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Occupation Era vs. Japanese Miracle

5 Pages 2152 Words
Like many other countries Japan has had a troubled past. They have gone through many struggles throughout the past 75 years of their history. They have gone through many stages of knowing who they are as people and not knowing their national identity. There was a time when the Japanese people were in total dismay and were struggling to come...

The Harmony Of Japanese People With Secondary Nature

3 Pages 1278 Words
There have long been debate on the belief of Japanese people in harmony with nature. On one hand, this belief is popular in all periods in Japan history, which can be traced back to the Heian period. As Ki no Tsurayuki puts in his preface to the Kokinshu, he sees the essence of Japanese poetry to be rooted from the...

The Rebbe’s Impact On Religion In America

3 Pages 1497 Words
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson also referred to as the “Lubavitcher Rebbe” and sometimes just “the Rebbe,” was the seventh leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty and is considered to be one of the most important rabbis in modern history. During his lifetime, he had a significant impact on Jewish religious life as well as religious life in America in general. Using...

Spiritual Significance Of Pine Trees In Japan

2 Pages 952 Words
When thinking of Japan, it is difficult to separate it from the beautiful imagery of cherry blossom trees. Cherry blossom trees have always held deep spiritual significance for the Japanese, representing renewal and the fleeting nature of beauty and life. However, this is not the only type of tree that is spiritually and culturally important to Japanese culture. According to...

Japanese Patriarchal Values And Its Effects On Women In Different Dimensions

2 Pages 852 Words
Religion has been the main reason that influence such ideology since the beginning of history. Shinto was a indigenous religion in Japan and its social values at the time appeared initially in the classical chronicles of Japanese history from the early 8th century, the Kojiki (An Account of Ancient Matters) and Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan). These chronicles not...

Martin Luther King Jr. And Abraham Lincoln As American Heroes

4 Pages 1732 Words
Throughout American history there has been an issue of people following unwritten codes without making the right criticism of the ethicality of the major historical ideologies. However, there have been American heroes throughout time that did outstanding work through finding a different perspective. Their unusual philosophies created a much better world for many of the upcoming generations of people. Their...

Martin Luther King And Religion

1 Page 640 Words
Religion played a vital role in shaping human history in providing various development in social, economic and communal structures, shaping cultures and civilization. Since the early Mesopotamians civilization to the current age, Religion became a center thought to shape any society and many important events happened in mankind’s history. Among them, Roman Catholicism is a good example that explains the...

A Transcendent State: How The Traditional Japanese Understood Time

4 Pages 1836 Words
Throughout time, civilizations formed ideas to explain why things are the way they are, and they participated in life according to their conceptions. Over ages and across lands, people have come to a range of conclusions surrounding the existential questions of the universe; sometimes conclusions are gleaned through religious doctrine, and other times they are derived through philosophical reasoning. If...

Korean Pop Culture

1 Page 529 Words
Korean K-pop is very famous. As seventh chapter discuss about the music pop culture. The vital pop culture reviewer made a candid declaration in describing Korean K-pop that Koreans are not virtuous in imagination or creativity. According to Hung if Lee is right then the promise about rolling Korea into ‘creative economy’ by President Park Geun-hye’s can result in trouble,...

Traditions And Rituals Of The Mormon Religion

4 Pages 1945 Words
Religion traditions are of extreme importance for humanity since our early origins. Since the Neolithic revolution, when humans created agriculture and transitioned from small scattered groups to organized groups, it is already possible to notice the first forms of religion. “As hunters-gatherers made the transition to a complex social structure, depictions of humans-or gods- began to appear”(Musi). One of the...

The Role And Significance Of Dance For African Cultures

4 Pages 2049 Words
Dance plays a big part in culture in many different societies. In African culture dance is for enjoyment, celebration, and honor (New World Encyclopedia). Dance brings together communities in Africa. As well as helping people find and understand their rules inside their communities (NWE). There are many different types of African dance. Traditional dance, African religion, Ritual dance, Ancestral worship,...

Chinese Culture, Same Sex Marriage And Christianity

3 Pages 1415 Words
The issue of same-sex marriage arouses a considerable discussion nowadays, contrasting argument show up in different countries, discourses between LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and anti-homosexuality seem more problematic. It could be argued that the grand narrative of sexual orientation still strong in the world. In 2019, Taiwan becomes the first place in Asia which legalised same-sex marriage. The constitutional...

The Importance Of Robert Kennedy’s Words On The Death Of Martin Luther King Junior

2 Pages 1199 Words
Often times, some of the most impactful moments are not planned, nor do they come in the best of tidings. This is no exception for Robert Kennedy’s words on the assassination of Martin Luther King Junior. The speech, which was largely improvised moments before it was given, was initially intended to be a routine stop for Kennedy’s presidential campaign trail....

Vietnam War And Martin Luther King

1 Page 524 Words
During the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King Jr. believed that the involvement of America in the war was unjust. King thought that America was too focused on a war that didn’t involve them. He thought the war became harmful to not only people in Vietnam but even civilians in America, innocent people had died when they shouldn’t have. King had...

Narcissism In Terms Of Today’s Western Culture

1 Page 608 Words
Schumacher creates multiple valid arguments against the self-esteem movement and explains the negative effects that narcissism can have not only on individuals, but on society as a whole. In supporting the essay that narcissism creates negative individual and social outcomes, Schumacher cites multiple studies, theories, and facts. The author creates a valid and compelling argument against today’s narcissistic Western culture....

Traditional Vs. Reform Judaism

4 Pages 1675 Words
Traditional and Reformed Judaism was becoming a definite battle in the 19th century. Both sides fighting over who is right. Many Jews started converting to Protestantism and many assimilated men and women considered conversion. As was the case for Weininger. “The conflicting pressures on sensitive young men and women invariably caused much bitterness. Among some of the most privileged or...

Empowered Characters And Misogynists? Internalized Misogyny In Pop Culture

4 Pages 1646 Words
In a misogynist society, many of the favourite characters in film and television are women who hate women. According to most dictionaries, misogyny is the feeling of hostility, distrust, hatred or contempt for women. It is, therefore, an important basis for the exercise of sexism and female oppression and can manifest itself in several ways - from seemingly harmless jokes...

Religious Faith Traditions: Mission And Vision Of The Founder

6 Pages 2862 Words
The word mission can be defined as “an important assignment given to a person or group of people, typically involving travel abroad” followed by, vision which could be described as “a mental image of what the future will or could be like”. (Lexico Dictionaries | English, 2019) In context, the founders of Christianity and Judaism, Jesus and Abraham’s mission and...

The Relationship Between Art Nouveau Illustration And Entertainment Pop Culture

6 Pages 2597 Words
Art Nouveau made quite a few cameos in the entertainment media. In 2007 Disney’s Enchanted feature their protagonist Giselle, who’s portrayed as a cliche hopeless romantic and traditionally feminine woman character, which is similar to how ideal women were portrayed in the Art Nouveau period. This could be an explanation of why Giselle’s dress is an almost the exact replica...

The Majesty Of Chinese Terracotta Warriors

2 Pages 729 Words
I chose to research the Terracotta Warriors as I feel they open the gateway to many interesting events from Ancient China, including the reign of Emperor Qin, and are an interesting topic to study. The questions I chose seem to be the most logical and straight forward to answer my inquiry question. I expect there to be many resources such...

Japanese Vs. Australian Dinging Manners

2 Pages 770 Words
Japanese table manners are far more complex than Australia’s? It is common knowledge that Asian countries have very different ideology’s to Australia and Western countries. But how do us Australians eat compared with how the Japanese eat. While it’s quite common, in Australia, to completely disrespect basic table manners, in Japan it’s extremely frowned upon to be disrespectful at the...

Buddhism, Confucianism And Taoism In Chinese Culture

2 Pages 1014 Words
There are many areas to Chinese culture, and the three paths of faith have played a large role leaving a great impact on their traditions, culture and society. Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism have all brought beautiful paintings, art, sculptures and pottery. Many styles of Architecture were introduced including pagoda houses that have been designed from the influence of Buddhism. Buddhism...

Life, Works And Activities Of Martin Luther King

5 Pages 2150 Words
Summary on Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. turned into the overwhelming pioneer in social equality development to end racial isolation and separation in America during the 1950s and 1960s (Martin Luther King Jr., March 21st), and was a main representative for peaceful techniques for accomplishing social change. His expressiveness as a speaker and his own charism—joined with...

Judaism: Festivals & Celebrations

2 Pages 801 Words
Introduction Whenever I think of Festivals and Celebrations, I always think of happiness, laughter and most importantly food! After all, what is a celebration without food? My Aunt is Jewish and lives in a suburb of Johannesburg called Sydenham. It’s a Jewish community and when I get the opportunity to visit her I get to learn more about the Jewish...

The Asian Values Discourse Against Westernization

5 Pages 2089 Words
In a globalizing world LGBT rights activism is more and more prevalent and included in the universal human rights discourse. This discourse can, however, largely be attributed to Western hegemony under the United States, and LGBT rights are not upheld and accepted in vast parts of the world (Wilkinson et al., 2017). In this essay, the focus is on two...

Japanese Garden Design: Zen Buddhism And Confucianism

6 Pages 2943 Words
The design of Japanese garden establishes an independent school for itself. The gardening strategies are inherited from China, and gradually develop their own characteristics under the Japanese cultural connotation. Among all genres of Japanese garden design, the most representative one is Karesansui garden, or shall we call it Japanese rock garden, or Japanese Zen garden. In the remote past, Japanese...

How Does Korean Pop Music Support Laura Mulvey’s Theory Of The Male Gaze?

5 Pages 2200 Words
Laura Mulvey’s ‘Male Gaze’ theory suggests the media present women through the viewpoint and interests of a heterosexual man and as a result, denies women an identity as strong as their male counterpart. The theory expresses in the media, women’s aesthetic value is only important. The Male gaze theory is present within forms of popular Korean culture, as the media...

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