Children of a Lesser God essays

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2 Pages 1048 Words
Introduction "Children of a Lesser God," a term that evokes a deep exploration into societal structures, is often used to describe individuals marginalized due to perceived deficiencies. Initially coined by playwright Mark Medoff through his renowned play of the same name, the term has transcended its origins to become a metaphor for the struggles of those with disabilities. This essay...
Children of a Lesser God
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3 Pages 1199 Words
The play, Children Of A Lesser God, written by Mark Medoff, was the winner Tony Award winner for Best Play in 1980, and also won the Laurence Olivier Award and the Drama Desk Award. In essence, the play is about a deaf girl named Sarah and her relationship with a hearing man named James. The play is told from the...
Children of a Lesser God
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3 Pages 1302 Words
If there’s a more indigestible lump of bouncy 1970s pop schmaltz than Paul McCartney’s “Silly Love Songs,” right now it escapes me. It’s one of a handful of intrusive music choices that director Kenny Leon makes in the dreary Broadway revival of Children of a Lesser God, a once-groundbreaking 1979 play by Mark Medoff that today needs no help showing...
Children of a Lesser God
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