Critical Essay Examples

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Was Odysseus Justified in Killing The Suitors: Critical Essay

2 Pages 901 Words
Odysseus is renowned for his intellectual brilliance, guile, and versatility. He is the son of Laertes and Anticlea, the spouse of Penelope, and the father to Telemachus. Odysseus is best known as the Odyssey's eponymous hero. This epic depicts his ten-year journey home after the Trojan War to reclaim his rightful throne as king of Ithaca. Intelligence is a vital...

What Does Recalled to Life Mean: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1277 Words
There are resurrection themes in every society and it is not just because we fantasize about the possibility of resurrection and recovery, but it actually happens a lot. Resurrection is the act of rising from the dead. Resurrection is not only rising from the dead, but it can also mean being reborn into a new person or personality. It means...

Theme of Trust in 'Proof' Written by David Auburn: Critical Essay

1 Page 518 Words
Proof is a play that is written by David Auburn, a production that earned him a Pulitzer Prize for his achievement. The book tells the story of Catherine, a young girl with a mental disorder who spent years caring for her father and learning mathematics and science. The story's theme includes the issues of trust and betrayal, both of which...

Founding Fathers' Justification for Independence: Critical Analysis

1 Page 669 Words
Have you ever been held back? Held back from doing what you strive for or something you love to do? Well, that’s exactly what happened to the American Colonists. They wanted to declare themselves independent from Great Britain and they did. But with the founding of a new country comes social and economic challenges. This new-found country had a somewhat...

John Brown's Justification for Abolition Violence

2 Pages 1059 Words
Nat Turner and John Brown were slaves both known for their vicious assault during anti-slavery revolts; Brown's militant abolitionist revolt raided the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry Virginia in 1859 and Turners organized a rebellion of both the freed and enslaved negro in Southampton County Virginia in 1831. During and after the time that these rebellions took place many people...

Impact of European Imperialism on The People of Africa: Critical Essay

2 Pages 996 Words
The story of Africa's colonization is truly one of the most complicated and saddest stories in the world. Africa has been torn apart by colonialism right from the time of the Ottoman Empire, to Empire, to the French, to the Belgians, to the Germans, to the Portuguese, to the Dutch, to the Spanish, and finally to the Italians. The country...

How Did Bill Gates Impact the World: Critical Essay

2 Pages 942 Words
Today, Bill Gates can be described as one of the world’s most beloved grandpas. A feat that is remarkable when his magnanimous wealth and the general feeling of the global population towards wealthy men are considered. For a long time, especially in his younger years as the CEO of Microsoft, the world held the same animosity towards Bill Gates as...

My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant': Critical Review Essay

1 Page 543 Words
Over the years, according to new research, unauthorized immigration levels have decreased. Illegal immigration alludes to the relocation of individuals into a nation infringing upon the migration laws of that nation, or the proceeded with the living arrangement of individuals without the legitimate ideal to live in that nation. Unlawful migration will, in general, be monetarily upward, from less fortunate...

Critical Essay: 'My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant'

3 Pages 1550 Words
The majority of us are no longer a stranger to the stigma around immigrants, and it’s been more prevalent than ever in America due to the president’s stance about it. Therefore, lots of immigrants including those who seem to have no proper legal documentation have progressively become more outspoken about their struggle due to the fact that they can’t seem...

Lost Generation in 'The Sun Also Rises': Critical Essay

2 Pages 1092 Words
The National Institute of Mental Health describes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as the person having frightening thoughts that are persistent, and memories of tragic events, they experience sleep problems, feeling detached or numb, or maybe easily started. Events that can lead to PTSD include violent personal assaults, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, combat, and other forms of violence. During WWl...

Nature of Friendship: Critical Essay

2 Pages 1024 Words
In the 1970s, the understanding of the process of friendship remained an under-researched area of psychology. Friendships can take on many different forms and the role of friendships and the influence from peers can change with age. For many years, the role of friends and the influence of friends on the behavior of children had been left untouched in the...

The Fear of Death Follows From the Fear of Life: Critical Essay

2 Pages 913 Words
Fear of death is not a new phenomenon. People have been scared to die ever since our species evolved into existence One of the explanations for people developing a fear of death is the idea of the afterlife. The afterlife is a huge mystery to all human beings. The only people who know are, well, dead. Sure, many people have...

Joseph Haydn's Life in Hardships: History Critical Essay

2 Pages 1113 Words
The majority of composers from the Classical era lived a life full of struggle and hardships. It was not common to have a comfortable life and still earn a profit. They used their traumas as inspiration and found ways to incorporate them into their style and sound of composing. This was not the case when it came to Franz Joseph...

Analyzing the Intricacies of 'Lost': A Critical Examination

2 Pages 905 Words
Introduction 'Lost', a groundbreaking television series that aired from 2004 to 2010, captivated audiences worldwide with its complex narrative and richly developed characters. The series, created by J.J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof, and Jeffrey Lieber, set new standards for storytelling in the medium of television. Its unique blend of science fiction, fantasy, and drama, coupled with existential themes, makes it an...

Nothing in Life Is Promised Except Death: Critical Essay

2 Pages 1042 Words
The body loses feeling, the lungs shut down, and the heart pumps one last time. Throughout a human’s life, he/she is almost guaranteed to fear death. Since death is typically associated with the end of life, it is not surprising that people try to delay it for as long as possible. However, death should not always have a negative view...

The College Hazing That Changed Life: Critical Essay

1 Page 486 Words
To slightly turn away from the more recent cases of hazing, let’s look now at quite possibly the most obvious argument against this brutal practice, but one that people seem to be blissfully ignoring in the face of what they call ‘tradition’. Hazing is clearly outdated. Those who seem to be endorsing the practices are failing to see that our...

Childhood to Adulthood: Critical Essay on 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

1 Page 581 Words
In To Kill a Mockingbird, children live in a creative world full of mysteries, but nothing can hurt them. Scout and Jem spent a lot of time making up stories about their lonely neighbor Bu Radley, and they were ecstatic before finding the safety and comfort of their father Atticus. However, as the novel unfolds, compared with the real dangers...

Why Does Holden Hate Adults: Critical Essay

2 Pages 1106 Words
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger has gone down in literary history as a timeless classic. It was initially intended for the adult audience, but later became very popular for young adults. The transition between childhood and adulthood is one of the reasons this book has become so pertinent for adolescents. The main character, Holden Caulfield, views...

Being Mortal by Atul Gawande: Medicine and What Matters

3 Pages 1300 Words
Write an essay tracking Atul Gawande’s evolution as a doctor. His perspective on how to advise patients who have serious or terminal illnesses seems to change over time. Why and how does that happen? What experiences helped him to modify his approach? Include an analysis of how your own views about confronting terminal illness and old age have changed from...

Beowulf Superhuman Strength: Critical Essay

1 Page 562 Words
Yes, I had the manners of Hrothgar and Beowulf. Nowadays, people want to elect politicians as their leaders to do good things for nations, their countries, and their beloved world. But what is it that needs to be a good leader? We see a great number of leaders around us. But there are very few leaders like King Hrothgar and...

Was The Internment of Japanese Justified: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1501 Words
During the era of world war II many Asian communities, especially the Japanese, were unfairly treated and placed into camps, in large part of their ancestry. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Navy spiked an already negative view of Asian Americans and immigrants. This led the U.S. Government to force a mass relocation of the Asian population into...

Shays Rebellion: Major Problems with Articles of Confederation

1 Page 438 Words
The Articles of Confederation were a direct response to the long list of grievances against King George III, the king who held all power over the colonies. While the colonizers were under King George III. The Articles of Confederation established the first governmental structure that unified the 13 colonies that had fought in the American Revolution. This document created the...

Critical Essay on Juveniles Being Tried as Adults

4 Pages 1854 Words
Age is just a number. This is a saying that has transpired through time, taking on new meanings every time it is used. It has gone from describing an age difference in a relationship to justifying actions where age is involved. But for some things, age is not just a number. In fact, age may be the biggest ally someone...

Critical Essay on How Does Macbeth Change Throughout the Play

6 Pages 2589 Words
Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth in multiple ways in Macbeth which change throughout the play. Initially, we find that Lady Macbeth is shown as a strong, manipulative, and powerful character, who is able to push 'brave Macbeth” her husband to do anything for her. This is particularly illustrated in Act 1 Scene 7 where Lady Macbeth tests Macbeth's masculinity when she...

Critical Essay on How Did WW1 Lead to WW2

3 Pages 1394 Words
Some states made dissatisfied treaties such as the Treaty of Versailles as a result of World War 1 and this caused another war. The Second World War lasted between 1939 and 1945 and millions lost their lives in this war. Nuclear weapons were used only in this war. Italy, Germany, and Japan were called the Axis power. England, France, Russia,...

Critical Essay on Hero in 'Paradise Lost'

4 Pages 1851 Words
If one was to describe the hero, he or she would say that hero may be a person of action and not of thought. They possess extraordinary skills and skills and sometimes surpass their peers in intelligence, strength, wittiness, and bravado. they typically affect wars or other dangerous ventures and are therefore ruled by the code of honor which makes...

Health and Wellness Paradigms

2 Pages 756 Words
Introduction The concepts of health and wellness have evolved dramatically over the past few decades, reflecting shifts in societal values, advancements in medical science, and increased global awareness. While the terms are often used interchangeably, health traditionally denotes the absence of disease, while wellness encompasses a broader spectrum of physical, mental, and social well-being. As the world advances, there is...

Critical Essay on Gun Laws in Texas: Pros and Cons

4 Pages 2059 Words
Guns into the ClassroomsMass shootings represent only 1 percent of the overall gunfire incidents that happen in or around school property. However, they disproportionately account for the highest number of deaths and injuries. Gun laws, policies, and gun culture have an evident influence on incidents of mass shootings. In addition to mass shootings, other incidents of gun violence are also...

Critical Essay on Global Health

1 Page 578 Words
Three prominent global health issues Understanding the basic steps of how global issues impacts the world as a whole requires a collective effort from every individual. There are many global health issues on the up-rise; this is a summary of three prominent ones such as environmental, economic, and agriculture factors that negatively influence our economy today. Environmental factors: studies by...

Critical Essay on Foundation of Army Leadership

4 Pages 1935 Words
Leadership in Army is one of the most important qualities required. According to Storey (2016), there are a number of different leadership styles which can be utilized to maximize the performance of a team. They highlight that for leadership to be profitable, motivational and influential qualities should be characteristics of a successful leader. The Army (ND) highlights in its Army...
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