Discourse Analysis essays

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Life is a constant flow of discourse, of language, functioning in one of the many contexts that together make up a culture. Language, undoubtedly, is fundamental to the creation and maintenance of institutions and practices. According to Fairclough (1992) discourse is ‘more than just language use: it is language use,...

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2 Pages 799 Words
Language is a system of communication wherein sounds, signs or a combination of the two conveys actions and ideas. Language is one of the most precious gifts God gave us. It is a characteristic that makes a man fully human. Humans are above the animals because they have the ability to convey messages and information formally. According to Mayell, H....
Discourse AnalysisLanguageSocial Media
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5 Pages 2260 Words
Since 1970s Discourse Analysis (DA) has developed into substantial sub-areas, notably Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) which sees discourse as a form of social practice (Fairclough 1995, 1989) and argues that all linguistic usage encodes ideological positions, and studies how language mediates and represents the world from different points of view. It is the connection between ideas, language, power and the...
Discourse AnalysisDiscourse CommunityStudy
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4 Pages 1882 Words
Introduction Language is an important means of communication. Human beings tend to express their feelings using their words and expressions which are an intermediate for the understanding between the speaker and the listener. In addition to that, the use of speech serves as a tool to communicate feelings, thoughts and ideology, especially in political and social contexts. South Africa’s Prime...
CommunityDiscourse AnalysisStudy
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3 Pages 1136 Words
As humans we convey information, thoughts, feelings, ideas through different modes of communication which include speaking, writing, drawing, sign languages, facial expressions etc. Communication is the exchange of meaningful information between two or more people or group of people in a community or society. Velentzas and Georgia (2014) explains that to communicate means to ‘make common’ or ‘to make known’,...
Discourse AnalysisDiscourse CommunityStudy
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9 Pages 4287 Words
All art, regardless of shape or form, is inherently political. This is a simple fact. Ryan (2018) asserts that art cannot exist within a vacuum of apoliticality, for “[the artist’s] ability to create art is shaped by [their] political environment just as much as art itself is.” This is especially true for art created within recent decades, where more and...
Discourse AnalysisSemiotics
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6 Pages 2817 Words
Abstract This study is an epistemological enquiry into the definition of ‘development’. The introduction of new technologies by the state perpetuates the dominant discourse of the times. Green Revolution is one such technology that changed the paradigm of farming in the state of Punjab, India. The developmental ideology of those times paved the way for technological interventions and made the...
ConversationDiscourse Analysis
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6 Pages 2590 Words
Introduction Language is the most primeval of persuasion devices. Through an indirect manipulation of language, proficient speakers have authentically been able to influence the perceptions, thoughts, purposes and agitation of the public, to the extent of causing people to accept false statements as true proclamations or even to support policies contradictory with their interests. Leaders have to plan, organize, lead...
CommunityDiscourse AnalysisDiscourse Community
like 293
3 Pages 1602 Words
Linguistic manipulation is an authoritative instrument in politics because political discourse is initially focused on convincing people to take specific political action or to make critical political decisions. To persuade the capable electorate in present time societies, politics primarily over powers the mass media, which leads to creating innovative forms of linguistics manipulation. For example altered forms of pressed conferences...
Discourse AnalysisDiscourse CommunityStudy
like 304
6 Pages 2849 Words
Social media platforms can be deem as an open book: on their versatile interfaces which is changing all the time, people can perceive a huge number of amazing communication acts, “from mundane gestures to revolutionary ones, from intimate exchange to the rise of new global public spheres”(Langlois & Elmer, 2013, p. 1). As Facebook, Twitter and other web 2.0 platforms...
CommunityDiscourse AnalysisDiscourse Community
like 364
5 Pages 2165 Words
ABSTRACT The study identifed and analyzed linguistic, visual, audio, strenghteness and weakness components associated with the selected advertisement of Djarum 76. The research uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze and elaborate the data. Data analysed in this research are the words and sentences converted to written text of Djarum 76 advertisement. The steps of data collection technique are by downloading...
AdvertisementDiscourse Analysis
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4 Pages 1974 Words
Political discourse is a broad field of study and it is identified by its participants that is politicians. Politicians actively participate not only in politics itself, but also in every kind of activity that may become helpful in gaining political aims. They are the group of people, who are elected and given trust by the society. However, politicians are not...
Discourse AnalysisGender
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6 Pages 2812 Words
Even though numerous grammatical characteristics of day to day, spontaneous discourse are judged wrong by the principles followed by written discourse, these characteristics of spoken grammar should not be viewed as off base deviations from the written or standard English. In contrast to written discourse, spoken discourse is typically unconstrained and spontaneous and created progressively with no open door for...
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3 Pages 1393 Words
There is often much more meaning behind the language used in speech, texts and advertisements than what appears on the surface. Ideologies, from a critical point of view, are considered to be descriptions of worldly features which build, support and challenge the dynamics between different groups of individuals (Fairclough, 2003). Dominant groups embed these ideologies in different methods of communication...
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3 Pages 1458 Words
This essay uses research from both experimental studies and from discursive psychology to evaluate whether memory is both a biological and a social process and provides evidence to that effect. Within psychology, two distinct traditions take memory as their object of concern: the cognitive experimental approach (biological) and the Discursive psychological approach (Social). The Cognitivebiological approach studies the structure of...
Discourse AnalysisDiscourse CommunityResearch
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6 Pages 2651 Words
Meaning comes from “the matrix of relationships in which we are engaged” (Gergen & Gergen, 2000). The term ‘masculinity’ is, undeniably, laden with meaning. As is true of all language, ‘masculinity’ comes accompanied by assumptions, and these in turn depend upon where and when it is used. This essay deconstructs the assumptions underpinning dominant discourse on multiple masculinities, the male...
Discourse AnalysisMasculinity
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4 Pages 1636 Words
What is political discourse exactly? Such a broad and vague question has been approached by many theorists in the area of discourse who have each delivered their own results, but none of which have given just one precise definition. Most critics focus on the relationship between the written text and another field, such as politics, culture, racism, etc. Hence, as...
CommunityDiscourse AnalysisStudy
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5 Pages 2253 Words
In her book The Uses of Heritage, Laurajane Smith argues that an ‘Authorised Heritage Discourse’ or AHD exists, which prioritises national frames of reference over those of local communities. This essay will attempt to evaluate whether this is indeed the case, examining in turn the impact of local heritage practices, the idea of the AHD, and the way in which...
CommunityDiscourse AnalysisStudy
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2 Pages 1102 Words
Introduction Media has become an inseparable part of everyone’s life and that makes genre analysis in media discourse even more worthwhile. The topic of this essay is genre analysis in media discourse and is based on Machin and Van Leeuwen’s article (2014). I will focus on the multimodal social media discourse and more specifically on Instagram discourse. After discussing the...
Discourse AnalysisDiscourse CommunityInstagram
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2 Pages 688 Words
In this article, twenty girls were put into the three categories of being pre-pubertal, pubertal, and post-pubertal when anorexia nervosa was diagnosed, (Warren,1968, pg 39). Warren examined the girls under a variety of factors, psychiatric symptoms, and their reaction to treatment while in the hospital. The prognosis of anorexia nervosa appears among young girls and boys, but mostly in girls,...
AnorexiaDiscourse Analysis
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7 Pages 3224 Words
Descartes's opening statement in the first part of his discourse claims that common sense; or rather good sense of reasoning is equal amongst all. The idea that every individual has an equal amount of “good sense” (Descartes, 4) means that they should have the ability to decide whether something is true or false and the ability to “judge correctly” (Descartes,...
Discourse AnalysisRene Descartes
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4 Pages 1866 Words
Suits and Ties Studying the habits of human beings, theorists have proposed different ways in which humans interact with one another. Humans associate with people through similar passions, interests, backgrounds, or beliefs. I currently want to pursue a career as a financial analyst. A financial analyst is someone that helps prevent financial risks for large enterprises and companies. So in...
8 Pages 3557 Words
Introduction “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness […]” (Declaration of Independence, 1776). Just as the U.S. Declaration of Independence, both the U.S. Constitution (14th Amendment, Section 1)[footnoteRef:1] and the U.N. Universal...
Discourse AnalysisRoe V Wade
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4 Pages 1793 Words
Coaches nowadays typically include more than seven plays within their offense. Basketball coaches may use more, while baseball and volleyball coaches may not, but using signals and nonverbal ways to communicate plays to their players is key when effectively running a play. Depending on the sport a coach may use key terms or hand motions to signal something. In basketball,...
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3 Pages 1570 Words
Embarking on the world of competitive horseback riding as a complete amateur is something that I didn’t expect to do ever in my life. Of course, there were the occasional trips to the barn when I was younger and riding up to meet some horses at a county fair, but I knew absolutely nothing when it came down to the...
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2 Pages 1153 Words
Cross country is more than just a sport. There is the obvious mental and physical toughness, but there is also raw emotion that is evoked. Coaches and teammates have the utmost respect for one another. When you run for your school, the final year becomes something memorable. For me, running in high school my senior year was the most illustrious...
Discourse AnalysisDiscourse CommunityPerspective
like 223
2 Pages 684 Words
Academic discourse is the dialogue and the way of communicating in the classroom. Academic discourse is the dialogue and the way of communicating in the classroom. Both articles come to ask the same question, “Has academic discourse changed and whether or not new discourse is improved?” Academic discourse has changed over time because the 21st century has evolved from before....
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1 Page 506 Words
This is exactly what Mamet is picturing in his play: the lost opportunities for proper and functional human connections. As Greenbaum puts it, Glengarry Glen Ross faithfully captures the “sad ethos of American capitalism.” The capitalist discourse and its inherent demand for “cut-throat competition, duplicity, and stratification” enhance “the predatory nature of masculinity” (42). Mamet’s salesmen represent masculinity gone wrong....
Discourse AnalysisDiscourse CommunityFriendship
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1 Page 634 Words
Inquiry discourse This essay, will summarise how Facebook can be correlated to each and different discourses, then which discourse/s are the main business society relation can be Traditional management teaching cannot be correlated with the Facebook management system. As said earlier, “Facebook was not created to be a company, it was built to accomplish a social mission: make the world...
Discourse AnalysisDiscourse CommunityFacebook
like 244
5 Pages 2089 Words
In a globalizing world LGBT rights activism is more and more prevalent and included in the universal human rights discourse. This discourse can, however, largely be attributed to Western hegemony under the United States, and LGBT rights are not upheld and accepted in vast parts of the world (Wilkinson et al., 2017). In this essay, the focus is on two...
Discourse AnalysisWestern Culture
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5 Pages 2345 Words
Introduction Discourse is a necessary component of daily communication and interaction between individuals, functioning on multiple and often highly complex syntactical and semantic levels. Discourse, in the broadest sense, refers to the use of spoken or written language in a social context, but pertains moreover to the deep-coded levels of communication, at the inferential and even non-verbal levels. Discourse is...
Discourse AnalysisSkillsStudy
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