Critical Thinking Essay Examples

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1 Page 701 Words
According to ADAA, “40 million adults deal with suffering and only 36.9% of those individuals receive treatment.” Sonny’s Blue by James Baldwin, circles a character named Sonny who uses jazz to escape suffering. The narrator and Sonny are both siblings who were raised in Harlem and exposed to drugs and alcohol. Sonny became addicted to heroin while the narrator became...
Critical ThinkingSonny’s BluesState
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1 Page 496 Words
Following the narrator's perspective along the tale, it’s possible to sense he is a worrying man, who is scared of reality after everything he went through. As he faces the reality of something unpleasant yet familiar, we catch a glimpse of who Sonny is through the narrative and his perspective. For instance, in a specific part of the story, the...
Critical ThinkingSonny’s BluesState
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2 Pages 913 Words
Introduction Life is often compared to a theatrical play, a stage where individuals enact myriad roles, each contributing to the grand narrative of existence. This perspective, encapsulated in the metaphor "all the world's a stage," famously articulated by William Shakespeare, emphasizes the performative aspects of human life. From birth to death, individuals engage in various roles, embodying the duality of...
Critical ThinkingDramaState
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2 Pages 1811 Words
In both Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl and Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, webs of deceit are spun through various characters misrepresenting the truth. Gender is frequently used as a tool to advance the characters' ability to deceive, or in some cases, hinder it. Both authors use these two key themes to develop their contrasting storylines, one being a...
2 Pages 1566 Words
Wilde views honesty as a crucial, underrated societal value and in turn, shows the hypocrisy of those who display contradicting actions in this play. An exemplary quote is that from Cecily stating, “ “I don’t [believe him.] But that does not affect the wonderful beauty of his answer”. In this scene Algernon defends himself and even though Cecily does not...
1 Page 655 Words
Thesis statement: Wilde tries to prove that idealism in and of itself is useless, and can be based on utter nonsense. This can be supported by how Victorians are often portrayed as having the outward forms of virtue, but ignoring the basis of virtue. At the beginning of Act II, Cecily wishes not to receive the education Miss Prism offered...
2 Pages 1489 Words
The importance of Being earnest by Oscar Wilde is a play that portrays some of the experiences he was facing before his imprisonment. Specifically, through the characters Jack and Algernon who were some of the main characters in the story. Jack Worthing, also known as Earnest John Worthing, is differently expressed within the story. He and Algernon are into ‘bunburying’...
2 Pages 1280 Words
The Prologue of Invisible Man presents the significant subjects that characterize the remainder of the novel. The illustrations of imperceptibility and visual impairment take into consideration an assessment of the impact of prejudice on the person in question and the culprit. Since the storyteller is dark, whites won't consider him to be a real, three-dimensional individual; thus, he depicts himself...
Critical ThinkingInvisible ManState
like 247
1 Page 572 Words
In Joseph Campbell’s A Hero With A Thousand Faces, he establishes a universal system in which to prove that every hero story is the same story...The Monomyth. Campbell’s seventeen-step method can compare any work from any period. The seventeen steps are broken down into three different sections to organize the different parts of a hero’s journey. As we soon shall...
Critical ThinkingHero’s JourneyState
like 432
2 Pages 1189 Words
Children are being placed in foster care all over the world. The reasons can vary some kids are left to fend for themselves because their parents don't want them or something tragic happens and there is no one left to care for the child or children. LGBT youth are extremely over-represented in the foster care world. The LGBT youth community...
AdoptionCritical ThinkingState
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2 Pages 831 Words
Introduction Karl Marx, a seminal figure in political and economic thought, remains a pivotal reference in discussions about capitalism. His critique of capitalism is well-documented in his magnum opus, "Das Kapital," where he presents a thorough analysis of the capitalist system, its dynamics, and its inherent contradictions. Marx's work transcends mere economic critique; it delves into sociopolitical realms, addressing issues...
CapitalismCritical ThinkingState
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2 Pages 1039 Words
In the book A Thousand Splendid Suns written by Khaled Hosseini, in part three of the book, the attention turns back to Mariam’s point of view which she and Rasheed take care of Laila. Laila was rescued by Rasheed who found her in the rubble and saved her life. Later on, Rasheed decides to marry Laila because he says if...
like 265
5 Pages 2377 Words
The best-selling book series in history, Harry Potter, is known particularly for its impact on society and the generation who grew up on it. The author, J.K. Rowling, was praised for giving social, moral, and political inspiration to young readers all across the globe, teaching adolescents to grow up standing up against injustice in their worlds. Onlookers at the time...
CharacterCritical ThinkingHarry Potter
like 315
2 Pages 1132 Words
The very definition of the word propaganda suggests that it cannot be a force of good. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as, “Persuasive mass communication that filters and frames the issues of the day in a way that strongly favors particular interests… through lies, half-truths, and the selective re-telling of history.” In this essay, I will be taking an ethical...
Critical ThinkingPropagandaSociety
like 192
2 Pages 1111 Words
Setting and themes are an important part of any kind of story such as a short story, paragraph, or even a novel because they will bring an effect and atmosphere to the story. Firstly, the common meaning of setting itself is the time and place of the story in which the moments or scene happens and is usually introduced during...
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5 Pages 2338 Words
Today we humans are constantly driven to make our lives easier and more comfortable. The intent is good but the gains in efficiency are leading to newer consumption patterns. Over the past few years, we have seen manifold changes in gadget usage, shopping channels, and the global markets. Online shopping is one of the various forms of technology used to...
ConsumerismCritical ThinkingSociety
like 458
3 Pages 1556 Words
The mental health continuum of care is a diverse system of services that are provided for individuals aimed at maintaining and restoring people's mental health and well-being (Austin & Boyd, 2014). The care continuum can include series provided by health professionals as well as resources outside of the formal health care system such as community support (p 42). The continuum...
Critical ThinkingPostpartum DepressionRisk
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2 Pages 797 Words
Have you ever danced, danced, and danced, knowing you were competitive and could beat other people to the top? Have you ever wondered why dance is not considered physical enough to be categorized as a sport? You are not alone? Many people think dance is a sport as it is part of physical education and a skill in which an...
Critical ThinkingDanceRecreation and Sports
like 201
3 Pages 1472 Words
“A good book is an event in my life.” - Stendhal Through every challenge or setback human faces, their outlook on life changes. One’s principles and beliefs are affected by the environment around them this includes the human family, friends, and relationships they create. It is often helpful to delve beneath the literary surface and do research on the author...
2 Pages 1041 Words
Introduction The "Harry Potter" series, penned by J.K. Rowling, has often been categorized as children's literature due to its magical themes and youthful protagonists. However, this classification belies the depth and complexity of the narratives, which offer profound insights relevant to adult readers. From its exploration of ethical dilemmas to its portrayal of the struggles of identity, the series provides...
Critical ThinkingHarry PotterPerspective
like 180
4 Pages 1741 Words
Definition of terms Business This is a complex economic operation concerning those functions that govern the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services for the benefit of the buyer and the profit of the seller (Collins,1994). Ethics These are the principles of human conduct, sometimes called morals, and are concerned with questions such as ‘when is the act right...
Business EthicsCritical ThinkingPerspective
like 409
4 Pages 1651 Words
Understanding that consumerism through advertising and branding is very much about what the product says about you, and your status in the community not necessarily about what it does or how well it does it. It is important to look at how this affects your sense of self or self-concept, the answer to the question ‘who am I ?’. Belk...
ConsumerismCritical ThinkingPersonal Identity
like 195
2 Pages 829 Words
Introduction In Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, Hermes plays a vital yet understated role, acting as a divine intermediary and a facilitator of Odysseus' journey home. As the messenger god, Hermes' interventions are pivotal, impacting both the narrative's progression and the thematic development of divine intervention in human affairs. Through Hermes, Homer explores the complex interactions between gods and mortals,...
Critical ThinkingMythsThe Odyssey
like 237
3 Pages 1502 Words
By choosing an unconventional narrator for his text, Haddon provides his audience with a refreshing insight into the different ways people communicate with one another The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time Discusses how Haddon’s perspective on personal challenges is conveyed in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. In your response, make detailed reference to...
5 Pages 2183 Words
In Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”, the novel depicts a black woman named Celie, who had been raped many times by her father. The author also makes it clear that this man fathered the two children she neared from this rape. Throughout the story, Celie is unfortunately abused many times and the only people who come to her defense are...
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5 Pages 2345 Words
Themes Mortality becomes ever-present in the Salmon family ever since Susie’s elbow was found, and she was declared dead. It is because now they can see how ephemeral life is that they start making choices for themselves and their own lives individually, and no longer for the family. Dad engages in a battle for justice, while the mother goes away...
like 126
4 Pages 1694 Words
Kant and Hegel are well known for their contributions to the field of philosophy and history. Their views and ideas have led to different ways of viewing and understanding concepts of history. Their theories of history provide more insight into things such as absolute freedom, self-consciousness, enlightenment and morals in society. Some of their views on these concepts represent similarities...
Critical ThinkingImmanuel KantSelf Concept
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1 Page 628 Words
Discovers what a code of business ethics is and its role in an organization. A code of business ethics is a written document specifying expected employee-manager behavior conduct in the organization. A code of ethics sets out the ethical principles and best practices of an organization to uphold fairness, dignity, and professionalism. Violating the code of ethics will result in...
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4 Pages 1970 Words
The movie 'Gone Baby Gone' revolves around the abduction of four-year-old Amanda McCready. The plot was made more interesting by each character in the story who had their take on each situation given their moral compasses. The complexity of each situation exemplified the grey areas of reality. Moreover, it must be recognized if they fit the criteria for the responsibility...
Critical ThinkingFilm AnalysisUtilitarianism
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1 Page 452 Words
The film 'Red Dawn' directed by Dan Bradley in 2012 is an American war film. This film depicts a group of teenagers from a high school who are fighting for their life and are under attack from the Soviet Union. These teens joined together and formed an army known as the 'Wolverines.' This name was created by the teens who...
Critical ThinkingFilm AnalysisPropaganda
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