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3 Pages 1222 Words
Documentary films are about documenting real life and not creating life like the purpose of animation, ‘Waltz with Bashir’ (by Ari Folman), maintained simple story to get the message across, the filmmaker as the main character take us through the film and build up the story from not knowing what they are talking about to connect all the interviews to...
3 Pages 1604 Words
From training dolphins for the famous American TV series ‘Flipper’, to now being an activist for these mammals, Ric O’Barry has been playing a major role in trying to uncover a dirty secret that is performed by the Japanese fishermen. ‘The Cove’, an Oscar-winning documentary, directed by Louie Psihoyos shows the motives and passion that O’Barry had going into filming...
1 Page 489 Words
Introduction The documentary film 'A Class Divided' is a thought-provoking exploration of the impact of discrimination and prejudice on individuals and society. It documents an experiment conducted by teacher Jane Elliott in her third-grade classroom, following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In this critical essay, we will delve into the key themes and implications of the documentary,...
3 Pages 1300 Words
The visual artifact I chose for this rhetorical analysis is a documentary titled Gasland (2010). Gasland is an American documentary written and directed by Josh Fox. The film focuses on the communities in the United States where natural gas drilling activity was taking place, more specifically hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”. The film provides experts’ opinions, witness accounts, and statistics to...
2 Pages 1071 Words
I have seen the Blue Gold documentary movie and enjoyed watching it. It was directed, co-produced, and co-written by Sam Bozzo. He is also the editor of the movie. It is made in the United States. This documentary is based on the book Blue gold: The fight to stop the corporate Theft of the world’s water by Maude Barlow and...
3 Pages 1165 Words
Kwame Nkrumah in his essay ‘Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism’ unleashes two different dimensions where in theory a neo-colonial state seems independent and sovereign but in reality, that state’s economic system, political policy, cultural practices are influenced/controlled by external powers. In the documentary ‘Life and Debt’, directed by Stephanie Black, the director has carefully presented how external power such...
1 Page 682 Words
“A documentary is a large term to depict a non-fiction movie that in some way 'documents' or captures reality.” Documentary practice is the process of preparing documentary projects. It relates to what people do with media devices, content, form, and production techniques so as to deal with the efficient, ethical, and conceptual difficulties and preferences that occur as they make...
4 Pages 1791 Words
Documentary photography is a style of photography that is about capturing the decisive moment, some people treat it as a synonym for photojournalism. It gives us a clear and precise portrayal of individuals, events, and items, and is regularly utilised in real life reportage „Documentary relies on the construction of an image in the representation of reality” - David Bate....
3 Pages 1589 Words
In this essay, I will be discussing and researching the history of documentary and the theories that I will include the like Bruzzi, Bill Nichols, Patricia White and so forth as they referred to Gaea Girls and Grey Gardens which are the two documentaries that I will emphasize my argument which is there are relationships between the real events and...
1 Page 532 Words
Egotistical ideas that these individuals were not brave or intelligent enough to be an impactful soldier. However, ultimately they were allowed to fight, which was the force needed that allowed the Union to win against the Confederates. Tubman was exceptional. Not only was she an African American slave that escaped her bondage, but she was also a female. Her gender...
3 Pages 1213 Words
One film that I’ve seen recently, which I think deserves merit is the movie Harriet. According to IMDb (Internet Movie Database), this film is based on the thrilling and inspirational life of an iconic African American freedom fighter. Harriet tells the extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery and her transformation into one of America's greatest heroes. This film...
5 Pages 2403 Words
The documentary film, “White Like Me”, created by Tim Wise, provides a clear picture of what it's like to be a “white” person in America. Wise brings to the screen his investigative racism and prejudices through the eyes of whiteness and white advantage. The narrative's point of view is to understand the obviously calculated thought of white advantage. It also...
4 Pages 1621 Words
1. Compare and contrast, evaluate and critique, the use and effect of archival footage in the nonfiction films we have studied across weeks 9-14. “I am not your Negro” vs. “Chisholm ‘72” Beyond the presentation of archival documentaries, it has fallen into two unfortunate groups. There’s the conventional variety of “archival doc” that consists of basic talking head interviews intercut...
2 Pages 1092 Words
Barak Goodman and Jamila Ephron’s documentary, Woodstock; Three Days that Defined a Generation highlights the making and delivery of the festival that was to become a quintessential part of the counterculture revolution of the 60s. Woodstock epitomised a generation’s stance on civil rights, the Vietnam war, woman’s liberation, gay rights and environmental movements. While it started as an idea by...
3 Pages 1214 Words
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The modernization of our lives has a huge impact on one us, especially in the field of technology ushering in the computer age. It would be nice for everyone to work together, but this is not possible because conflicts of interest between people impede joint action. There are lots of name persons interviewed in the documentary but, I will cite...
1 Page 494 Words
Introduction In the documentary 'Through Deaf Eyes,' directed by Lawrence Hott and Diane Garey, the vibrant and diverse world of Deaf culture is brought to life. The film takes viewers on a journey through the history, struggles, triumphs, and unique perspectives of the Deaf community. This summary essay provides an overview of the documentary, highlighting its key themes, narratives, and...
2 Pages 851 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Thanks in large part to Netflix's new documentary, people are beginning to recognize the dangers of modern social networking sites. The film includes interviews with sort of particular employees, executives, and other professionals from the sort basically top tech companies and sort of kind of social media platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Mozilla in a particularly big way. A...
2 Pages 1009 Words
Childhood experiences are defined through the environments in which they are raised in. Regardless of their environment, a child will thrive through natural survival instincts, coping skills, and will exhibit resiliency characteristics throughout their childhood. Throughout the films ‘Kony 2012’ and ‘Babies’, it displays childhood from two very different views, and how childhood can manifest differently according to geographical habitus....
6 Pages 2622 Words
Back To School Documentary: The covid-19 pandemic made us acknowledge the major global perplexes we are facing. Whether they are economic, political, social, or environmental issues; we are witnessing such aspects rapidly diminish and hit their lowest of low in terms of technicality, ethicality, and the pursuit of a normal day-to-day life. But most importantly, the pandemic affected students and...
5 Pages 2268 Words
Many documentary narratives are heavily influenced by the unique relationship present between documentarian and their subject. Whether friendly, professional, neutral, or intimate, this connection ultimately skews the product’s position upon its’ subject matter and poses difficulties in exploring the subject matter in the manner intended by its’ documentarian. The choices in how each of the following documentarians presents their product...
1 Page 593 Words
In the documentary novel by Avi, “Nothing But the Truth,” the outcome can be blamed on multiple people, depending on which side you take in the story. Philip is mostly to blame for the outcome, having started the whole story by breaking a known rule, telling a one-sided story, and by disrespecting Miss Narwin and the school administration. One reason...
1 Page 530 Words
Introduction In the documentary 'Through Deaf Eyes,' directed by Lawrence Hott and Diane Garey, the rich and diverse world of Deaf culture is explored, challenging conventional perspectives on deafness and offering profound insights into the Deaf experience. This literary criticism essay delves into the documentary's exploration of Deaf culture, shedding light on its narrative structure, portrayal of personal stories, and...
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