Critical Thinking Essay Examples

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2 Pages 1035 Words
Mankind has imagined visiting space for many years, but it wasn’t until 1969 that the first person stepped on the moon. Space exploration is the discovery and exploration of celestial structures in outer space by developing and growing space technology. While the study of space is carried out mainly by astronomers with telescopes, the physical exploration of space is conducted...
Critical ThinkingSpace ExplorationStudy
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3 Pages 1483 Words
In the book, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi she finds herself growing up amid the Islamic Revolution. She talks about her childhood and how at a very young age she had to grow up very quickly. Marjane had witnessed a lot of disaster and tragedy at a young age. The revolution sparked a lot of controversy between the government and the...
Critical ThinkingPersepolisSociety
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2 Pages 779 Words
In the spring of 1992, a young man by the name of Chris McCandless began the most enduring and painful journey of his life into the Alaskan wilderness. He did not know of the dangers that lay ahead yet he proceeded on the death march in search of his own ideals. He was incredibly ill-prepared and uninformed about surviving in...
Critical ThinkingInto The WildPerspective
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5 Pages 2244 Words
Authority is a fundamental mechanism that undoubtedly plays a profound role in numerous aspects of modern society. It can be seen within governmental hierarchies, social relationships, as well as organizations. The majority of people tend to accept, or at least tolerate the various forms of authority encountered in everyday life. However, some find difficulty conforming to authority figures and symbols...
Critical ThinkingInto The WildSociety
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6 Pages 2943 Words
It is no exaggeration to say that social media has taken over the 21st century. There are nearly 3.5 billion active social media users in the world and the average person has seven different social media accounts (Smith). Each social media site has its terms of the agreement, which formally addresses its content and media posting policies. Overall, these policies...
CensorshipCritical ThinkingSocial Media
like 228
3 Pages 1591 Words
Thesis Statement: This paper talks about the striking similarities between two novels, ‘The Alchemist’, by Paulo Coehlo, and ‘Siddhartha’, by Hermann Hesse from the point of significance of love and wealth on human fulfillment. The texts can be compared considering the presence of resembling characters and themes. About the Authors and their Background: Hermann Hesse and Paulo Coehlo are the...
Critical ThinkingSiddharthaThe Alchemist
like 432
2 Pages 969 Words
Gender issues in society and the healthcare industry have taught me many things that I have never realized before. In this module, we discussed gender differences in religion and culture, gender equality, and unequal power relations. Issues of gender are mostly based on respecting different personalities and identities. Sex and gender are two different things and we should respect every...
Critical ThinkingRespectSelf Reflection
like 432
1 Page 529 Words
Charlie Gordon is a 32-year-old man and he is an enthusiastic man with the desire to learn and become smart. He undergoes an operation that is believed to artificially increase his IQ to a supernormal level. When the operation is complete, it affects his intelligence and subsequent ability to use language, his personality, and his relationship with other people. My...
2 Pages 981 Words
“Only 10 percent of 2,800 animal exhibitors are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums”(University Wire 1). This means that zoos aren’t authorized to take care of the animals. Most of these animals are put in environments they aren’t fit for. For example, polar bears are put in hot weather instead of cold. Where they are put does not...
Critical ThinkingResearchZoos
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5 Pages 2417 Words
Go vegan, they said. Save the world, they said. But, is the plant-based diet truly as beneficial for the animals and environment as people like to believe? What would happen if everyone converted to a plant-based diet? Veganism is defined by The Vegan Society, as “a way of living which seeks to exclude as far as is possible and practicable,...
Critical ThinkingResearchVegan
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3 Pages 1194 Words
Throughout America, there are plenty of controversial topics that people argue about on the daily. Teen Vaping, Police Brutality, and School Shootings are all examples of this kind of topic. I think an underlying topic that isn't getting as much traction as these popular topics is whether sports among youth are worth the risk or not. You always hear about...
Critical ThinkingRecreation and SportsSoccer
like 425
4 Pages 2048 Words
Throughout Western education, the concept of the winner writing the history books is truly embodied as great tales are spun about the accomplishments of the British Empire or American Veterans recalling the trauma of World War II. However, the Third World, which occupies four-fifths of the planet, is very much brushed to the side with the broad umbrella teachings of...
Critical ThinkingPersepolisRebellion
like 291
5 Pages 2457 Words
Over-policing and under-protection have emerged as powerful platforms for institutional racism. Institutional racism is 'the collective failure of an organization to provide appropriate and professional service to people because of their color, culture or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes, and behavior which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, and racist stereotyping which...
Critical ThinkingPoliceRacism in America
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3 Pages 1511 Words
The first-ever black woman to have a play performed on Broadway and all around the world in 35 different languages was accomplished by Lorraine Hansberry according to Nava Atlas in Lorraine Hansbury, Creator of a Raisin in the Sun (Atlas). Hansberry was raised in a black middle-class family in the southside of Chicago as the Civil Rights Movement was expanding....
4 Pages 1946 Words
A River is a popular and major poem, written by A.K. Ramanujan who was an Indian poet, translator, scholar, and imagist poet. This poem is published in 1966 in the Striders. The poet Ramanujan has compared and contrasted the attitudes of the old poets and those of the new poets to human suffering throughout this poem by using simple language,...
Critical ThinkingPoetry
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5 Pages 2345 Words
Abstract This paper discusses topics in managerial decision-making. Some of the topics that are discussed in the paper are bounded awareness and rationality, overconfidence in business, effects of emotion in decision-making, handling emotional team members, escalation of commitment, and revamping the failed process and tools for value creation. The paper provides real-life examples for the different topics. Topics of Managerial...
1 Page 535 Words
History reminds us of legends. One of the legends who have been smiling throughout history is the legendary boxer, Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali is perhaps one of the most popular names in boxing history. Many people may only remember that the deceased boxer was a strong opponent in a boxing match, and some even remember him only for his charity...
Critical ThinkingLegacyMuhammad Ali
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1 Page 679 Words
Upon close observation of humanity, it becomes clear that man is, by nature, barbaric. We can see that he is prone to savagery brought about by instinctual impulses suppressed by the rigid rules and frameworks of civilization. A prime example of this is demonstrated in George Orwell’s 1945 novel, ‘Animal Farm’, an allegorical representation of Joseph Stalin’s downward spiral into...
Animal FarmCorruptionCritical Thinking
like 237
1 Page 457 Words
As systematic reviews have been conducted for psychotherapy for Shopping Addiction/ Compulsive buying, the evidence base is more credible and established compared to that for Pharmacological interventions which are more commonly based on single case studies. For instance, a systematic review of multiple treatments for Compulsive buying has found that the most effective Psychotherapy is the 12 session group therapy...
CounselingCritical ThinkingShopping
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2 Pages 1005 Words
Introduction In the contemporary digital age, purchasing a computer is not merely a transaction but a significant investment in technology that can influence both personal and professional productivity. The process of selecting the appropriate computer involves a complex interplay of factors, ranging from technical specifications to budgetary constraints and personal preferences. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace,...
ComputerCritical ThinkingShopping
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7 Pages 3089 Words
Oprah is an American show host, actress, media executive, television producer, and philanthropist. She became the host of The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1986, which lasted for 25 years and gained huge popularity. From then she never looked back. In mid 90s she became CEO of Harpo Studios currently known as Harpo Production. She is the publisher of a magazine...
CompanyCritical ThinkingOprah Winfrey
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2 Pages 853 Words
Comparative Analysis of Two Characters in The Namesake This paper is all about a comparison between two characters of the novel by Jhumpa Lahiri, The Namesake. We are going to compare how the author paints these characters with other characters in the novel. Gogol Nikhil, who is the main character, and his mother, Ashami are the center of this analysis....
CharacterCritical ThinkingThe Namesake
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2 Pages 1034 Words
Introduction Toni Morrison's seminal novel, The Bluest Eye, provides a profound exploration of African American life in the mid-20th century, focusing on themes of race, beauty, and identity. Central to this narrative is the character of Cholly Breedlove, whose tumultuous life and actions serve as a critical lens through which the novel examines systemic oppression and personal trauma. As a...
CharacterCritical ThinkingThe Bluest Eye
like 420
6 Pages 2556 Words
'Much Ado About Nothing (1600) and Pride and Prejudice (1813), despite being published 200 years apart, present the challenges of women living in a patriarchal society. It could be said that Shakespeare and Austen chose to give women a voice through their female protagonists, in a society dominated by men. Beatrice expresses her defiance in a somewhat abrasive manner, whereas...
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2 Pages 966 Words
With increasing concentrations of the world’s population migrating to urban areas in recent years, the relationship between social and economic development has become one of utmost importance. A concept that has been concerned with the diminution of this is social polarization, a contemporary term that Woodward (1995) describes as the widening of the gap between specific groups of people in...
AustraliaCapitalismCritical Thinking
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3 Pages 1147 Words
Throughout Voltaire’s Candide, a multitude of themes became evident as one progressed through the narrative. These themes were essential in provoking thought and consideration amongst readers, as well as increasing the interest level that motivated the audience to dive into the meanings of this literary work. The recurrence of concepts that were woven into the narrative, such as wealth, optimism,...
CandideCritical ThinkingOppression
like 244
4 Pages 1604 Words
As a society, stereotypes are inevitable to avoid. From childhood to adulthood, people use these as a standard to judge people. Sometimes they can be seen positively, but most of the time, stereotypes can be harmful. Every culture has its standard of beauty as well, and it can either be difficult or easy to live up to those expectations within...
Book ReviewCritical ThinkingThe Bluest Eye
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1 Page 468 Words
The movie “Avatar” written and directed by James Cameron is a remarkable movie that describes the impact imperialism has on innocent citizens. This movie is very similar to the imperialism in Africa during the 1870s. Both these cruel events show the audience how a group of people can conquer and hinder land, due to all the advanced tech they hold....
AvatarCritical ThinkingImperialism
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2 Pages 826 Words
Lieutenant Dan exhibits clear symptoms of anxiety disorder. As expressed on top of, the initial trigger may be a traumatic expertise that he couldn't overcome. In Lieutenant Dan’s case, this trigger are often argued to be one amongst 2 things. The primary is that he was shot, injured, and then, incapacitated as a results of his fight within the war....
Anxiety DisorderCritical ThinkingForrest Gump
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