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Key Risks to the Mardi Gras Parade and Their Mitigation

1 Page 689 Words
For the Mardi Gras parade, risk is in both the planning and execution stage. The most important risk involves cost and safety and the others listed below in Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS). These are additionally organized based on likelihood of their event to realize the seriousness related with the in all probability event. Risk Mitigation Plan Technical All sound, lighting,...

Culture and Languages of the Punjab Region

2 Pages 866 Words
The word ‘Punjab’ is conflation of two words (punj) and (ab) devoting the meaning of ‘Land of five rivers. It is the second largest province due to its enormous magnitude and massive figure of souls residing in it there breach among its different zones and their culture and literature. Dating from classical to today’s advanced domain Punjabi culture is appraised...

The Secret Identity of Chinese Women

3 Pages 1341 Words
For a large period of time women throughout the world, especially in China were seen as wives who were intended to cook, clean and take care of their children. Women in rural areas spent their entire days taking care of the house and looking after their husbands. They had a lot of duties and responsibilities that they had to fulfil...

History of Christmas Cards

1 Page 599 Words
Lately, there have been many media expressing their feelings. We no longer need to feel a reason to give something to the special people who plan our lives. Numerous gift ideas on letters to mail that send messages that facilitate expressing or expressing our various emotions and feelings. Although for effective use in the central way, the message through the...

True Meaning of Christmas Essay

1 Page 533 Words
Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth and life of Jesus Christ with loved ones. Or at least that was the point of this holiday, because it seems that many have lost sight of what Christmas is really all about. Between the decorations, the constant advertising, and the millions of Christmas lists made each year, it easy to see...

Gender Stereotyping Christmas Adverts

5 Pages 2296 Words
It’s that time of year again, after a long anticipated wait for the release of this year’s John Lewis and Waitrose Christmas advert, ‘Excitable Edgar’, has finally hit our screens. This funny and heartwarming story for tales an adorable dragon Edgar, who just wants to celebrate Christmas. However, Edgar’s over excitement leads him to be excluded from the village (Barr,...

East Asian Influence on U.S. Culture

3 Pages 1274 Words
The idea of the term ‘culture’ was first conceived in 106 BC, by Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman lawyer, philosopher, and orator. In his work ‘Tusculanes’, he describes culture as the creation and maturity of the soul and mind, through the phrase ‘Cultura Animi’. Over time, the idea of culture has been shifted and perceived differently by the people of...

Western Influence in Japanese Art

2 Pages 883 Words
While it is well known that Japanese art has been an influential factor in European artists such as Monet, Van Gogh, Frank Floyd Wright, it is also true that this influence worked in reverse. European influence plays a role in Japanese art in a variety of ways. In 1868 Meiji Resoration many Japanese artists began to study techniques and themes...

Christmas Spirit Network in the Human Brain

3 Pages 1193 Words
For those who celebrate, they would probably describe the Christmas Spirit as the feeling of joy and merriment and for some it may also have tangible associations such as gifts, holiday related scents, family, and a lot of good food. When asking people where Christmas Spirit comes from, some people and movie adaptations such as ‘A Christmas Carol’ would answer...

The Revolution of the Ah Lian Subculture

5 Pages 2064 Words
Respective countries fathom through individual series of subcultures. In consonant to David Muggleton (Muggleton 2005, p. 1), 'Subculture often create their distinctiveness by defining themselves in opposition to the “mainstream”’. As for our motherland, Singapore, the distinct youth subculture would be the “Ah Lian” and “Ah Beng”. Undoubtedly, the “Ah Lian” subculture is one that locals would cross paths in...

Cultural Competence to Provide Quality Health Care to Chinese Childbearing Families

5 Pages 2423 Words
Cultural competence involves being aware that there are differences from one’s own cultural and that of others’ culture. To be culturally competent also requires one to respect the differences, obtain knowledge and self-educate on the differences, and anticipate needs based on the differences. Cultural competence and sensitivity are imperative to provide good health care. The goal of this paper is...

What Effect Did Pop Art Have on American Culture?

2 Pages 752 Words
The emergence of American Pop Art thoroughly reconstructed post-war culture by conjoining the relationship between art and mass culture, redefining the advertising industries as mediums of art, becoming one of contemporary art’s most recognizable styles. Based on the abstract expressionism of 1940’s, pop art is a creative arts movement which incorporates imagery and themes of popular culture. It marked a...

The Fourth of July Is not an Important Day for Everyone

3 Pages 1344 Words
Throughout American history, there have been many incidents of oppression regarding the people of the United States especially African Americans. Frederick Douglass’ speech ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ shows that The Declaration of Independence is not only historically important, but it also has faults. Both documents briefly discuss the British crown and freedom in both cases....

Mardi Gras as One of the World's Most Famous Carnivals

1 Page 480 Words
Provence or more correspondently the modern administrative region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, is a region located south east of France, bordering Italy to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. Provence has a wide range of distinctive features which differentiates it from the rest of France but what could be considered the most represented of Provence is classified as...

Frederick Douglass's 'What a Slave Is the Fourth of July?' Speech: Uncomfortable Points

1 Page 405 Words
Fredick Douglass, born into slavery in 1818, in Talbot County, Maryland. Douglass is in fact known for giving an astounding speech. In 1852, Douglas was invited to give a speech at Independence Day celebration. His speech, 'What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?' was delivered at an event commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence, held at...

Fascinating Sri Lanka Festivals Not to Be Missed

3 Pages 1418 Words
Sri Lanka is an ideal holiday destination, not only because of the natural wonders spread across the island, but also the mix of cultures and religions. Home to the world's four major religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity), Sri Lanka is an island with 25 public holidays each year. Celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm, experiencing a festival in Sri...

Royal Ceremonies That Take Place in the Grand Palace

1 Page 502 Words
All government agencies completely moved out of the palace in 1932, and The Grand Palace is not used as royal residence any more after Rama IX moved his residence to the Chitralada Palace in 1946. Although the Grand Palace mainly act as an attraction open to public now, it is still a specified place to hold important and special events....

The Diverse and Incredibly Unique Culture of Pakistan

3 Pages 1265 Words
'Culture' and 'Tradition' are more significant in a country like Pakistan which has always been its rich culture and heritage. What are we doing now? It’s a shame to see that 'Pakistan’s pride', 'We Pakistani Youth', doesn’t have even a bit of importance for Pakistan’s culture and heritage, its culture. And we are easily influenced by western culture. Right from...

The True Meaning of Christmas for Christians

1 Page 545 Words
Christmas today is happily celebrated by millions of people for whom its religious meaning is not very important. For many people, Christmas is just a happy holiday when they exchange gifts, eat lots of good food and go to parties. But for the Christian community Christmas means much more than this. For most Christians, the most important part of the...

Importance of Considering the Cultural Differences Between Australia and Singapore When Entering Singapore Business

1 Page 618 Words
Power distance in Australia is fairly low compared to Singapore's high power distance. In Australia, hierarchies are formed for convenience, meaning that managers rely on their employees knowledge and expertise. Employees in Australia are expected to make a contribution directly whether it be formally or informally. In Singapore, employees do not have much control over what they do, with power...

Expanding an Australian Business to Singapore: Opportunities and Limitations

5 Pages 2353 Words
Singapore is an island with a 5.6 million multicultural population and located at the southern tip of Malaysia. Singapore imports 90% on food consumption. This is because Singapore owns limited land available for agriculture and the people mostly depend on the external sources for agriculture products. Also, the export of agriculture products to Singapore helps for good opportunities for international...

Christmas Holidays - Time for Family Only

1 Page 543 Words
Spending time with family has always been my thing. You get to see them when they are happy, sad, laughing, crying and smiling you get to see through the good times and the bad times, family is everything. When I returned to class from the break my teacher assigned me and my classmates a writing assignment based on what we...

Most Inspiring Dance Pieces

1 Page 445 Words
Kathak Bollywood Dance by Svetlana Tulasi and choreographed by Kumar Sharma is the first dance work that I have chosen because during the dance performance, the female dancer performs fast, balanced, slow, and gentle movements with her feet in space; which further enhances the uniqueness of this piece. One of the most valuable and beneficial aspects of this dance form...

Holi Festival Celebration in Rishikesh, Vrindavan and Jaipur

1 Page 451 Words
The adventurous and spiritual capital of India is renowned not onle for the temples, rafting, along with cliff jumping and beatles ashram, but also for its vibrant festivals. Holi, which is believed to be the festival of color and love, also denotes the approach of the spring season, and it falls in March. The festival starts with the ignite of...

Dress Code for Citizenship Ceremonies in Australia

1 Page 509 Words
In this essay I will be discussing to you why a dress code at citizenship ceremonies should not be applied. The reasons behind this are the bare facts that the way we dress defines us, and people across all cultures dress differently, as well as it being a right to dress your own way, your clothes define who you are,...

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