent form of calculating astro-distances means that an explicating macrocosm should present opportunities to...

Do UFO And Aliens Exist?

4 Pages 2077 Words
Introduction: The Enigma of UFOs and Alien Life “Each year, thousands of people report UFO sightings to various authorities. By one count more than 100,000 sightings have been reported since 1905,” (Par 9). There's no way that we are the only living organism in the whole universe, by that fact we can't ignore that we are not alone in the...

What Is Needed For Colonization Of Mars?

3 Pages 1274 Words
Introduction With the Earths ever expanding population, the thought of colonisation of other planets has been in the public eye for the last decade. This debate revolves around Mars, the second closest planet to Earth, where there is talk of life being able to prosper. However, with all the hype surrounding this potential colonisation, the question of whether this goal...

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Moving To Mars

1 Page 591 Words
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on another planet? Well science is just starting to maybe make your dreams come true. However, there is a debate about whether or not we should colonize mars. In my opinion I believe we should, the advantages of colonizing a new planet could be unimaginable. In this Mars essay...

The Physics OF The Early Universe

4 Pages 1668 Words
Introduction Cosmology is a field that has worried humanity for millenia, trying to find answers to the questions about the origin, evolution and fate of the universe. Although in the beginning this could only be theorical, the development of new technologies has given us a way to probe these theories experimentally. This article is a review about how distant supernovae...

The Energy Of The Universe

3 Pages 1350 Words
Science has proved that all the matter in the universe is made of protons, neutrons, and electrons: energy that is always in motion. Because of this, many people have argued that every object in the universe, whether alive or not, is connected energy. Paulo Coelho subtly demonstrates this idea in his novel, The Alchemist, as the reader follows the journey...

The Obstacles To Overcome On Mars For Habitat

5 Pages 2223 Words
Mars can be considered the future of Earth. Humans have been slowly destroying the Earth with bad habits created over time like trash pollution and global warming. Pollution is accumulating all around the world and many things like global warming is worsening, as a result, Earth may become uninhabitable. Earth will not survive if treated so horribly. People need to...

The Peculiarities And Planning Of Mars Exploration

4 Pages 1594 Words
Ever since several centuries ago, human beings have being interested in the space outside our earth’s atmosphere. But it was not until the 1950s that humans were able to send artificial objects into the space to further their exploration. Since then, the two giants, the Soviet Union and the USA, have entered a space race, as part of their competitions...

The Challenges On Venus Planet

2 Pages 791 Words
Venus has a very harsh environment. It has a reddish-brown surface caused by thousands of volcanoes and ancient lava flows. Venus is not a habitable place. Even though there may be some rain, they come in the form of sulfuric acid and not water. Hence, the atmosphere in Venus smells like rotten eggs. The surface temperature on Venus can reach...

Why Is Mars Considered To Be A Second Earth?

3 Pages 1522 Words
Mars is the next Earth. We have a lot of work to get it there, though. Mars climate is terrible and devastating. One word that describes Mars is freezing. In the summer on a warm day, the temperature may not be warmer than -20 degrees Celsius. However in the same season in the southern hemisphere temperatures can be up to...

Intellectual Property Rights On Colonization Of Mars

2 Pages 768 Words
The Role of IP Laws in aiding Colonization of Mars The Intellectual Property Rights, as defined by the World Trade Organisation, means rights that a person has over “creations of his mind”. Thus, IP Laws ensure the protection of enforcement of these rights over one’s ideas, inventions, designs and other technological developments. From one perspective, the scope of IP Laws...

Are Ufos A Definite Sign That Aliens Exist?

5 Pages 2468 Words
The term UFO stands for unidentified flying objects but that doesn’t only mean that the objects are of extraterrestrial origin. Some of these objects could actually be beings that have lived on Earth and have avoided discovery over the human lifetime. Often hidden in plain sight these creatures are surprisingly stealthy. Before the analysis of these beings can start one...
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Are The Elon Musk’s Plans To Colonize Mars Realistic?

2 Pages 903 Words
Elon Musk is an engineer, technological entrepreneur and founder, CEO and lead designer of SpaceX, as well as the CEO of Tesla. He has amassed a net worth of over 20 billion USD and is at the forefront of technological advancement on Earth. Musk has laid out a plan to construct spacecraft able to transport up to 100 people each...

The Role And Significance Of Sun To Earth

2 Pages 999 Words
The sun which lies in the center of the solar system plays a very important role in the daily life of Earth as well as to the inhabitants which roam within it. The sun is composed of many layers, it could almost be compared to an onion. The sun provides plants with the required energy to grow, without the heat...
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The Search For Evidence Of Life On Mars

3 Pages 1586 Words
Introduction For many years now, people have theorized how and when all life on Earth can no longer be sustained. Whether it is the theory that Earth itself will explode or that the conditions on Earth will become too extreme to support life or any other of the many theories, it is uncertain when this inevitable event will occur. This...

Space Exploration: Worth It Or Not?

1 Page 634 Words
Ever feel like your taxes are being put to a waste? Millions of dollars could, and are being wasted right now, especially on interstellar travel, also known as space exploration. Although it has it many benefits, I strongly think space exploration is dangerous, expensive, creates space debris and is especially not worth the risks it! Firstly, space exploration is very...

Mars Exploration: Benefits And Risks

2 Pages 982 Words
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Introduction There are both benefits and risks of exploring mars, but the risks most certainly outweigh the benefits. It would be very expensive, there are many hazardous possibilities for a human body in space, Mars could be a very unsafe planet, and the risk of humans going to space is very high. These are all reasons for the belief that...

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Space Exploration

1 Page 594 Words
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The experimentation and research in space explorations require huge amount of investments and the money for government funded projects come from the taxpayers. Thus, it is important to look at the advantages and the disadvantages to ensure that this is the right use of the taxpayer’s money. One of the advantages that has been already mentioned in the dissertation is...

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