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Essay on Gattaca

2 Pages 972 Words
The 1997 film GATTACA, directed by Andrew Niccol, presents the audience with a very possible near future where humanity can tamper with and manipulate human DNA before a person is even born. While entertaining to watch, GATTACA also addresses some interesting questions about how a person’s genetics could affect one’s class in society, and if humanity should cross lines with...
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Essay on Gambling

3 Pages 1491 Words
Introduction In this day in age, where faster is better, many people find that gaining certain things like money should not take forever. There are apps like HQ that give you money for playing games or doing surveys and there are new businesses that make a profit from inventing items that do simple tasks like tracking your house keys so...

Essay on Why Music Is Important

2 Pages 725 Words
The importance of music in the life of humans and their surrounding is huge. There are many myths about music in public spaces relating to the impact it has. Every person has their own taste in music and which creates a unique relationship in their lives as well. We all know music is and will be the most essential part...

Essay on Why Is Respect Important

3 Pages 1545 Words
In everyday life, respect is really important. As youngsters, we are trained (hopefully) to respect our guardians, educators, and seniors, school regulations and road laws, religious and kinship traditions, other people's emotions and rights, our nation's flag and authorities, the truth, and other points of view. And we grow to cherish such traits; as we become older, we may shake...

Essay on Why Is Music Important

4 Pages 1905 Words
Music plays a significant role in our daily lives since it is not only a specific subject for musicians but also participates in all human beings’ activities in both conscious and unconscious ways. People might choose to listen to music or sing in various circumstances. The genres of music they choose vary according to their situations and their own tastes....

Essay on Hunger Games: Book Report

2 Pages 768 Words
A Rebellion of Hope For my second quarter book report, I read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, originally published on September 14, 2008. This book is set in the country Panem, which is District 12, The Capitol, and the arena. The significant history is eloquently stated in the film version of The Hunger Games. “From the Treaty of Treason:...

Works That Shaped My Vision of Life

3 Pages 1369 Words
What is the meaning of life? Like a shadow, this question follows us through our lives, even if we never turn around to see it. Life is defined to be the existence of an individual human being or animal. But life is so much more than mere existence. The true meaning of life is what we choose to give it....

Misinterpretations of Mental Illness in Films: A Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1188 Words
For years, films have been criticized on how they portray mental disorders in film. From ‘Psycho’ in 1960, which devised the persistent confusion on whether Norman Bates is schizophrenic or has dissociative identity disorder to ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ in 1975, that created the idea that psychiatric hospitals are prisons where there is no concern on a patient's...

Hidden Figures: A Persuasive Case for Silenced Voices Festival

2 Pages 912 Words
If you were a targeted minority, how would you feel with such insolence? Would you stand up for your rights, or limit your acts- laying out your unheard voices to be seized-utterly defenseless, and vulnerable? It is essential that the film, ‘Hidden Figures’, is embraced in the Silenced Voices festival, exposing the story of Katherine Johnsen, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy...

Michael Jackson's Music Video Influence on Fame

3 Pages 1212 Words
After the breakout success of The Jackson 5 with the release of 1969’s ‘I Want You Back’, Michael Jackson, who was 11 at the time he began as lead singer in the band, has been front and center within the public eye. While Jackson’s first four solo studio albums saw middling success, it was only after his first album with...

Video Games Effects on an Individual's Body

2 Pages 729 Words
Video games have played a key part of entertainment in life for some people since October 1958. After then, people have remained ‘entertained’ even more so, that for a lot of individuals it has begun (or resumed) to seep into their everyday lives. Video games, in which nearly a third of the planet’s population plays, have started to affect people's...

Video Games Are Not Evil: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 554 Words
I am sure you’ve heard the saying, “Video games will rot your brain!”. But the question is do they? For the last year, Fortnite has dominated pop culture and nearly all young people are playing it on some sort of system. Many have learned valuable hand-eye coordination from this game along with problem solving. Generations have enjoyed video games from...

Video Games Are Good for You: Essay

1 Page 482 Words
Video games are one of the most expressive ways to show emotions and creativity. So, why do people think that they are so bad for you? Gaming systems like Nintendo Wii, Xbox Kinect and PlayStation Move promote fitness indoors for all, during a pandemic like Covid-19, boosting hand-eye coordination, analytical skills, persistence and slowing down aging. Online multiplayer games allow...

V as a Freedom Fighter in the Film ‘V for Vendetta’

2 Pages 1026 Words
The quote 'One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist' is often controversial when it comes to the film ‘V for Vendetta’. Terrorism is the illegitimate use of violence and intimidation, particularly against civilians, in the pursuit of political objectives. On the other hand, a freedom fighter is a person who is involved in a violent fight to attain a...

Thoughts on Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's Song 'Shallow'

1 Page 492 Words
‘Shallow’ is a love song by both Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. They used the word ‘shallow’ to describe how overwhelming and profound their love for each other is. “I am off the deep end” in aspect, they are deeply in love and involved in each other. The words “I’m falling” are the emotional peak of the song and have...

Use of Stereotypes in Cinema and Literature

3 Pages 1568 Words
The word ‘stereotype’ is today almost always a term of abuse. A pattern of stereotypes is not neutral. It is the guarantee of our self-respect; it is the projection upon the world of our own sense of our own value, our own position and our own rights. The stereotypes are therefore, highly charged with the feelings and attached to them....

Theme of Relationships in the Film ‘The Social Network’

1 Page 678 Words
‘The Social Network’, a film adapted from Ben Mezrich’s ‘The Accidental Billionaires’, and directed by David Fincher, explores the intricate past and creation of the social media site, Facebook. This film is not only a film about social media, but it’s also about border concepts than technology. It’s about relationships, individuals, friendships and what these mean in the digital age....

Theme of Love in the Film ‘Spirited Away’

1 Page 539 Words
The main idea in ‘Spirited Away’ is love. According to the dictionary, love is an intense feeling of deep affection and great interest and pleasure in something. According to the Internet, Chihiro is the ten-year-old core protagonist of the Japanese animated film ‘Spirited Away’. Chihiro's relationship with the rest of the characters expressed the main idea. I think it is...

Theme of Leadership in the Film ‘The Social Network’

1 Page 582 Words
Ethical leadership is a two-part process involving personal moral behavior and moral influence (Johnson, 2018). Ethical leaders consider long-term effects, downsides and profits of the decisions made by businesses, company’s or other organizations. In the film ‘The Social Network’, it depicts the Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg and his team, designing the social media website that would famously be known as...

Isolation and Fear in Totalitarian Governments in 1984 and V for Vendetta

2 Pages 804 Words
The novel ‘1984’ and film ‘V for Vendetta’ are both works that explore how totalitarian governments cause isolation and fear through control. They demonstrate how methods such as propaganda, surveillance and fabrication of information assert control over the lives of their citizens and remove the individual freedom to create a mass of people living in a single unified movement. ‘1984’...

Breaking Rules in 'The Breakfast Club' and 'The Wave'

4 Pages 1779 Words
Rules need to be broken at times. As both the 1985 film by John Hughes, ‘The Breakfast Club’, and the 1981 novel by Morton Rhue, ‘The Wave’, discuss why and what can happen when such acts are done. With so much desire to break the rule, there is little room left to see why they need to be disobeyed sometimes....

Empowering Education: The True Teacher in 'Freedom Writers'

2 Pages 1105 Words
Introduction The 2007 film "Freedom Writers," directed by Richard LaGravenese, tells the inspiring story of Erin Gruwell, a dedicated teacher who transformed the lives of her at-risk students through innovative teaching methods and an unwavering commitment to their success. This film is based on the true story of Gruwell's experience at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California, during...

The Rise and Rise of Video Games

5 Pages 2425 Words
Super Mario Bros., Sonic, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, and Pac-Man are all examples of classic video game titles that almost anybody who has even touched a video game would know. Video games have had a major influence on those that grew up between the 80s and now. The popularity of video games has only rose since its debut in the...

Problem of Communication in the Film 'The Social Network'

2 Pages 820 Words
Through the film ‘The Social Network’, many organizational behavioral problems can be identified, such as leadership problems, lack of communication among top management, and some unethical behaviors (hacking, stealing ideas, betrayal, and disloyalty). For this essay, I decided to choose the problem of communication as the main problem because it was one of the vital factors in running a successful...

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