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Planting Trees on Bloor Avenue in Downtown Toronto Case Study

3 Pages 1393 Words
Summary The report is based on a case study on the tree planting project along the Bloor Avenue in Bloor-Yorkville. It covers the aspects of rezoning this area so as to ensure that it has residential areas as well instead of the usual office apartments and retail stores. This has necessitated the planting of trees in the area. The rezoning...

Tri-State Tornado, The Deadliest Tornado in History

1 Page 400 Words
Tornados cause many deaths and injuries every year. “On average, tornados cause 70 deaths and 1,500 injuries in the United States every year.” (Rudolph 19). The deadliest tornado in United States history is the Tri-state tornado of 1925. The tornado struck before modern technology was available to record the actual strength of the tornado, but it is accepted that the...

The Ford Motor Company as an Example of Sustainability

2 Pages 896 Words
The issue of sustainability is a relatively new development in human history. Before the industrial revolution, resources were ample, and the idea of pollution was nearly nonexistent. However, once manufacturing was developed the need for raw materials increased exponentially. At first this was not such a huge problem, but over time the resources depleted. Fast forward to the present and...

The Amount of Carbon Dioxide Produced by Energy Drinks

2 Pages 690 Words
Fermentation refers to a metabolic process which consist of glycolysis plus reactions that regenerate NAD+ by transferring electrons from NADH to pyruvate. Organic molecules are converted into acids, gases, or alcohol in the absence of oxygen or any electron chain (Biology Dictionary, 2019). Fermentation occurs among specific types of bacteria and fungi that are obligate anaerobes, which are organisms that...

Global Warming Challenges Solving in General Electric

1 Page 657 Words
General Electric Company is a mega-company that seeks to expand its business and gain a larger share of the market. The issues of global warming due to the emission of carbon dioxide threaten the company’s lucrative business of selling steam engines that use coals and petroleum products because environmentalists advised the United States government to limit carbon dioxide emission (Kennedy,...

Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks

3 Pages 1366 Words
Introduction Energy is an invaluable resource that satisfies people’s basic needs and brings convenience and comfort in life. Unfortunately, its consumption has strained natural resources, consequently causing an energy crisis. The world needs to scale up cleaner energy resources to reduce harmful emissions, and nuclear energy provides the solution to this problem. However, it is crucial to weigh nuclear energy...

Littering in Public Places: A Significant Issue Essay

1 Page 637 Words
Introduction Littering can be defined as the incorrect disposal of trash in places it does not belong. Littering in public places is a significant issue many communities face. People’s carelessness toward the surroundings they live in causes other citizens to suffer. According to Reisch’s characteristic of an ethical issue, littering in public places upholds all standards stated (2019). Public littering...

We all Need Trees Essay

1 Page 391 Words
Trees are essential to our society because they provide the air we breathe, support much of the food we eat and provide most of the oxygen that fuels the planet. This value of trees essay help kids understand the importance of the trees. Trees offer more than just sustainable resources to us; they also help ensure a brighter future for...

Consequences of Plastic Pollution Problem

2 Pages 753 Words
In your room, in your home, on the street you live in, and in your workplace, it's everywhere. Since the discovery of plastics in the early twentieth century, and has penetrated in all aspects of life in an unreasonable way, it was able to replace the natural raw materials, which were used widely in successive centuries, which began to drain...

Pros and Cons of Wildlife Conservation

1 Page 656 Words
Conservation scientists receive far less recognition than they deserve. From studying natural disasters to managing the land quality of national parks, forests, and other natural resources, they play a very important role in balancing human relations with nature. They work with national and state governments to propose solutions to many problems like pollution, climate change, and countering natural disasters. The...

Creativity in Natural Environments: A Pathway to Sustainability

2 Pages 855 Words
By nature, humans and the environment are deeply connected. Similarly, a lot of creativity relies on inspiration from the environment, and our role as environmental stewards. For many creative individuals, being in nature is one of the most influential avenues for opening their creative landscape. Fortunately, nature is in fact a key player in stimulating the mind toward these particular...

Solution of Global Warming Essay

4 Pages 1635 Words
The modern world faced the problem of global warming which is considered to be the growth of Earth’s average temperature within oceans and air. It is necessary to underline the fact that this climate change has started to develop since the 20th century and is still in a progressive state of continuation. The true causes of the greenhouse effect are...

Waste Management our Responsibility Essay

1 Page 541 Words
Essay on Waste Management-Waste management is essential in today’s society. Due to an increase in population, the generation of waste is getting doubled day by day. Moreover, the increase in waste is affecting the lives of many people. For instance, people living in slums are very close to the waste disposal area. Therefore there are prone to various diseases. Hence,...

Organizational Behavior and Motivation in Hurricane Response

1 Page 610 Words
Introduction Organizational behavior is majorly a study of the way people act in their workplace. Public administrators and managers usually learn organizational behavior to help them understand employee motivation from different perspectives, such as engaging the staff members, managing bosses, and working with the public behind the scenes. Many theories of motivation have been formulated by theorists to create mechanisms...

Hurricane Katrina: Improvised Communication Plan

2 Pages 816 Words
On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina swept through the city of New Orleans (Lachlan & Spence, 2007). The hurricane caused extensive losses in the Gulf Coast region. In the aftermath of the damage, thousands of residents were left homeless. As the victims escaped from the region to safer grounds, millions of Americans watched agonizing images of fellow citizens languishing in...

Deforestation: The Reasons Forests Should Be Protected

1 Page 573 Words
The causes of deforestation which is development of agriculture and economic pressure has lead to several effects which is not only affects the people, but plants, animals and environment. These effects has negative impacts especially on land and biodiversity. Deforestation has many effects toward every species on the earth and environment, and one of the impact is on land. The...

The Land Ethic': Rhetorical Analysis

3 Pages 1319 Words
In Aldo Leopold’s piece, “The Land Ethic” it creates an effective rhetorical analysis with its moral responsibility to the natural world. The idea of a land ethic is simply caring about the community, the land and restoring the relationship between them. Leopold states, “An ethic to supplement and guide the economic relation to land presupposes the mental image of the...

Essay on Plant Trees Save Earth

1 Page 550 Words
Introduction Today humans are enjoying a technological era where everything becomes possible and easier through various technologies and industries. But this luxurious life does have a black side. It has many harmful effects on nature. Earlier people don’t have major industries and technologies but they have trees and pure air. Today people have all the major facilities but at the...

Tornado and AmeriCares Overview

1 Page 550 Words
Frequent tornadoes are typical climate features in North America that happen in different regions including Canada, the East Coast and the Florida Peninsula. Special sirens are installed to warn citizens about the emergence of a tornado, and houses are supplied with lower-level safe spaces; however, these means are not sufficient to keep people entirely from harm. The consequences of tornadoes...

How Global Warming and Air Pollution Connect

2 Pages 801 Words
Scientists have recently discovered that connections between global warming and the levels of pollutants in the air have undeniably started to become more noticeable within recent years. Throughout the air, increasing temperatures caused by global warming raise the amount of aerosols. These particles along with many others, are what causes air pollution. Aerosols are microscopic droplets that sit in the...

Impact of Environmental Pollution in Society

2 Pages 1080 Words
The World Health Organization estimates that 4.6 million people die every year from the causes directly attributable to air pollution. Barack Obama (2013) suggested that the emission from car is considered as the most challenging issue in the globe. Pollution is the introduction of harmful or poisonous substance in the environment. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or...

Engineering Disasters: Overview of Chernobyl Accident

4 Pages 1703 Words
When I think of nuclear disasters my first thought is Nagasaki and Hiroshima. These tragic events caused during an act of war was a traumatic devastating event in history. Chernobyl another disaster was perhaps the most outrageous display of lack of ethics event in recent modern day history. Chernobyl’s instant killing of the 30 workers pales to the estimated 600,000...

Engineering Mistakes that Led to The Chernobyl Disaster

3 Pages 1463 Words
Mistakes are merely a part of a human’s everyday life. In the engineering profession, every single move and foolish decisions made can cause life-changing results if something does not meet the proper standards. The Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine was a prime example of standard breeches, design flaws, and incompetence by the workers to produce one of the worst incidents in...

Nuclear Disasters: Fukushima and Chernobyl

5 Pages 2374 Words
Both Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters were nuclear crises that occurred accidentally in Japan and Ukraine respectively. The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant while the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Both disasters were rated seven, which is the highest in the scale due to its severity. The Chernobyl disaster occurred in...

Descriptive Essay on Spring Season

2 Pages 1117 Words
The spring season has always been a favorite time, among many. People love it more than any other season of the year. You can also find that students have been given teachers to write a few lines or essays during the spring. So, in this article, you will know a few essential things to help with your assignment and give...

Philanthropy: Recycling Programs in Los Angeles

5 Pages 2254 Words
Introduction The current increasing use of the earth’s natural resources put a raising pressure on our planet’s ecosystem. This ecosystem which supplies vital resources is one of the key factors that human life depends on, along with waste absorption. What happens if human life using all of the available natural resources, what if the waste that man produces is no...

The Diminishing Health of Our Oceans

2 Pages 906 Words
Growing up with severe asthma as a child, the doctors repeatedly advised my mother to take me to the sea. The fresh breeze coming from a large body of salt water was a miracle cure to my never ending sleepless nights spent on asthma attacks. At the age of only 5, I have developed a true love for the Black...

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