Drug Laws essays

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War On Drugs In Philippines: For And Against

2 Pages 1145 Words
Since 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte established war on drugs to eliminate all the people who used and sell drugs. As a Filipino who saw how Duterte’s war on drugs became the reason of killings in our country I can say that this platform is not the platform that we need in our country so I’m against on how war...

The Reasons Against War On Drugs In Philippines

1 Page 587 Words
It violates the right to life. The war on drugs established a violation of right to freedom from execution by the extrajudicial killings (Dickson, 2019). The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has signed the recognition of right to life. Under the ICCPR, the right to be free from death includes arbitrary and extrajudicial killings. Dickson (2019) also stated...

The Peculiarities Of War On Drugs In Philippines

3 Pages 1304 Words
The start of the Duterte administration was the beginning of the campaign on war on drugs in the Philippines (Kishi, Pavlik, & Constantino, 2019) . According to Simbulan, Dioquino-Maligaso, Herbosa and Withers (2019), The Philippines has 1,8 million current drug users and 4,8 million Filipinos have reported utilizing illegal drugs at least once in their lives. This alarmed the Duterte...

Marijuana Should Be Illegal Again

3 Pages 1157 Words
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Problem The legalization of Marijuana created more problems than expected. The Purpose of legalizing Marijuana was to help the ones that need it to survive. Instead, It turned into a vast usage among many in different aspects of life. The media and researchers believe that marijuana would fix many problems like lowering the incarceration rate and free up cap space...

Marijuana Legalization: National Support Is Growing

2 Pages 778 Words
The Legalization of Marijuana has been a controversial topic for the past couple of years. In the early two-thousands, most people were against the idea. But more recent polls have shown the approval rate has increased dramatically. Some states such as California, Colorado, and Nevada have already legalized the drug along with eight other states. Much like Alcohol, weed will...

USA's War on Drugs: History & Overcoming Strategies

8 Pages 3453 Words
An aggravative solution to a vague problem 'All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison', Paracelsus The notion that drugs are bad is mostly true, however there are a lot of debates and fallacies that are perhaps oblivious to most people, and more importantly, the method used...

The Pros And Cons Of The Legalization Of Marijuana In Kenya

3 Pages 1570 Words
I. The Question This issue of the legalization of marijuana has braced the news for years now as different activists from researchers to celebrities to politicians have attempted to sway the masses to legalise the herb. The different activists have attempted to argue that marijuana is in fact more beneficial than harmful not only on an individual level but also...

Debating Medical Marijuana: Media's Role in Australia

2 Pages 883 Words
Introduction The legalisation of medical marijuana in Australia has been a subject of intense debate, with the media often playing a critical role in shaping public perception. In 2016, Australia took significant steps by legalising cannabis for medical purposes, aiming to alleviate the suffering of patients with chronic and terminal illnesses. Despite this progressive move, media narratives have often focused...
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