Critical Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Eating Disorders and Bullying: Critical Essay

1 Page 649 Words
As said by Adolescent Growth “5.4 percent of children between the ages 13 and 18 will suffer from anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder at some point in their lifetime”. Eating disorders, most common in teens, are life-threatening illnesses. For instance, anorexia’s most common complication is the issue of infertility. When a woman’s body fat drops, she won’t produce enough...

Elie Wiesel's Survival by Chance: Critical Essay

2 Pages 791 Words
“I don't know how I survived; I was weak, rather shy; I did nothing to save myself. A miracle? Certainly not......It was nothing more than chance”. In his memoir ‘Night’, Elie Wiesel writes about his personal experience of the Holocaust. He is a Jewish man who got sent to a concentration camp. Elie gets rid of everything he has: everything...

Elie Wiesel's Example of Survival During the Holocaust: Critical Essay

1 Page 479 Words
Imagine killing 11 million people, all because you thought they shouldn’t live! The Holocaust did just that. The Holocaust was a genocide of 11 million Jews. It lasted over serval years. It was one of the worst events in human history. The Jews, during the Holocaust, went through great pain to survive. Elie Wiesel survived because of his love for...

Critical Essay on What Makes Heroism: Sacrifice or a Choice for Success

1 Page 537 Words
The word ‘hero’ refers to a normal person is the person who does something taken into consideration for the best of people. Heroism starts with the mindset, maintains with guidance, and entire itself with the motion. Thus, the act of a hero is a display of the basic mindset with achievement relying at the guidance for the same. The act...

Critical Essay on Illegal Immigrants and Stereotypes about Them

4 Pages 1734 Words
Illegal immigration has been an issue that the United State has been dealing since the early 1800s. In recent years, there has been a surge in the amount of attention that illegal immigration is receiving in the media. This attention is mainly because of the massive increase of Hispanic immigrants crossing the border illegally and disobeying U.S. laws. Another contributing...

Critical Essay on Power and Understanding the Responsibility of Its Possession in Ursula K. Le Guin’s ‘A Wizard of Earthsea’

2 Pages 884 Words
As the famous educator and author Peter F. Drucker once said, “Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility”. Indeed, power and responsibility have a complex relationship that is associated by factors such as an individual’s morals and ethics, character, and the conditions under which they were raised. Drucker’s words resonate very heavily within Ursula K. Le...

Nature of Power and Madness in William Shakespeare's Play ‘King Lear’ and Akira Kurosawa's Film ‘Ran’: Critical Essay

2 Pages 886 Words
A narrative’s main objective is to question aspects of the world around it to engage its audience with the plot of the story and also to change their perspective of the world. William Shakespeare questions the nature of power and madness during the Elizabethan era through his play ‘King Lear’ (1606). Similarly, this is mirrored by the famous Japanese filmmaker...

Critical Essay on Macbeth: A Man Who Has Lost His Power

1 Page 501 Words
Macbeth in the beginning of William Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’ is presented to the audience as powerful, but by the end of the play, because he is corrupted by his ambition, he become a coward character. Macbeth is in the Scottish army and are fighting for the country, which shows Macbeth as a powerful character. Shakespeare uses violent imagery to present...

Influence Motherhood on Personality in Madeline Miller's Novel ‘Circe’: Critical Essay

1 Page 510 Words
In the book ‘Circe’ by author Madeline Miller, Circe learns, through her experience of motherhood, the instant love and maternal bond between mother and child, as well as a mother’s impulse to sacrifice her own life to protect her offspring. Like many mothers, Circe feels overwhelmed by a baby’s constant physical and emotional needs. Although she feels she is prepared...

Critical Essay on Masculinity and Homoeroticism in the Film ‘Brokeback Mountain’

3 Pages 1147 Words
This essay will critique the representation of masculinity and homoeroticism in the film industry from the 1990s to the mid-2000s, centered around the relationship between two male characters. In particular, the film ‘Brokeback Mountain’ by Ang Lee (2005) will be considered. To evaluate the film, David Greven’s definition of the double protagonist genre will be outlined but also critiqued. This...

Faith and Helping Others as Dorothy Day's Two Loves: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1551 Words
Dorothy Day was a writer and activist who later in life converted to Catholicism. She enjoyed helping people and bringing faith into the lives of others. According to Dorothy, faith was the most important thing for a human being to have, and it is what gives life purpose. She had a strong belief that one can't obtain the 'richness of...

Issues of Love and Fate in William Shakespeare's Play 'Romeo and Juliet' and Their Relevance in Modern Times: Critical Essay

2 Pages 927 Words
“Just because everything is different doesn’t mean that anything has changed”. This quote by Irene Peter refers to the similarity of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ (1597). It refers to how central matters noticed in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ would still be found in our modern world. Though the date and setting of the play are extremely different...

Critical Essay on Speeding and Its Negative Consequences

1 Page 431 Words
Nowadays, traffic accidents are increasing every year, as a result of which many people are injured, even dead by the accidents. There are many types of traffic accidents that cause many people to die. One of the most issues that happen every day is speeding. In this essay, I want to prove that speeding can kill many people and affect...

Critical Essay on George Orwell's '1984'

1 Page 556 Words
We describe propaganda as information used to promote a political cause, which is typically biased. Because the telescreens always convey propaganda, they inundate the citizens with information that confuses them. As a result, they cannot formulate anti-government thoughts. We can see its significance clearly in George Orwell's novel ‘1984’. It has a major impact on its readers and it makes...

Critical Essay on Complexities of Motherhood in Lionel Shriver's 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' and Carol Ann Duffy's 'The World's Wife'

6 Pages 2781 Words
The theme of motherhood is a key one in both the novel ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’ by Lionel Shriver and the collection of poems ‘The World’s Wife’ by Carol Ann Duffy. Motherhood is seen as a key element of the female experience, and both texts explore the connection between motherhood, femininity, and the way in which women navigate...

Critical Essay on Creation Myths in Ancient Cultures

4 Pages 2013 Words
Creation myths are used to explain ideas about religion, social structure, cultural values, and beliefs, as well as events in the natural world. In ancient cultures, they are often an accumulation of ideas about the world that people were seeing and experiencing. These myths can have similar themes and influences over each other, especially with regard to biblical and Near...

African American Stereotypes in the Media: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1502 Words
Stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a person or thing. Stereotype is also any thought that is widely adopted about specific types of individuals or behaviors. These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality. Even though it’s not often times true, it is targeting black Americans immensely because these persons...

Critical Essay on Work from Home: The Future or Not?

3 Pages 1263 Words
Since the 16th March 2020 when Boris Johnson, the UK prime minister, asked the country's workers to “start working from home where they possibly can”. Employees and employers have had to innovate, adapt and overcome multiple challenges with regards to working from home. The switch out of the office to a space at home brought positives for many employees: no...

Psychology Behind the Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting: Critical Essay

5 Pages 2137 Words
On the afternoon of February 14th, 2018, Nikolas Cruz took an Uber to his old high school. After entering the school, he removed an automatic weapon from his bag and began shooting both students and teachers, leaving 17 dead. When his gun stopped working Nikolas ran with the other students out of the school and headed to the local Subway...

Summary of the Movie 'Crash' and the Presentation of the Thomas Theorem in It: Critical Essay

1 Page 638 Words
“Live your life at the point of impact, moving at the speed of life, we are bound to collide with each other” (Paul Haggis, ‘Crash’). Paul Haggis’ 2004 movie ‘Crash’ exhibits the malicious subjects of discrimination, racism, prejudice, stereotyping, and social hierarchy. William and Dorothy Thomas formulated one of the many sociological theories presented by Haggis, it is known as...

Critical Essay on the Movie 'As Good as It Gets' and the Psychological Phenomena Depicted in It

3 Pages 1360 Words
The psychological phenomena depicted in the movie ‘As Good as It Gets’ includes obsessive-compulsive disorder which mainly interested me in doing a psychological analysis of this particular movie. Another psychological phenomenon presented in the movie is antisocial personality, where the misanthropic protagonist of the movie shows some of this personality trait. The movie also portrays homosexuality, and two of the...

Analysis of the Movie 'Crash' as a Powerful Narrative: Critical Essay

2 Pages 1022 Words
Narratives play an important role in the creation of the world, making sense of our lives and constructing the ideologies and values we live by. Narratives are a significant playing a powerful role in conveying ideas and values by forcing us to consider ourselves and the world around us. The purpose of a narrative is to simply tell the audience...

Theme of Motherhood in Timberlake Wertenbaker's Play ‘The Love of the Nightingale’ and Sarah Kane’s Play ‘Phaedra’s Love’: ': Critical Essay

6 Pages 2899 Words
This statement regarding the regress of maternal instincts that are perceived as ‘normal’ can be discussed in reference to Timberlake Wertenbaker's ‘The Love of the Nightingale’ (1988) and Sarah Kane’s ‘Phaedra’s Love’ (1996). Both postmodern plays were written after the 1950s, and with the use of reference to Greek mythology, perpetuate social and gender issues reflective of the time period...

Representation of Motherhood within the Surrealist Movement: Critical Essay

7 Pages 3071 Words
In his ‘First Manifesto of Surrealism’, Andre Breton describes Surrealism as “a pure psychic automatism through which it is intended to express…the true functioning of thought”. Automatism is a technique experimented with by the Surrealists that stems from Freud’s work. The artist will suppress conscious control of the process of making the art, allowing the unconscious mind to take over,...

Media and Cultural Analysis of the TV Show ‘Fresh Off the Boat’: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1301 Words
We can't be a part of the present society without being influenced by the steady stream of intervened culture: digital news, TV, social media, out-of-home experience, different cultural policies to high design, fashion and lifestyle. It basically explores the connections between culture, media and society. The remarkable TV show ‘Fresh Off the Boat’ exhibits critical media and cultural differences with...

Critical Essay on Intercultural Communication in the Workplace and Its Obstacles

1 Page 669 Words
Effective conversation is vital in the workplace as it encourages teamwork and will increase development in the company/organization. As we live in a very diverse world with multicultural backgrounds and specific beliefs, intercultural communication barriers may additionally surely affect the effectiveness of communication in the workplace, as it is very possible for an agency to have a numerous workforce. This...

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