Critical Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why Did the Texas Constitution Establish a Plural Executive: Critical Essay

2 Pages 750 Words
Texas is one of the most populated states to date. As is written today, the Texas Constitution allows for a plural executive within the state of Texas. A plural executive is, “an executive branch in which power is fragmented between several elected officials because the election of statewide officeholders is independent of the election of the governor” (Champagne, pg. 271)....

Why Did the Holocaust End: Critical Essay

6 Pages 2603 Words
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was...

Why Did Frankenstein Create the Monster: Critical Essay

2 Pages 843 Words
Over the course of time, relationships change. Sometimes the bond of characters can grow, and at times they fall apart. Healthy relationships are based on mutual respect and treating others with decency. In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, the relationship between Dr. Frankenstein and the monster could easily be labeled as unhealthy due to the origin of the monster. Although identifying that...

Who Is to Blame for The Holocaust: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1221 Words
After Germany’s defeat in World War I, many believed it was the Jewish soldiers who were at fault. However, anti-semitism and the overall mistreatment of the Jewish religion and beliefs was not a new concept in fact it had been around for many years prior to the events of the Holocaust. Due to this defeat in WWI Germany’s economy suffered...

Who Is the Mockingbird in 'To Kill a Mockingbird': Critical Essay

2 Pages 1051 Words
In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the author, Harper Lee, tells a story about two young children, who live in a period of racial discrimination against African Americans. The reader learns about the characters’ experiences that shape their moral views about people of different social classes and races. Lee portrays African Americans as a segregated community that was considered...

Who Is Calpurnia in 'To Kill A Mockingbird': Critical Essay

3 Pages 1432 Words
No matter what time period we are in, humans are learning new lessons from every situation they experience. Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, was set in the 1960s in Maycomb, Alabama during The Great Depression. Narrator and protagonist, Jean Louise “Scout” Finch learns some important life lessons from her experiences throughout the novel. As she grows older, Scout...

Which Detail in Hamlet Reflects Elizabethan Society: Critical Essay

2 Pages 1022 Words
Arguably the greatest literary work written in English, William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, centers around the protagonist’s angst and indecision on avenging his father’s murder. A vital component of what makes this outstanding literary piece so famous is that it focuses on Hamlet’s personal struggles, rather than the conflicts of other individuals. Due to this close connection, Shakespeare was able to...

What Is Room 101 in '1984': Critical Essay

2 Pages 918 Words
Orwell uses the setting to further express the dangers of totalitarian states in 1984. In Winston’s apartment, Orwell explores the feeling of being constantly watched and monitored, without having any privacy. Winston feels a false sense of security in Mr. Charrington’s room, which is shown by how Orwell wants to show the extent of what the Party is willing to...

What Is Hate Week in '1984': Critical Essay

3 Pages 1558 Words
These four simple words make up perhaps the most terrifying political slogan to have ever been created. However, in the fear-filled world of 1984, such a slogan is an ever-present reality for the citizens of Oceania to face. In George Orwell's 1949 hit novel, 1984, Winston Smith wrestles with oppression in Oceania, a dystopia where the Party inspects human actions...

Was World War 1 Avoidable: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1605 Words
The Great War, generally known as World War I, began in 1914 with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His assassination triggered a European war that lasted until 1918. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) battled against the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan, and the United States during the war (the...

Van Den Haag Capital Punishment: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1218 Words
There is a lot of contention in the public sphere concerning the reinstating of the death penalty. Many feel that the reinstating of the death penalty might be controversial because innocent people that are falsely accused of crimes they did not commit might not be able to reach a timely recourse to prove their innocence. Therefore, I feel that the...

Utilitarians Would Be Against All Forms of Affirmative Action: Critical Essay

1 Page 412 Words
The arguments in support of strong affirmative action that talks about diversity are that it brings more people to the table and with this more ideas. With more people that are included in a group, community, jobs, or involved it means that there are more ideas and more tolerance to new upcoming and different points of view. Like I have...

The Most Probable Reason for Why Child Abuse Is Unreported: Critical Essay

5 Pages 2042 Words
The Social Problem Addressed by the Policy Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), displayed a major impact on children including foster youths (Hobbs, Hobbs, & Wynne, 1999). In 1974, CAPTA (PL 93-247), was enacted to protect children (Gateway, 2019). This paper dives into the critical analysis of the issues related to unreported child abuse, policy objectives, values, effects/barriers, expectations,...

Symbolism of the Joshua Tree in 'The Glass Castle’: Critical Essay

1 Page 622 Words
The Joshua Tree symbolizes the strength and beauty of something and the struggles are what give it its beauty. Jeanette and her family were driving and she looks out to the window and she saw a tree standing at an angle it was growing sideways which shows that this tree is unique and different. “From the time the Joshua tree...

Stress Reduction Programs: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1878 Words
Stress Assignment As the semester draws to a close, many college students often find themselves in a state of distress. Students can be found juggling a variety of tasks such as studying for upcoming finals, maintaining a decent grade point average, completing assignments with fast-approaching deadlines, and catering to responsibilities outside of school. Students must learn to deal with the...

Samuel Huntington's Thesis on Global Terrorism: Critical Analysis

4 Pages 1844 Words
Introduction The concept of civilization may be defined as a collective group, embedded into history and as a cultural entity. Villages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalities, and religious groups, all have distinct cultures at different levels of cultural heterogeneity. The culture of a village in southern Italy may be different from that of a village in northern Italy, but both will...

Religion in Othello: Critical Essay

2 Pages 686 Words
We know that during the context of the original script, people were extremely superstitious, and this affected their view on everything from treating illnesses to religion. Religion was central to Elizabethan society – Queen Elizabeth made attendance at the Church compulsory. Unless you had a valid excuse such as illness, you were fined if you did not attend. Almost everyone...

Othello Literary Criticism: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1943 Words
Shakespeare’s Othello presents to its audience the tragic story of a doomed interracial marriage in which Othello, the titular ‘Moor of Venice’ becomes entangled in the schemings of his malevolent ensign Iago, who convinces him of his wife Desdemona’s infidelity. By the end, Othello has murdered Desdemona and taken his own life out of grief and guilt. That Othello succumbs...

Obama against Gun Violence: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1578 Words
Gun control has been a topic of discussion in the United States since the day we became a nation. The founding fathers made it known in the Second Amendment, that citizens of the United States should have the right to bear arms. This discussion in allowing Americans the right to own guns has proven to be both horrific and lifesaving....

Mockingbirds in 'To Kill a Mockingbird': Critical Essay

2 Pages 795 Words
Symbolic Mockingbirds Most people go about life thinking they understand everyone from what they hear or what they see. In reality, this is untrue and Scout learns that in Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. Lee tells the story of a black man falsely accused of rape being defended by a white man from a child’s perspective in the...

Ministries in '1984': Critical Essay

2 Pages 984 Words
The novel 1984 is a book that everybody must have read at least once in their lifetime. It is about a world in which everything is owned and controlled by the government. Culture, the economy, physical activities, and even their thoughts are being controlled by the Party. The Party has totalitarian control over its citizens. In the real world, North...

Metaphors in 'The Glass Castle': Critical Analysis

4 Pages 2005 Words
“‘I had never heard of chewing gum, so she went out and got me a whole pack. I pulled out a stick, took off the white paper and the shiny silver foil under it, and studied the powdery, putty-colored gum. I put it in my mouth and was stunned by the sharp sweetness. 'It's really good!' I said...When Mom wanted...

Long Term Causes of World War 1: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1162 Words
Introduction World War I, also known as ‘The Great War’ or ‘The War To End All Wars’, lasted from 1914 until November of 1918. This war involved over 65 million soldiers, with 9 million killed and 21 million wounded. With 5 million citizens dead, ideas of war shifted drastically during this time, after people realized how horrific warfare really is...

Literary Devices in 'Othello': Critical Essay

2 Pages 715 Words
A soliloquy is a long speech delivered by one character to other characters or to the audience. The purpose of a soliloquy is essentially to give the audience more information about events or background regarding the drama. Iago's soliloquy in the play Othello is especially significant. The audience will notice more in the soliloquy about how Iago has no regard...

J. Gay Williams on the Wrongfulness of Euthanasia: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1557 Words
Trent Shelton once said, “The right decisions are always the hardest to make it. But they must be made in order to live the life you deserve.” In Anaheim, California on January 1, 2014, it was discovered that Brittney Maynard had brain cancer. In fact, she had only six months left to live. Of course, Ms. Maynard wanted to have...

Imagery in 'Othello': Critical Essay

1 Page 435 Words
Even a small seed of suspicion placed in someone’s head can lead to horrible, destructive things. Sexual desires cause jealousy and mistrust. “Sexual images trigger chemical reactions in your brain, which in turn compel us to act in specific ways or be drawn to certain things, or motivated to engage in particular behaviors” (Kuszewski). In William Shakespeare's play Othello, sexual...

How Does the Constitution Affect Us Today: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1448 Words
Anuj Garg v. hotel association of India and others is one of the most celebrated cases in Indian history. This case was the first one to adopt ‘the strict scrutiny test’ in the case of sex discrimination claims. As per the pre-constitutional Punjab excise act, under section 30, any person below the age of 25 and ‘any’ woman is prohibited...

How Did The Holocaust Affect History: Critical Essay

7 Pages 3215 Words
The holocaust is one of the most well-documented genocides in history and singlehandedly the most traumatic event for Jewish people in the 20th century. Millions of people were murdered in just under 4 years. Yet, there is much debate on how and why it happened. People question why others allowed it or didn't resist the nazis. It may seem like...

How Did the Great Awakening Influence the American Revolution: Critical Essay

1 Page 605 Words
The American Revolution, also known as the Revolutionary War, was a great historical stride in which the colonies won their independence against the British government. Some ideals of the American Revolution included the Great Awakening, the Enlightenment, and the desire to become an independent nation. In many ways, the Americans lived up to these ideals however, some of these expectations...

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