Communication essays

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Exploring the Discourse Community of Physiotherapists

2 Pages 768 Words
Currently, being student of Occupational Therapists Assistant and Physiotherapists Assistant at Fleming college, I am writing this description for the students willing to join the physiotherapy discourse community. What is the history of physiotherapy community? What are its principal mechanisms of intercommunication? What kind of terminology does it have? This report will explore these and associated queries, drawing on my...

Print Media in Development Communication in India

3 Pages 1393 Words
Development communication is a communication used for the development of the society. The role of Print Media and Electronic Media plays a part in the development communication of any country. The Government of India, Print Media is used to obtain a wide coverage of messages through various newspapers and journals. Print media is a classic media plays a remarkable part...

Rescuing America from the Great Depression by Franklin D.Roosevelt and His Policies

2 Pages 1049 Words
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a positive because of his effect on the Great Depression, helping with America’s economy and forever changed the way banks operate. When Roosevelt came into power on March 4, 1933, he helped restore the Great Depression with the New Deal. Before he died in 1945, he served longer than any other president before or since and...

Membership in the Discourse Community of Conservation Biologists

1 Page 673 Words
I am composing this report to deliver the information needed to become a member of the discourse community of conservation biologists. It takes legitimate hard work, preparation time and money. I will provide a solid foundation about this network of biologist, and analyze how they are a discourse community and recommendations on how to successfully and effectively enter this vocation...

Human-Environment Relationships Through the 19th and 20th Centuries

2 Pages 1118 Words
During the 19th century, the world began to see an increase in the complex relationships people had with the environment. There were many factors that contributed to the migration of new settlers towards the west such as the Transcontinental Railroad and the Homestead Act, which forced Native Americans to leave their homeland to make room for new settlers. This also...

Analysis of Malala Yousafzai's Speech

1 Page 415 Words
At the very young age of 18 years old, Malala Yousafzai had become the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Malala is a voice for women who don’t have one. She stands up for children's rights as well. Her speech that she gave on the 10th of December 2014, shows that she is very thankful for her parents...

Argumentative Essay about Lying

2 Pages 730 Words
Introduction Lying is something that everyone has done at one point or another in their lives. Whether it was a white lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings or a more serious lie to cover up something, lying is a part of human nature. However, there are also many arguments against lying. Some people believe that lying is always wrong, no...

Rhetorical Analysis Strategies in “The New Jim Crow”

4 Pages 1720 Words
Throughout “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander, we see how the author uses claims and evidence as well as rhetorical strategies to make different appeals to the audience. This educational text serves the purpose of providing information to white individuals who aren’t familiar with the criminal justice system, which works to force blacks into literal cages and this is...

Ill Effects of Environment in the Heart of America in Silent Spring: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2725 Words
Introduction “There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature- the assurance that dawn comes after night and spring after winter” - Rachel Carson Nature remains as the beginning of the world. It is believed that God created nature first and then human beings to preserve and enjoy its ambiance. Human’s duty to preserve nature have been started...

Genre Convention to Study a Discourse Community: Annotated Bibliography

8 Pages 3835 Words
Annotated Bibliography: Sources for Research Genre, as defined by Bazerman (2003) is a “Recognizable, self-reinforcing forms of communication” this mean that there is a feature that everyone can recognize and choose the appropriate ways to response to that situation. This is not the case for teachers that teach high school students about genre based on Whitney, Ridgeman & Masquelier (2011)....

Unemployment History behind Fiscal Policies: Analysis of New Deal Impact

3 Pages 1422 Words
Abstract I’ve chosen the New deal as my policy. Fiscal policy can reduce unemployment by expanding total aggregate demand and the rate of economic growth. The government should pursue expansionary financial approach; this includes cutting taxes and expanding government spending. Lower charges increment extra cash (for example Tank slice to 15% in 2008) and in this manner help to build...

Causes for the Great Depression Compared to Causes for the Great Recession: Analytical Essay on Dust Bowl

6 Pages 2624 Words
The Great Depression was the worst economic depression in US history during the late 1920s and early 1930’s, this was the most severe economic downturn in history. This also affected many countries all over the world. It resulted in steep declines in industrial production and in deflation, mass unemployment and banking panics. Poverty and homelessness rates increased rapidly. The industrial...

Scholarship Essay to Get Scholarship Granted by UC Berkeley

1 Page 541 Words
As an architect and urban designer of my generation, it is my responsibility to be active in sustainable development in this rapidly changing climatic conditions to promote livable spaces. Participating and excelling in many extra-curricular programs has enhanced my ability to engage in an active role in improving the school as well as the community involved. I believe selecting MRED+D...

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in The Speech of Miss Polly Baker before a Court of Judicature

3 Pages 1277 Words
The speech “Miss Polly Baker, before a Court of Judicature,” was given in a court in 1747. Miss Polly Baker who lives in New England was prosecuted for the fifth time for having children without marriage. She represents her financial instability, so she is unable to hire an attorney to argue for her. She is addressing her difficulties and the...

Inserts Used by Ariana Grande of Interview in Jimmy Fallon Talk Show: Analysis of Polite Speech-act Formulae

9 Pages 4250 Words
Abstract This research aimed to find out types and function of inserts used by Ariana Grande of the interview in the Jimmy Fallon talk show. This research was qualitative research. The subjects consisted of a famous singer Ariana Grande. The data were inserts used by the Ariana Grande interview in Jimmy Fallon talk show from the transcript of 6 minutes...

Cognitive Development and Moral Reasoning: Literature Review

5 Pages 2465 Words
There are many reasons why a student can demonstrate their understanding to core related content. External factors in a child life, such as reading or exposure to technology can expand the student’s prior knowledge to assist them in learning core-related material. As well as internal factors, such as the student’s mental capability of understanding content. These are a few explanations...

Exploration of the Awareness, Knowledge and Habits of UKM Students towards Recreational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

8 Pages 3581 Words
Abstract Objective: The goal of this study was to explore the awareness, knowledge and habits of UKM students towards recreational noise-induced hearing loss (RNIHL). Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed through online survey and a Malay version of Knowledge, Awareness, and Behaviors (KAB) questionnaire was given to the health science and non-health science undergraduate UKM students. Two-way ANOVA was conducted...

Communication As a Key in Maintaining a Healthy Marriage in A Temporary Matter: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 830 Words
Prompt one states that Lahiri’s subject is not loved failure but the opportunity that an artful spouse, like an artful writer, can make a failure of that. I agree with that statement because people's opinions on love and marriage can be altered just from one person's wrongdoing. The short story of “Sexy” exhibits this the best by explaining an affair...

HPV and Cervical Cancer among Indigenous Amazonian Hunter-Gatherer Groups: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2263 Words
In 1999, Elizabeth Reichel looked at worldviews surrounding global religions based on the culture and the ecology that encompassed gender-based knowledge among indigenous Amazonian hunter-gatherer groups. The dynamic difference between gender-based knowledge among hunter-gatherer groups is tied closely in with cosmology and perception of their worldview. This is heavily worked into the social structure of these indigenous groups; their cosmology...

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in the Articles by Alex Tapscott and Jong-Hyouk Lee

3 Pages 1395 Words
The financial crisis of 2008 bred a new technology. Blockchain technology was born from a desperate attempt to try and alleviate trust from big banks and government after they failed to protect people’s money when the market crashed. Hundreds of millions of dollars lost, families broken, and lives destroyed. When blockchain was invented in 2009 naturally at first, barely anyone...

JFK Steel Speech Rhetorical Analysis

3 Pages 1350 Words
Reviewed double_ok
In 1962, the United States was emerging from a recession and the biggest steel organizations raised its costs by 3.5%. Kenndey, alongside numerous different Americans, was irritated encompassing the choice to raise steel costs. While Kenndey addresses the choice he utilizes numerous instances of rhetorical strategies such as cause-and-effect and comparing and contrasting, to represent his disappointment and irritation with...

The Impact of Deportation in Discourse Community: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1686 Words
In Diane Guerrero’s article “My Parents Were Deported” she argues that those who have had their parents deported often go through a tough time in their life. She states that “Children who grow up separated from their families often end up in foster care, or worse, in the juvenile justice system…” (Guerrero 488). Using language and a common goal to...

Closing the Achievement Gap of Vocabulary and Literacy Skills for ELLs through Collaboration and Inquiry

4 Pages 1723 Words
Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not collaboration through inquiry-based learning can help ELLs increase vocabulary and literacy skills in order to close the reading achievement gap. A mixed methods design was used with triangulation, using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to determine the themes in the qualitative data and frequencies and percentages were used...

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