Critical Thinking Essay Examples

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2 Pages 1057 Words
Despite a lot of effort, many students still face bullying at school and online. What can society do to help? It is everyone’s ultimate desire to achieve happiness but how do children achieve this when most of them are faced with this challenge daily? Bullying is when another person uses their power to manage or hurt another. There are many...
BullyingCritical ThinkingProblem Solving
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2 Pages 734 Words
The Gilded Age was an era of greed and corruption hidden undergrowth in industrialization. Workers risked their lives for low wages and immigrants crammed in decrepit apartments while the rich remained comfortable. The lack of assistance offered to Americans further heightened during the Great Depression. In the city, food was scarce and people were evicted from their homes. While in...
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1 Page 557 Words
Introduction In his thought-provoking essay, "Some Lessons from the Assembly Line," Andrew Braaksma offers a candid and insightful account of his summer working on an assembly line. Through his personal experiences and astute observations, Braaksma sheds light on the dehumanizing nature of factory work and its impact on the human spirit. This literary analysis will examine the key themes and...
Critical ThinkingEmploymentPerspective
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2 Pages 966 Words
The early stage of infancy is greatly characterized by rapid and significant brain growth. This growth facilitates the development of crucial neurodevelopmental capacities underlying advanced psychological and emotional well-being (Dobbing & Sands, 1973). Some accounts of early brain development argue that this growth majorly occurs within a biological context. However, others have contended that interpersonal context where structural and functional...
Attachment TheoryCritical ThinkingHuman Brain
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2 Pages 780 Words
The idea of student loan forgiveness has been a hotly debated topic in recent years. While some argue that it is a necessary step towards achieving equality and providing relief to those struggling with debt, others believe that it is not a viable solution to the problem. In this essay, we will explore why student loans should not be forgiven....
Critical ThinkingPerspectiveStudent Loan Debt
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1 Page 658 Words
Smoking is a divisive topic that never fails to spark debate. While many people argue that smoking should be banned in public places due to its negative health effects, there are compelling reasons why a complete smoking ban is not the answer. Smoking is a personal choice, and individuals should have the right to make decisions about their own health...
Critical ThinkingSmokingSociety
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2 Pages 699 Words
The Bible is a fundamental text for many who seek to understand the world around them. At its core is a biblical worldview that shapes how we understand ourselves, others, and the world we live in. One of the most important sections of the Bible for understanding this worldview is Romans 1-8. But what is the intersection of these two...
1 Page 695 Words
Reviewed double_ok
The relationship between humans and nature has been an intriguing and complex one since the beginning of time. While humans are a part of nature, their actions often have adverse effects on the environment. The industrialization, urbanization, and modernization of society have led to a massive imbalance in the relationship between humans and nature. The adverse effects of climate change,...
Critical ThinkingHumanityNatural Environment
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2 Pages 713 Words
School uniforms have been a controversial topic for many years, with supporters arguing that they promote discipline, reduce bullying, and create a sense of unity among students, while opponents argue that they stifle individuality and expression. School uniforms are a set of standardized clothing worn by students in a school or educational institution. In this essay, we will explore the...
Critical ThinkingPerspectiveSchool Uniform
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2 Pages 787 Words
Ladders for Leaders is an innovative program that helps young people in New York City gain valuable work experience and develop important skills for the future. With its focus on providing internships and training for high school and college students, Ladders for Leaders is helping to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce. From the opportunities for networking and mentorship...
Critical ThinkingLeaderLeadership
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2 Pages 736 Words
Communication is an essential part of our lives, yet it is not always easy to get our message across effectively. That's where Argyle's Communication Cycle comes in. Developed by social psychologist Michael Argyle, this model outlines the stages involved in effective communication, from encoding and decoding messages to feedback and context. By understanding the steps in the cycle, we can...
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2 Pages 884 Words
As a member of the younger generation in America, I have been given a tremendous gift - the opportunity to live in a country that values freedom, democracy, and equality. In this essay, we will explore America's gift to my generation and why it is so important to cherish and protect these values. From the sacrifices of those who fought...
Critical ThinkingGenerationSociety
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1 Page 655 Words
The National Honor Society (NHS) is a prestigious organization that recognizes students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, leadership, character, and service. The four pillars of the NHS are the foundation of the organization and represent the qualities that members should embody. In this essay, we will explore each of these pillars in detail and explain why they are essential for...
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1 Page 637 Words
Introduction The Savoy, located in London's Strand district, holds a prominent place in the history of cultural institutions. From its inception in 1889, it quickly became a symbol of elegance, innovation, and artistic expression. This essay explores the significance of The Savoy as a critical institution in the world of art, literature, and entertainment. With its unique blend of luxury,...
Critical ThinkingHotelTourism
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1 Page 534 Words
Introduction The debate surrounding gun control in society has become increasingly polarized, with passionate arguments on both sides. In order to foster productive dialogue and seek common ground, the Rogerian approach offers a valuable framework. This essay aims to present a Rogerian argument on gun control, emphasizing the importance of finding shared values and understanding opposing viewpoints. By focusing on...
Critical ThinkingGun ControlPerspective
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5 Pages 2356 Words
Introduction Breaking bad news to a patient may be viewed as one of the most difficult areas within the job of a doctor. However, it's an essential skill that all doctors have to do throughout their entire careers. Bad news may be defined in a variety of ways, including 'any information which adversely and seriously affects a patient's view of...
Critical ThinkingPatientTruth
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1 Page 536 Words
Introduction "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling is a captivating story that revolves around a mongoose named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and the challenges he faces in protecting his adopted human family from the dangerous cobras, Nag and Nagaina. At the heart of the narrative lies a compelling conflict that drives the plot forward and explores themes of survival, territory, and the clash between good...
Critical ThinkingRikki Tikki TaviShort Story
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1 Page 614 Words
Introduction "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling is a captivating story that revolves around the adventures of a brave mongoose named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. In this compare and contrast essay, we will explore the similarities and differences between the two worlds presented in the story: the world of the bungalow and the world of the garden. By examining the settings, characters, and conflicts, we...
Critical ThinkingPerspectiveRikki Tikki Tavi
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1 Page 579 Words
Introduction The Grand Canyon is one of the most awe-inspiring natural wonders on Earth. Located in Arizona, USA, it stretches approximately 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and reaches a depth of over a mile. Its breathtaking beauty, geological significance, and rich biodiversity make it a global treasure. This essay explores the potential of the Grand Canyon, encompassing...
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1 Page 637 Words
Introduction Real estate has long been regarded as a lucrative investment avenue, offering a unique combination of stability, tangible assets, and potential for long-term appreciation. In this analytical essay, we will explore the various aspects of real estate as an investment and analyze its key benefits, risks, and factors to consider. By examining the financial, economic, and market factors associated...
Critical ThinkingInvestmentReal Estate
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4 Pages 1684 Words
From the grocery store to the workplace; negotiations and interactions with our peers happen every day. However, considering that not everyone has the same communication style or life situation, we must learn the appropriate social skills required to navigate these daily interactions and work collaboratively with our peers. Developing these social skills can be very difficult if all learning is...
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2 Pages 855 Words
Introduction Immigration has been a hallmark of human civilization, shaping societies and cultures across the globe. However, the discourse surrounding immigrants is often fraught with stereotypes that cloud rational understanding and impede integration. These stereotypes, which are oversimplified and generalized beliefs about immigrants, influence public opinion and policy-making in significant ways. The pervasive nature of these stereotypes can lead to...
Critical ThinkingImmigrantsStereotypes
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3 Pages 1343 Words
Identity is the beliefs, qualities, personalities, and looks that make an individual or a group of people. It is a concept that someone develops in the course of life. This involves several aspects of life that we don’t have any control over. This includes Family, culture, friends, personal interests, and surrounding environments that influence our daily lives. Some of these...
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2 Pages 801 Words
The beginning stages of testing involve a process called Vitro (“Read”). When you think of the common everyday products such as cosmetic companies, medical research, and even new forms of technology people are quick to assume it involves abusive animal testing. In many cases, people choose not to support these types of companies. They assume without knowing the facts behind...
Animal TestingAnimalsCritical Thinking
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1 Page 647 Words
“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents”- Jane D. Hull Parents have always played a great role in the lives of their children. They are always present for support and guidance. That is why it is very important for them to get involved in their children's education...
Critical ThinkingParentsPublic School
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2 Pages 810 Words
Over the past few years, animals have been exploited for testing purposes, experiments for medicinal safety, and other scientific methods have been conducted on these animals to confirm that these methods are safe for mankind. In 2017 statistics show that over 3 million animals were tested in England (‘’Understanding animal research,’’2018, Para. 3). Animal testing is unethical because it is...
Animal TestingAnimalsCritical Thinking
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1 Page 632 Words
Is morality valuable when it comes to medical progression or human success? Animal testing is a familiar concept but many do not know the extent of what is involved when it comes down to what the scientists use or how they experiment. Whether it is called animal testing, research, or killing, it is a cruel practice that reveals the results...
Animal TestingAnimalsCritical Thinking
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1 Page 594 Words
Introduction Science, for me, is not just an academic interest but a profound passion that drives my curiosity and ambitions. From exploring the mysteries of the universe to understanding the complexities of life on Earth, science has always fascinated me deeply. My primary motivation for joining this esteemed science program is to immerse myself in an environment that nurtures innovation...
Critical ThinkingInterestsPersonal Goals
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2 Pages 964 Words
Introduction It's interesting how people can be drawn to horror movies, which are both scary and interesting. According to Stephen King's insightful article "Why We Crave Horror Movies," this strange desire is because these movies help us get rid of our darker urges and remind us that we are normal. This essay will look at King's case along with psychological...
Critical ThinkingHorrorMovie Review
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1 Page 410 Words
A biology teacher is an inspiring figure to the class and the school at large, this is mainly because of the understanding that is to come from the biology teacher as he/she illustrates to the student the importance of living things and how they relate to the environment in which they are in ( Tunnicliffe, S. D., & Ueckert, C,...
Critical ReflectionCritical Thinking
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