Critical Analysis of The Day Of Infamy by Walter Lord: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

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The Day Of Infamy by Walter Lord

Yamamoto's famous quotes: 'I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant.'

'A wise man would find a way not to fight this war”

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The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is arguably one of the most historical events to date. The book “The Day Of Infamy” focuses primarily on December 7th,1941 known as The Day Of Infamy. The Day Of Infamy begins on a still morning on the American base at Pearl Harbor. The Day of Infamy focuses on the reactions of the witnesses to the attack. The people that happened to see the attack all assumed it was just another protocol routine training initially. It is easy to judge a situation that you are not directly in. Many people always think that they would have reacted quicker and thus saved more lives. When apprehension sets in you have no choice but to go with your best instinct. Lord makes it evident through the several accounts that the Americans wasted no time to attend to their duties.

Walter Lord tells the story through the thousands of individuals which is why the book still has many critics raving. Lord describes men playing the Star-Spangled Banner while the attack began. That is truly is significant moment in the book because it really depicts how amazing the American soldiers were willing to sacrifice. The young men continued to play the fine tune that we bear our right hands over our heart so proudly. The Pearl Harbor attack is such a difficult topic to write about because it is hard to hold interest. In the first couple of chapters, Lord continues to go back and forth with Japan and Hawaii on the high seas hours before the attack. Lord does not develop the characters in the stories which is a completely different approach than other stories on the Pearl Harbor. Most of the recollections of events from the people are told in less than a paragraph. There is a lot of irony in some of the stories that witness are recalling which keeps the reader intrigued.

The majority of the Japanese were killed in the war their own frame of reference is almost nonexistent. There is also very few content on what Americans notions were on the attacking. There is actual little textual supporting reasoning as to why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor which makes the reader have to pick up a history book. To understand “The Day of Infamy” you must be familiar with the details of why the attack occurred, relations between the countries, and invasion. There were a lot of brave selfless souls that put this war on their back. For example, there was the man on the harbor as the ship was sinking. The battleship Nevada was gathering steam, and he swam towards the battleship. Instantly he was ready to put his life on the line as, he climbed aboard, ready to fight the Japanese. The Pearl Harbor was basically a national suicide mission by the Japanese.

Walter Lord places a great emphasis on taking the time to understand the period in which they lived in. Pearl Harbor was over 75 years ago and the impact of the book still stands today because many generations can relate. Lord is thorough with the recollection of staggering events that happened at Pearl Harbor on that pivotal day. December 7, 1941, a day that will live in infamy for years to remember.

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Critical Analysis of The Day Of Infamy by Walter Lord: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Critical Analysis of The Day Of Infamy by Walter Lord: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor.” Edubirdie, 14 Jul. 2022,
Critical Analysis of The Day Of Infamy by Walter Lord: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Critical Analysis of The Day Of Infamy by Walter Lord: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 14 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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