Critical Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Trust: Key Factor in Collaborative Relationships

7 Pages 3226 Words
In an increasingly networked world, the concept of collaboration has taken on increased precedence. However, over the years this topic has been studied widely inter-organizationally but few empirical studies have focused on this concept as it relates to collaboration among employees within an organization (Whitford, Lee, Yun, & Su Jung, 2010; Campbell, 2016). In examining collaborative relationships among people in...

Theme of Colonialism in 'Things Fall Apart': Critical Analysis Essay

5 Pages 2456 Words
The title of the novel comes from W.B. Yeat's coming descriptor for the chaos that was made in the modern period through the collision between tradition and modern culture cause to a kind of cultural trauma because Nigerian people demand the recognition of their traditional culture. Achebe compared the poem to the situation of Igbo culture that transformed from their...

Symbols in 'The Cat in The Rain': Critical Essay

1 Page 457 Words
The Cat in The Hat by Dr. Seuss is a picture storybook about rules and order aimed at 7-10-year-olds that incorporates excitement for children’s imagination. Based on a fictional story where two kids are stuck at home on a rainy day, a stranger (cat) comes into the house. The story allows the opportunity to talk about what is trust and...

Susan Bordo's 'Beauty Rediscovers the Male Body'

2 Pages 1093 Words
I have seen progressive changes in the way that women are portrayed in contemporary American popular culture. In the fashion industry, Victoria’s Secret Angels are now women of many races. Transgender models are getting hired by major companies like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Vogue. Plus-size models are finally getting recognition and representing women of different sizes. The film industry is...

Stand Your Ground Law Pros: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1248 Words
Self-defense In this research paper, we will explain and discuss the “Stand Your Ground” law and how it relates to “Self Defense”. As you talk about this law you must incorporate a lot of different situations and cases. As well as this law being changed or tweaked multiple times. Nowadays a lot of people don’t actually understand the “Stand Your...

Soliloquy in Julius Caesar: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 769 Words
Cassius is one of the heads of the conspiracy to kill Caesar. As such, one of his highest objectives is to persuade Brutus to join their coalition. Cassius, being the manipulative man he is, uses multiple approaches to change Brutus’s mind. One he uses while talking to him is making Caesar seem equal to Brutus, “Like a Colossus, and we...

Socialism in 'The Jungle': Critical Analysis

5 Pages 2438 Words
Review of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle President Theodore Roosevelt coined the term muckrakers. A popular term used to describe journalists during the Progressive Era who exposed corrupt leaders and corporations. They had the intent to show the public how these companies eliminated competition, set high prices, and treated workers as “wage slaves”. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle is a famous example...

Comparing Narrator and Fitzgerald in 'Great Gatsby'

4 Pages 1754 Words
In this essay, I will be discussing the stylistic techniques used by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the novel The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald, 1925). The Great Gatsby is a novel that follows the story of Jay Gatsby`s unrequited love for Daisy Buchanan, narrated by Daisy`s cousin, Nick Carraway. Nick acts as the focaliser as well as the narrator in this novel...

Romanticism During Renaissance: Critical Essay on Painting Woman

2 Pages 1128 Words
The artwork I chose is The Portrait of a Woman by an unknown artist from the year 1567. The artwork depicts a woman from the Renaissance. Because this artwork was painted in the year 1567, I know it is from the Renaissance period. I also know this artwork is from the Renaissance period because the woman’s clothing has more parts,...

Rhetorical Devices in Brutus Speech: Critical Analysis Essay

2 Pages 1099 Words
Reviewed double_ok
A rhetorical device utilizes words in a certain way to convey meaning/convince and is a strategy that stirs emotions within the reader or audience. In many popular speeches, the speaker uses this strategy to cause the audience to agree with their claims or to create a feeling of fervor and intensity throughout the crowd. In the play “Julius Caesar,” Brutus...

Renaissance Achievements: Critical Essay

2 Pages 913 Words
In the 14th century with their being the revival of classical writings taking place in the country of Europe, individuals who existed as intellectuals of Italy also thought of themselves to be descendants of ancient Rome at the time. The period between them and the Roman Empire became known as the Dark Age. I believe it is rather significant to...

Pros and Cons of Vietnam War: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1405 Words
The Vietnam War was generally a manifestation of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and its allies and the United States (Spector, 2022). The Indochina wars and North Vietnam’s desire to unite Vietnam into a communist state after the French colonial occupation of the region are known as the causes of the conflict (Eyerman et al., 2017). On the...

Pros and Cons of the Civil War: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1175 Words
The Civil War was very stressful for people during this time period but also very positive in many ways, it completely destroyed the land and took many years to reconstruct, it gave people new freedoms by ending slavery, and lastly, it also took many lives of soldiers and reshaped the role of women. It was time for a positive change...

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Weapons: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1294 Words
Reviewed double_ok
A family relaxes on a peaceful August day, children are busy playing on the streets and despite it being wartime, life is good. No sound can be heard but laughter and the whistle of the wind blowing through the trees. Suddenly the whistle is replaced with a whine, as the air raid sirens blare out, silencing the children. The parents...

Pros and Cons of Atomic Bomb: Critical Essay

1 Page 527 Words
Utilizing atomic firearms has continually been a subject of sheer fear for anyone. numerous countries are really contemplating restricting the utilization of atomic firearms. in this essay, I can investigate the advantages and drawbacks of atomic weapons and reach an absolute keep-going end on whether they must be prohibited or no more. On one hand, atomic firearms recommend how powerful...

Power in 'Julius Caesar': Critical Analysis

4 Pages 1647 Words
In the introduction part, the paper will explore and give a shortened synopsis of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar play and explore the modern interpretations of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar as a problem play. This will be achieved through the appraisal of some of the main actors such as Cassius, Brutus, and Julius Caesar, and give a detailed presentation of their characters. The...

Positives and Negatives of Colonialism: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1622 Words
This essay explores the notion of colonialism and will exemplify whether the act and the effects of the phenomenon are considered good or bad. By drawing on relevant academic literature, this essay intends to acknowledge both sides of the argument whilst examining a number of historical examples, these examples will include the city-state of Singapore, and what is now known...

Plato's Views on Body and Soul: Critical Analysis Essay

3 Pages 1163 Words
After learning where we stand in what our current situation is, what technologies have we already acquired, and which we are soon to have available, only one question comes to mind: what will be of humans, both as individuals and as a community? Throughout history, many philosophers have tried to define what a human is. Plato described humans as a...

Justifications and Ethics in Decision Making

2 Pages 956 Words
The situation presented where a student submits an assignment purchased from a paper-writing service as his/her own work provides a multi-level dilemma considering the current norm of academic integrity and anti-plagiarism policies. While an argument can be made that the service itself is unethical, the hypothetical posed does not provide enough information to determine, and ultimate accountability for the ethical...

Analysis of Neoclassical Features at Monticello

2 Pages 1001 Words
Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States of America, was the author of the Declaration of Independence, brought about the change in religious freedom, and was also known for owning over six hundred slaves throughout his adult life. While he may have written, “all men are created equal”, he certainly did not live up to his own principles....

Negative Effects of Colonialism: Critical Essay

2 Pages 858 Words
Colonialism has played a significant role in crafting our ‘contemporary international politics’; an influential force that has contributed to our current global issues. The term colonialism connotes an image of a domineering and oppressive empire controlling a subservient colonial state. This prestigious role is particularly seen in the Western world, where they ‘dominate the international society’ and have a form...

Negative Effects of Advertising on Body Image: Critical Essay

4 Pages 2002 Words
It is evident that media plays a significant role in many aspects of Western culture. From music to videos, to advertisements, so much of what we do, the things we buy, and the thoughts we think are influenced by the media. This paper outlines several ways in which the media can affect one’s thoughts on body image, and eating through...

Negative Aspect of The Code of Hammurabi: Critical Essay

1 Page 529 Words
Unfair Distribution of Power Throughout history, enduring issues have developed across time and societies. One such enduring issue is the unfair distribution of power. Unfair distribution of power is when one group of people has more power than others. This issue affects people negatively because it shows that power favors some people over others. The unfair distribution of power is...

Nazi Propaganda: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1574 Words
This essay will demonstrate the utility of propaganda to subdue the German population into believing the antisemitic ideology of the Nazis by discussing the different ways information was disseminated and highlighting its influence. The use of propaganda is a much-debated topic among historians, with Christopher Browning asserting that the regime implanted racist ideology through different propaganda methods, whereas Goldhagen argues...

Movie Attendance Versus Television after World War II: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1568 Words
The 50s: the decade of baby boomers, post-war affluence, The Golden Age of Television, and the rise of drive-in theatres and teen culture. The 1950s saw the great change, particularly within the film industry, as this decade can be considered as the “Era of Epic Films”. Although films of the 1950s had a significant impact on youth culture, it was...

Meaning of 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson: Critical Analysis Essay

2 Pages 913 Words
'The Lottery' authored by Shirley Jackson was first published on June 26, 1948, just after World War II. It took place in a small village in New England. The story is such unique literature that once gets reading to it but also all attention gripping into the same. 'The Lottery' actually gives the lottery a different meaning because of the...

Life Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness: Critical Essay

2 Pages 1044 Words
The American Dream? More like the American Nightmare. It is described as “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, the belief that anyone can gain success if they work hard enough. The American Dream was originally invented in 1931 by historian James Adams (Michael Leweyn, 2003). Adams referred to it as 'That dream of a land in which life should...

Life Lessons in 'To Kill a Mockingbird': Critical Essay

2 Pages 866 Words
How can people tell if they know how someone can act without a true experience? In Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee uses Scout a character to bring a challenge and understanding of what it was like to live in a segregated society. Mrs. Lee's, classic To Kill a Mockingbird has many valuable life lessons that...

Life and Death of a Serial Killer: Critical Essay

5 Pages 2268 Words
Many documentary narratives are heavily influenced by the unique relationship present between documentarian and their subject. Whether friendly, professional, neutral, or intimate, this connection ultimately skews the product’s position upon its’ subject matter and poses difficulties in exploring the subject matter in the manner intended by its’ documentarian. The choices in how each of the following documentarians presents their product...

Law of Life: Critical Essay

1 Page 703 Words
When people talk about their life, what do you think about? Do you ever think about how fortunate you are? Why do your parents teach you certain life lessons? Well, every family teaches their children different lessons, and it is called the laws of life. It’s the way someone chooses to live their life. They have values that they use...
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