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1 Page 646 Words
If I were to describe myself in three words, I’d say rational, logical, and organized. For me, these qualities are essential in my preferred field of work, in finance. I’ve felt a passion for this subject since early childhood, and my time at secondary school has consolidated my interest in it. I remember being 12 years old, on holiday with...
CareerCareer ChoiceCareer Goals
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2 Pages 891 Words
The following essay is about my dream of becoming a successful graphic designer which is something that I have to accomplish. Also, this essay mentions the most important information related to this field, all the courses that I have to take, and the requirements that I have to meet to become what I have always wanted to be. All of...
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5 Pages 2157 Words
The concept of a 'career' has been a complex phenomenon within social science discourse. Described by Frank Parsons as a choice equal to that of a life partner, the interpretation of a career as a vocation composed of a single primary occupation is a notion maintained by the majority of Western societies and widely propagated by mainstream career counseling. Regardless,...
CareerCareer GoalsChallenges
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2 Pages 836 Words
Introduction The profession of a Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CLS) offers a unique intersection of science, medicine, and technology, essential for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of diseases. My interest in becoming a CLS is driven by a profound fascination with medical science and a deep commitment to playing a crucial role in patient care. This essay will explore my motivations...
Career ChoiceCareer GoalsCaring
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2 Pages 991 Words
Introduction Being a neurosurgeon is more than just a job choice; it's a dedication to one of the hardest and most significant fields of medicine. A unique chance to explore the intricacies of the human brain and nervous system exists in the subject of neurosurgery, which sits at the nexus of science and human health. This essay examines my path...
Career ChoiceCareer GoalsSurgery
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3 Pages 1173 Words
Introduction Unlocking potential and promoting progress has become easier with the help of coaching, a transforming process that is essential to both professional and personal development. My strong desire to support people's development and achievement is what motivated me to seek a profession in coaching. Coaching is a fulfilling and influential job because it provides a special combination of direction,...
Career ChoiceCareer GoalsCoaching
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2 Pages 1048 Words
Introduction When I first learnt about the amazing technology of ultrasound imaging in a high school biology class, I became fascinated with sonography. As I learned more about how sonography is essential to healthcare, my initial curiosity soon became into a strong enthusiasm. My main reason for wanting to be a sonographer is the special combination of technical know-how and...
Career ChoiceCareer GoalsJob
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1 Page 581 Words
Introduction School directors play an essential part in the education system; they are the link between the success of the school and the community. As leaders with a vision, principals oversee both the academic and administrative processes of the school and serve as a link between the school and the larger educational system. My desire to become a school director...
Career ChoiceCareer GoalsJob
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1 Page 703 Words
Introduction From the first time I dismantled a toy car to understand its workings, my fascination with mechanics was ignited. This early curiosity evolved into a profound interest in mechanical engineering, a field where innovation meets practical application. Pursuing a career in mechanical engineering is not just a professional choice for me; it's a passion driven by my love for...
2 Pages 1025 Words
Introduction My fascination with petroleum engineering stems from a deep appreciation for the intricate processes involved in the exploration, extraction, and production of oil and natural gas. This field, essential to modern economies, presents a complex blend of challenges and technological advancements. As a petroleum engineer, I would play a pivotal role in securing the energy needs of our world,...
Career ChoiceCareer GoalsEngineer
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1 Page 605 Words
Introduction The sea, a vast and mysterious expanse, has always captivated my imagination with its uncharted depths and endless horizons. My fascination with maritime activities stems from this allure, a deep-rooted connection to the rhythmic pulse of the ocean's waves and the intricate dance of sea-faring vessels. Choosing a career as a merchant mariner feels like a natural extension of...
Career ChoiceCareer GoalsService
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