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3 Pages 1259 Words
Mrs. Linda Hutton is a South-African visual artist and qualified educator, having developed a successful career in the education industry. Hutton is the current Head of Faculty for the visual and dramatic arts department, teaching visual arts and mixed artistic media. Her qualifications as an educator are notable, fulfilling roles as the Head of Art at the Roedean School, Johannesburg...
3 Pages 1153 Words
Ever since I can remember, I have been intrigued by how things in the world go round. I like getting my hands dirty and trying to invent my own unique creations like, my own homemade restaurant with bad sketches of multiple blueprints of how I wanted it to look like. Blueprints just sucks me in and I can spend hours...
3 Pages 1491 Words
Before pursuing my dream of furthering my education to become a teacher, I would get asked multiple different questions. “Why do you want to become a teacher?”, “What grade level would you prefer to teach?”, “Where and what type of school could you see yourself teaching?”, “Who do you want to be as a teacher?”. All of the questions seem...
1 Page 649 Words
Personal and Professional development Within this assignment, I will be discussing professionalism, collaboration and teamwork, and professional communication within midwifery. I don't feel like the word count is high enough to reflect on the start of my journey as a student midwife. In this assignment, all organizations and individuals that have helped me develop my learning will be kept confidential...
1 Page 642 Words
The prominence of GIS and Remote Sensing has gained immense importance over the past few years, especially for environmental management. My primary motive to study Geographic Information Sciences (GISci) at Central Michigan University (CMU) engenders from the massive advances in GIS and Remote Sensing Technology in the U.S., which I would like to replicate in India. Although India is making...
2 Pages 706 Words
Although I earned an Associate of Arts Degree, I became interested in nursing when my country of birth (Sierra Leone) was faced with an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus which decimated hundreds of the population. As more people lost their lives, I became increasingly aware of the importance of medical care in our society. Within that same year, I...
3 Pages 1541 Words
Corporate culture is the personality of a company. It is important for employee engagement, happy and retention as well as outlining the blueprints for a healthy business without regard of the economic climate. Hence, getting to know about the company culture is vital for applicants to know if their personalities and characteristics are fit with the company which will make...
1 Page 443 Words
Currently I’m persuading my course in BSC Business and Management. I intend to pursue my further studies in marketing. My area of interest is on how people react and take action in aggressive and intense business environment. Choosing Bargaining and Negotiation as a course for my summer school at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences will help me...
5 Pages 2062 Words
A chief executive officer is a rewarding title but requires a lot to gain that title. The steps to be a CEO are rigorous, competitive, and requires a strong work ethic, but will lead to financial success. The first step of becoming a CEO is finding a college. Most chief executive officers went to business school. The top 5 business...
2 Pages 1066 Words
My father. I know it’s a little of a cliche’- for which l apologise - but looking back, My father undoubtedly played a major role in sparking my interest in science. He was my tutor throughout most of my primary school year, he study science in his motherland but unpleasantly different factor stopped him from entering the scientific field completely....
3 Pages 1443 Words
My Personal and Professional Development Throughout this assignment, I will illustrate my take on professionalism and cooperative work practices. I'll also go over the various ways we may interact and care for our patients, as well as the varied learning styles. Throughout this assignment, I will also be highlighting and reflecting on the communication, and care styles that I have...
1 Page 743 Words
Working in healthcare has always been my passion. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a nurse. I then had 4 wonderful children which changed my path slightly, however, I was able to go back to school. I became a Medical Assistant first, and then I completed billing and coding, and now I work at a Pharmacy which...
1 Page 605 Words
Introduction The sea, a vast and mysterious expanse, has always captivated my imagination with its uncharted depths and endless horizons. My fascination with maritime activities stems from this allure, a deep-rooted connection to the rhythmic pulse of the ocean's waves and the intricate dance of sea-faring vessels. Choosing a career as a merchant mariner feels like a natural extension of...
1 Page 631 Words
Introduction In any professional setting, the opportunity for growth and advancement is a significant driving force for individuals seeking career success. As I reflect upon my contributions, achievements, and dedication to my role within the company, I strongly believe that I deserve a promotion. In this persuasive analysis essay, I will present compelling reasons why I am deserving of a...
1 Page 652 Words
Introduction As I reflect upon my college experience thus far, I am drawn to the profound impact that my residence hall and its community have had on my personal growth and development. The bonds formed, the challenges faced, and the support received within this vibrant community have shaped me into the person I am today. It is with great enthusiasm...
1 Page 682 Words
My Path to Success Google defines a barrier as “a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress.” My personal definition of a barrier is something that stops you from reaching your full potential. In this paper, I will address my top three barriers that can potentially prevent me from being successful. For instance,...
2 Pages 961 Words
Introduction Aspiring to be a security guard is about much more than just a job; it's a commitment to safeguarding and protecting others. My motivation for pursuing this path is rooted in a deep-seated respect for the security profession and its overarching significance in maintaining order and safety. This essay explores my journey towards becoming a security guard, driven by...
2 Pages 991 Words
Introduction Being a neurosurgeon is more than just a job choice; it's a dedication to one of the hardest and most significant fields of medicine. A unique chance to explore the intricacies of the human brain and nervous system exists in the subject of neurosurgery, which sits at the nexus of science and human health. This essay examines my path...
2 Pages 1025 Words
Introduction My fascination with petroleum engineering stems from a deep appreciation for the intricate processes involved in the exploration, extraction, and production of oil and natural gas. This field, essential to modern economies, presents a complex blend of challenges and technological advancements. As a petroleum engineer, I would play a pivotal role in securing the energy needs of our world,...
1 Page 703 Words
Introduction From the first time I dismantled a toy car to understand its workings, my fascination with mechanics was ignited. This early curiosity evolved into a profound interest in mechanical engineering, a field where innovation meets practical application. Pursuing a career in mechanical engineering is not just a professional choice for me; it's a passion driven by my love for...
1 Page 581 Words
Introduction School directors play an essential part in the education system; they are the link between the success of the school and the community. As leaders with a vision, principals oversee both the academic and administrative processes of the school and serve as a link between the school and the larger educational system. My desire to become a school director...
2 Pages 1048 Words
Introduction When I first learnt about the amazing technology of ultrasound imaging in a high school biology class, I became fascinated with sonography. As I learned more about how sonography is essential to healthcare, my initial curiosity soon became into a strong enthusiasm. My main reason for wanting to be a sonographer is the special combination of technical know-how and...
3 Pages 1173 Words
Introduction Unlocking potential and promoting progress has become easier with the help of coaching, a transforming process that is essential to both professional and personal development. My strong desire to support people's development and achievement is what motivated me to seek a profession in coaching. Coaching is a fulfilling and influential job because it provides a special combination of direction,...
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