Elephant essays

7 samples in this category

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Essay topics
4 Pages 1732 Words
Introduction In the realm of creative and academic writing, certain topics have the power to captivate and enlighten audiences across the globe. One such topic, perfect for seasoned scholars and curious novices, is the majestic elephant. In an elephant essay, we delve into the intricate details of these remarkable creatures, exploring their biology, behavior, historical significance, and the threats they...
3 Pages 1538 Words
Elephant back Safari in Sigiriya Imagine clambering up that massive beast of the wilds! Something that you never dreamed possible to do. Once atop, you will get that euphoric feeling of being on top of the world or on top of these majestic animals of the forest. Ride these beasts of majesty through the forest, feel like an ancient Maharaja...
2 Pages 869 Words
Intro There is a lot of controversy surrounding whether it is ethical to keep Elephants in captivity due to their specific needs & the lack of space they may have. Elephants in the wild may migrate hundreds of miles in a herd to find water and food, they do this every year or more. Therefore the space in zoos restricts...
2 Pages 868 Words
Due to a decline of elephants in certain parts of African, I would like to propose a plan to help increase the population of these amazing creatures. I want to provide information to help you understand more about elephants and the areas they live along with the effects of losing them and the dangers posed to them. I will also...
2 Pages 768 Words
It is known that around the world are many species which are going on a ‘endangered’ status because of different reasons that impact on them in a negative way. One of these species are elephants. During the 20th century, the number of African elephants decreased due to ivory trade. Even though some elephant populations are now stable and reproducing, problems...
5 Pages 2089 Words
There are many monstrosities committed against animals globally on a daily basis. One of the notable crimes against animals is the illegal poaching of rhinoceros and elephants for ivory. Ivory is one of the most precious materials and it is used for an abundance of reasons. The main reason poaching has become a problem is because western culture believes ivory...
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