Astronomy essays

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Is Space Exploration Worth It?

2 Pages 999 Words
The 12th of April, 1961, Yuri Gagarin completed his first orbit around Earth in the Vostok spacecraft taking the title of the first person to journey in outer space. Some 7 years later, Neil Armstrong touches down on the moon. Nearly 600 million people watched the Apollo 11 moon landing and its historic achievement. These were the two main events...

How Can Space Exploration Benefit Humanity?

4 Pages 1807 Words
The planet in which we live in, is a beautiful miracle of nature. Ever since we started studying the universe, we still haven’t encountered another planet like Earth, able to support life. Unfortunately however, our beautiful world is not without problems. The more we learn about it, the more we understand that humans will have to overcome obstacles in order...

My Thoughts On The Origin Of The Universe

1 Page 565 Words
The three things that resonated with me in Professor Hawking’s lecture involved the word “why”. Sometimes when I’m deep in thought and start thinking about future, I think about life. I think about why things are specifically the way they are, why specific events of varying effects on people or places happen and how sometimes, reality seems too good to...
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Ethical Challenges in Space: Engineering, Exploration, Academics

6 Pages 2902 Words
Space has been one of the most interesting and eye-catching research and science fields during the past 60 years, since the first artificial satellite was launched into Earth’s orbit. The technological advance that has been occurring in the past decades in all fields of science is reflecting upon space technologies and is driving this field towards miniaturization with the clear...

Black Holes As The Mystery Of The Universe

2 Pages 1031 Words
The universe is a wide and complex place with billions of planets and stars, as well as countless theories and unanswered questions. Scientist may know most of what is going on in space. One of the few things, that until this day scientists cannot explain, are black holes. For years black holes have been a mystery to the people who...

Moon Landing: Fake or Truth?

2 Pages 749 Words
In my first source there is a man who claims to know why the moon landing was fake. He has thirteen arguments why. In the bio below the video thera are contacts which is an indicator that the source is somehow trustworthy (at least serious). If you have any questions about the moon landing you can contact him to get...
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The Dark Side Of The Moon

2 Pages 975 Words
Going to the moon had always been my ambition. I had dreamed of this intrepid feat my whole life, despite being told countless times by my family that my attempts would only end in futility. However, I never gave up. Instead of being discouraged, their demoralizing comments spurred me to keep trying. It took me 20 years to construct a...
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Essential Aspects Of Manned Missions To Mars

4 Pages 2022 Words
Introduction to the NASA Mars Mission The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017 under section 435 mandated NASA with partnering with an independent body in preparation for a manned mission to Mars. The duty is to assess the kind of technology required for the mission, the duration that the exploration will rake, the cost of the...

What Is Peculiar About Journey To Mars?

2 Pages 1124 Words
When you were small, you might have dreamt of moving to Mars. You were not alone by the way. Many people shared that dream along with many international organizations such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA). We all thought that it was just a dream, until now. NASA has officially announced that...

Space Exploration: For Or Against?

3 Pages 1542 Words
Introduction to Space Exploration and Its Controversies Although exploring space provides a considerable amount of advantages, the continued investment of necessary resources remains under great controversy. In this essay, the term “space exploration” refers to the study of objects outside the earth using contemporary technology, while also devoting substantial investment to develop the country in various aspects. In discussing whether...

Why We Should Continue Space Exploration

1 Page 479 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Space investigation is important because it helps us understand more about the earth and things that happen on earth. The information we collect during space investigation can help us deal with problems on earth. It also helps us understand our place in the universe and more about the universe. Even though it is important to continue space investigation, it is...

The Future Of Our Planet

1 Page 529 Words
The future of our planet lies within our hands. The earth is 4.5 billion years old and yet it is now in the most troubled condition it has ever been. Just a slight increase of global temperatures by 1 degree celsius could be catastrophic. Temperature increase is predicted to be at least 1 degree celsius but some scientists believe that...
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NASA's Advanced Mars Exploration Technologies

2 Pages 874 Words
Introduction The exploration of Mars has been one of the most ambitious and scientifically rewarding endeavors undertaken by NASA. This pursuit is driven by a quest to understand the Red Planet's geology, climate, and potential for harboring life. Over the years, NASA has developed and deployed a range of cutting-edge technologies to explore Mars, from orbiters and landers to sophisticated...

The Ambition To Put A Man On Mars

4 Pages 1985 Words
Introduction The aim of this comprehensive and compiled document is to firstly, fulfill the requirements of the given brief as well as to go above and beyond. Secondly, the aim is to inform and educate individuals on surrounding matters regarding the space race in the past and the one occurring presently in a non-biased, well-researched manner. The first space race...

Human Settlement On Mars Opportunity

2 Pages 783 Words
Going to Mars would be fun and all, but how would you feel leaving your whole entire life behind, and everyone you love. We are trying to populate Mars with humans by the year 2023 and a lot of people seem excited about it. But there’s a lot more to it. We’re talking a whole different planet in which we...

The Peculiarities Of Crop Cultivation On Mars

2 Pages 910 Words
The success of humans on Mars will largely depend on the growth of plants as a food source and as such, one must determine whether this is possible given the harsh Martian environment. In this essay I will discuss the potential problems to cultivating crops on Mars as well as possible solutions. Atmospheric conditions: hypobaria and elevated CO2 Atmospheric pressure...

Mars: We Are Not Ready For Colonization

2 Pages 766 Words
'Can I get two tickets to Mars?' This might sound ridiculous right now, but it might be our reality in the near future. Whether humans should or should not colonize Mars is a big debate, and we should care about it because we all live on this Earth, and colonizing Mars would be a big step for all of mankind,...

The Features Of Venus Planet

2 Pages 845 Words
Venus is a planetary hotspot in the solar system due to its thick clouds that prevent heat from leaving. Because of these clouds, astronomers cannot see into the deep part of the planet's atmosphere. However, a team of scientists managed to take a peek at the clouds' middle layer using infrared wavelengths. The new research of Venus' clouds has been...
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Could There Possibly Be Other Life Existence ?

2 Pages 978 Words
We should be looking at the possibility of other life existence on Earth. Could there really only be humans on the Earth? There is a high chance that there is another life existence like aliens shown through studies, places, and events.. A reason to think about aliens existing is due to the amount of alleged sightings. In June 1947, an...
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The Big Bang Theory, The Steady State Theory And Creationism

2 Pages 847 Words
There are thousands and thousands of explanations on how the universe was created or formed; the most popular one being – The Big Bang Theory. Although there are thousands of explanations, I will only be going over three. The three theories are: 1.) The Big Bang Theory, 2.) The Steady State Theory, and 3.) Creationism. First I explain these three...

Space Is Not Worth The Money?

1 Page 570 Words
1.6 billion people are homeless in the world (“As Cities Grow, So Do the Numbers of Homeless.”). Something happened the other day that I can’t ever get out of my head. There was this guy that was probably in the war, he had one arm and one leg, he was a black man and he was very hungry. We were...

Insect Life On Mars

1 Page 491 Words
Can life really exist anywhere else in the universe other than Earth? Does this presence of life prove the existence of aliens? Till now, Mars is the only planet which has shown some kind of signs of possibility of the existence of life on it. The research on this very topic has been going on for many years. Many found...

The Evolution Of Space Probes In Attempting To Colonize Mars

5 Pages 2010 Words
Curiosity is an innate urge in human nature. When explorers discovered the new world, thousands flocked to explore it out of curiosity. We are on the cusp of great exploration, the planets in our solar system have started to be explored, starting with Mars. Mars has captured the attention of astronomers for centuries. In ancient times, the Greeks thought of...

Why Americans Think That Alien Crafts Have Visited Earth

4 Pages 1912 Words
The earliest sightings go back as far as to Egyptian times, and some before that. Many people of various ethnicities and religions have claimed to see UFOs. There are many things that most people don’t know about UFOs, such as the most famous abduction case, UFO conspiracies, types of UFOs, and statistics about UFOs There are many alien abduction cases,...
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Causes of 1998 Mars Climate Orbiter Mission Failure

4 Pages 1772 Words
Abstract This paper addresses the possible causations and engineering failures that led to the demise of NASA’s mars climate orbiter mission in 1998 by summarising and analysing the technical and human factors leading to the incident. The primary fault at hand was the failure to programme and operate the trajectory of the spacecraft in the required manor, causing the space...

Neil Armstrong And Significance Of Moon Landing

2 Pages 1040 Words
The Apollo 11 mission trip to the moon was very significant in american history. Everybody stopped what they were doing to watch or listen to history being made in the United States. For once in the United States history everybody honestly came together as one to root on the astronauts. The Apollo 11 mission trip brought the United States together...

Can Social Media Save Our Planet?

6 Pages 2921 Words
“Twenty-five years ago, people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much about climate change. Today we have no excuse” -Desmond Tutu Research shows that six in ten Americans receive their news from social media (Gladston, I., & Wing, T. 2019). Social media is a fast and effective way to inform its users of the status of the...

Should We Colonize Mars?

1 Page 531 Words
I chose this topic because we had watched a video in class by Elon Musk on colonizing mars and I took an interest to it since.By the end of this you will have an idea if you think we should or should not colonize Mars. Colonizing Mars would make sure that our species survive,the only home we've ever had is...

Should We Send Humans To Mars?

1 Page 471 Words
Going to Mars is a SERIOUS topic. Space experts throughout the world are debating whether or not we humans should go to Mars. We think it's a bad idea to go to Mars. It's very dangerous, for example, and it's a waste of money. So, people aren't willing to go to Mars. To start, it's a very dangerous task to...

The Peculiarities Of Space Mission To Mars

7 Pages 3204 Words
As the global population explosively grows over the past decades, the exhaustion of energy has become a hot topic among scientists. Thus, scientists started to care about the potential colonial life on another planet, the Mars. Whether there exists a biological or microbial life on Mars become crucial for understanding the Martian living conditions. To study this, one can study...

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