Education Essays

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Free College Tuition: An Opportunity For Millions

3 Pages 1610 Words
The Burden of Student Loan Debt and the Need for Free College Tuition 45 million student loan borrowers are 1.56 trillion dollars in debt and growing (“A Look at the Shocking Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2019”). Imagine graduating high school with hopes of achieving a higher education and profession, only to be met with hundreds of thousands of student...

6 Things To Remember On Your First Day Of University

1 Page 483 Words
It’s finally here: your very first day of university. Whether you’re expecting to see half your high school, or you don’t know anyone going to your university at all, the first day can be a pretty daunting experience. But it’s also very exciting. To get started on the right foot, here are a few things to keep in mind. Make...

Development Of Critical And Creative Thinking Skills

3 Pages 1386 Words
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. Whenever I hear people say creative and critical thinking, my mind automatically thinks about Elbert Einstein, the owner of this quote. He was a physicist who created the theory of relativity. Every time I think about him my mind will display an image of Elbert...

Incorrect Features Of Political Correctness

3 Pages 1439 Words
What has the world come to? People are being unfairly punished for exercising their right to use the first amendment of this great country. Dave Chappelle tackled this issue in an ingenious way with his most recent show on Netflix 'Sticks & Stones'. Also, according to Deresiewicz’s “On Political Correctness”, PC has become more about gaining power over others than...

Home Schooling And The Question Of Socialization

3 Pages 1391 Words
Homeschooling has been around for 25 years. It is has been exceptionally gaining popularity in the past few years as more students are choosing to become homeschooled. It is indeed extraordinary to be able to learn what is being taught in a classroom without having to step a foot inside. Homeschooling can be considered a type of self-study program that...

Aristotle Philosophy of Education

6 Pages 2704 Words
Introduction to Aristotle's Educational Philosophy This essay aims to explain Aristotle’s theory of education before evaluating the contemporary significance of his philosophy of education today. Aristotle is understood to have lived from 384 BC to 322 BC in Ancient Greece which today would span a geographical area that includes Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and parts of Afghanistan (Malam, 2006). He...

Animal Cruelty In Science, Zoos And Sport

2 Pages 895 Words
Preconceived concepts of how animal cruelty has for long loomed over the minds of our unfortunately ignorant society. Citizens like to think that the police are handling it, cracking down on the abusive owners and poor breeding conditions but, the issue stretches much further than these simple acts of backyard brutality. In contrast, sports events attended by thousands all around...

How To Win The Battle Against Procrastination

4 Pages 1656 Words
Procrastination is an issue that confronts millions of people every day. While it may not be affirmed to be in the lives of every student, it is certainly prevalent in the lives of many. Procrastination, like many things, has a cause-and-effect mechanism. Luckily, there are resources on and off-campus. Some of these resources are simply available, and others were made...

The Use Of Gender, Political Correctness, Language And Power In Oleanna

6 Pages 2926 Words
Introduction In this essay I will be analysing the play Oleanna, with reference to the educational themes of gender, political correctness, power and language. Oleanna was a popular play in the 1990’s that induced outrage amidst it’s audiences, through how the playwright Mamet was able to provoke gender politics between feminists and male chauvinists. The play was blatantly about male...

Current Impacts, Historical Strategies And Prognosis Of Malaria

2 Pages 882 Words
Current impact Outbreaks of malaria affect many areas of life, such as public health, economics and the prosperity of a nation. Between 2010 and 2016, the worldwide mortality rate of malaria reduced by 25% (CDC 2019). According to the World Malaria Report for 2018, out of the 219 million reported cases in 2017, 11 countries made up for 70% of...

Classical And Contemporary Theories Of Play In Early Childhood Education

5 Pages 2076 Words
Introduction In early childhood education, play has been seen as a central concept that underpins the areas of teaching and learning (Fleer, 2013). Play also provides a supportive environment which offers children rich learning experiences that allows them to make sense of their world, to express their thoughts and feeling, as well as extend all levels of development (Crowther &...

The Concept Of Personal Philosophy

2 Pages 1071 Words
When you are in a profession as important as I am, it is principal to be in touch with your “why”. Understanding your reason for choosing a career allows you to uncover what fuels your passion by helping you become connected mentally and emotionally. The foremost thing about personal philosophies is that every single person is different. People who choose...

College Essay on Homelessness

5 Pages 2413 Words
It is a very tragic cause by how many people are becoming homeless, just by becoming a college student. There are very many different reason why, and some of them are costs of books or low income from jobs. 1 in every 10 college students are homeless, and 1 in 4 don't have a meal for the night. To begin...

Technology Role In Early Childhood Education

1 Page 414 Words
The world has evolved, and so has the criterion of life. With the invention of technology, which has been the driving force behind recent discoveries, it would be a disgrace if it is not integrated into our daily life. Technology has revolutionized healthcare, agriculture and our transport systems; forever banishing all the mayhem associated with the sectors as mentioned above....

Relationship Between Academic Integrity and Writing

2 Pages 1009 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Starting with the definition, academic integrity is described as standard set of rules and regulation in academic field which avoid the chance of academic dishonesty like plagiarism and cheating. Academic integrity plays a vital role in maintaining the high caliber of academic standard by encouraging he practice of good research, honest writing, referencing and academic publishing. Academic integrity is very...

Interests Shared By College Students: Gun Safety, Food, And Tuition

2 Pages 916 Words
Fairleigh Dickinson University’s newspaper consists of topics college students are interested in. The newsletter includes topics on gun safety on college campus, food on college campus, and also tuition for college. Other stories from the textbook “The Norton Reader” like “Get a Knife, Get a Dog, but Get Rid of Guns”, and “College Is a Waste of time and money”,...

Cognitive, Behavioral And Humanistic Learning Development

4 Pages 1884 Words
Throughout all of the videos, there were three major concepts that played a major role in the students learning, how they learned as well as the environment in which learning took place. With this in mind, behaviourist views on learning, cognitive explanations on learning and the humanistic approach to education and learning are the three pillars that make up a...

Why Education In College Is Important

2 Pages 913 Words
Most educators believe that the purpose of education is influenced by their own personal beliefs and experiences. Growing up, students have experienced many different situations that make them question the point of even coming to school. Every student has asked themselves at least once as to why they learn certain things and why can’t they just be done already. Research...

Resilience As The Main Feature Of A Teacher

2 Pages 962 Words
Resilience is the ability to cope during adverse situations and to move forward in a positive way. Pre-service teachers are faced with challenging situations that can be stressful, isolating, and can create negative well-being but learning to be resilient and possessing the skills and strategies to deal with challenging and adverse situations can ensure longevity in a teaching career. Through...

The Most Common Early Signs Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

5 Pages 2116 Words
Autism is a mental condition that affects children the most, however, it can affect adults too as it’s an incurable disability, so children grow up having that condition throughout their lives. Autistic children often are not able to form relationships, it’s very hard for them to even show affection at times even to their family. Depending on how severely autistic...

The Types Of Bias In Media

1 Page 695 Words
What exactly is Media Bias? Media bias is the taking of one side in reporting news. It occurs when bias in journalism, in programming selection on stations, or otherwise in mass communications media. I believe that media bias is wrong and it definitely a tool that is used for more evil than good, especially in the political world. Throughout my...

Academic Dishonesty: Reasons, Consequences And Preventions

2 Pages 813 Words
The academic community is one where individuals are expected to hold a higher standard of integrity given their access to a vast amount of resources to expand their knowledge. Any form of dishonesty within this community alters the representation of the material brought forward by the individual and more importantly, their character. There are many forms of academic dishonesty such...

How to Be Successful in College Essay

1 Page 506 Words
College success Entering in college is a step toward success but succeeding in a college is a dream come true. Success in college means that you have enough knowledge, confidence and skill that you can adjust yourself in any environment and any place. Success in college means more opportunities and more successful life. Succeeding in college means respect, you are...

Definition And Mechanisms Of Psychoanalysis

3 Pages 1288 Words
The definition of personality or self is a concept that has generated many theories. How does one truly describe or measure personality? Psychoanalysis is one of the methods used to investigate the mind by using therapy as a technique to bring to surface dormant or unconscious thoughts, urges, and feelings that ultimately lead to our behavior and shape our personalities....

Dress Code Sexism In Schools

2 Pages 997 Words
As part of the Jefferson County Code of Conduct, the school dress code has always been a major concern with the administration and students in Shades Valley/JCIB. I, and many other females, have experienced shame because of the clothes we wear. I assume that this is because the administration believes that feminine clothing would cause a distraction and make male...

The Relationship Between Procrastination And Wellbeing

3 Pages 1184 Words
It might be hard to believe, but procrastination did not rise because of the Internet. It started during ancient civilizations where people have struggled with habitual hesitation. Around 800 B.C., the Greek Poet Hesiod wrote the following: “Do not put off your work until tomorrow and the day after. For the sluggish worker does not fill his barn, nor the...

The Reasons And Goals Of Utilitarianism

2 Pages 1002 Words
Act Utilitarianism’s direct aim is to produce the best outcome and welfare for the greatest number of people while weighing the sometimes heavy costs of what could be the best outcome for the many over the worst outcome for the few. Simultaneously, this theory wishes to conclude what decision brings the most good now and in the future in the...

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