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Fracking Must End in USA

1 Page 486 Words
The natural gas extraction method known as hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, has simultaneously become a cash cow for unimaginably wealthy energy companies, a ruthlessly efficient destroyer of limited natural resources the United States depends on, and a disturbing new trend that will lead to massive social instability. Several reasons counsel convincingly against fracking such that it should no...

Recycling: Finding the Solution

2 Pages 1029 Words
Introduction The modern appearance of large cities seems to have become closely associated with the problem of trash recycling. While in central areas and historic districts of agglomerations, municipal governments try to maintain cleanliness by intensifying urban services, closer to the outskirts of the city, where most of the population traditionally lives, the proper garbage disposal is not a management...

Nuclear Waste Management Essay

1 Page 534 Words
Waste disposal is the sensational topic these days. However, it is only the Nuclear power that takes full responsibility for all its waste and costs into this product. The wastes that is generated from the thermal industries has to be managed with extra care as it should not have any hazardous impact on the environment and mankind as much of...

Overview of Climate Change Effects and Strategies to Control It

2 Pages 718 Words
Climate change is a growing problem that affects thousands of lives through the form of high temperatures which further results in record heat waves, droughts, rising sea levels, greater intensity of storms, wildfires, and floods. Although Climate change is not the direct cause of hurricanes, the destruction caused by hurricane harvey was intensified by high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which...

Climate Change Impacts Florida’s Biodiversity

4 Pages 1623 Words
Introduction The ecological system of Florida contains several distinct life forms with rarest species as compared to other ecosystems. Florida’s geographical location and longitudinal range makes it situated in a manner that almost all parts of South Florida have a tropical climate and the central and northern parts of Florida’s State is humid subtropical containing the Florida’s species with varying...

Wildlife Conservation: The World Wildlife Fund and The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey's Circus

3 Pages 1361 Words
Entertainment and nature are in a constant battle; animals and resources can be used to fuel the entertainment industry, but at the cost of the environment and animals. In circumstances like a circus, animals are often mistreated. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) works to ensure the protection of animals and their habitats. Founded in 1961 in Switzerland, the WWF promotes...

Water Quality and Contamination Experiment Report

3 Pages 1362 Words
In the contemporary world, industrialization has led to continuous water contamination. Ideally, companies related to water safety should offer a solution to water contamination where distillation is inevitable. The research used various water testing methods. For instance, the pH levels of bottled and tap water ware tested using effective methods such as filtration and water treatment. Thereafter, the observations were...

Analysis of 'The True Cost' Documentary: The Consequences of Fast Fashion

2 Pages 910 Words
The True Cost documentary which is filmed and directed by Andrew Morgan is concentrated on fast fashion. This documentary reflects on numerous aspects of the apparel industry from production, the life of a low wage worker, and the global effect of cheap clothing’s. These workers are forced to work in poor condition for the satisfaction of the international fashion. The...

Analysis of The Causes of Climate Change

1 Page 466 Words
“The greenhouse effect is the most significant economic, political, environment and human facing the 21st century” (By Timothy Wirth, former US Senator and Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs). It is true that nowadays, due to climate change, our planet is warming at an unprecedented level. Following this, the ecosystem and human life is also affected. That is reason why...

Illegal Wildlife Trade Across The World

1 Page 421 Words
Illegal wildlife trade across the world is worth billions of dollars each year and is one of the major threats to the survival of our most iconic species in the wildlife such as Rhinos, Tigers and Elephants. According to U.S., illegal trade in endangered wildlife products, including rhino horns, elephant ivory, leather, and turtle shells, is estimated to worth more...

Analysis of The Effects of Fracking in America

1 Page 625 Words
Numerous citizens of America have debated on whether hydraulic fracturing (fracking) should be supported or banned. Hydraulic fracturing is where chemicals are pumped underground to break through a rock and release the gases/oil. Fracking industries generate around 70 billion dollars from oil, part of which contributes to the government. However, is the revenue worth the damage caused? In recent months,...

Advantage of Recycling Essay

1 Page 422 Words
Introduction Recycling has become an important call in the world these days. With increasing population and rapid industrialization, the amount of waste being produced has increased manifold. It is important to recycle this waste so as to protect our environment. We need recycling for many reasons. But most importantly, it will help us to save our planet. Besides, recycling saves...

History of Batteries, What Is a Battery, Recycling of Batteries

6 Pages 2966 Words
History of Batteries (Types – Production – Consumption) in Europe, the USA and China One of the most revolutionary ideas at the time of the invention was the battery. A battery is defined as a device where energy is stored and delivered through electrical means. Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery in the early 1800s. Based on his theory...

Water Quality in Savannah, Georgia

2 Pages 740 Words
Water plays a central role in the sustenance of any form of life, which underscores its importance in the current world. However, water could also be a source of life-threatening health conditions if not handled carefully. The present levels of pollution aggravate the situation because thousands of chemicals and other pollutants can easily find their way into water systems. In...

The Causes and Solutions for The Problem of Water Pollution

1 Page 579 Words
Water pollution is a huge issue around the world because it affects everyone. No one can live without water, and if that water is contaminated, we can’t survive. Water pollution can be caused by the dumping of toxic chemicals, and even acid rain, which is caused by air pollution. This polluted water can cause a loss in biodiversity, as well...

The Issues and Importance of Clean Water Access

5 Pages 2127 Words
Clean water is imperative to live. From our drinking water to sanitization, to modern technology such as fracking it is vital. Humans and animals alike require water daily for survival and comfort. Just three days without water and we would all suffer greatly. Clean water should be equally accessible to all humans. Water legislations are personal to humans as it...

Steps of The Wastewater Treatment Process

2 Pages 776 Words
The dirty water comes from homes,drainage of industrial waste and many other sourses is what we call sewage water or waste water. Due to ever increasing population the demand for clean water is constantly increasing, so purification and production of potable water is one of the alternatives to deal with this problem of water crisis. Recycling of waste water or...

Essay on Spring Season

1 Page 403 Words
The spring is of three months, however, due to the beauty of its surroundings, it seems that it remains only for a short time. Birds start singing in the sweet voice in reception of the Vasant Season. Temperature remains normal, this season does not have much cold and neither too much heat. Due to the greenery around it, it makes...

The Mutability of Public Opinion in The Rite of Spring

2 Pages 829 Words
“Public opinion is an extremely mutable thing,” Norwegian playwright and poet Henrik Ibsen once declared. In light of historical documents surrounding Igor Stravinsky’s now-acclaimed masterpiece, The Rite of Spring, the truth behind Ibsen’s quote is clearer than ever. Public opinion is not always easy to determine from the limited availability of historical resources, and often evolves over time as well....

A Report on Siemens Wind Energy Strategy Formulation

3 Pages 1166 Words
Siemens Gamesa came into existence through a merger between German multinational Siemens and the Spanish wind energy company Gamesa on the 17th of July, 2016. This Strategic Partnership Agreement that benefitted both companies created a leading wind player. The market strong hold that these two companies possess are geographically diverse hence by merging created a well-balanced footprint around the world....

Solar Energy: Pros And Cons

3 Pages 1458 Words
The advantages and disadvantages of solar energy are numerous, and whilst this is probably amongst the most desirable of energy options in the world due to it being so green and economic in the long term. There are still many elements one needs to weigh up before making use of it The aim of this post is to make you...

How to Reduce Global Warming? Essay

2 Pages 753 Words
'Global warming isn’t a prediction. It is happening', by James Hansen. Based on this quote, global warming does occur and is not just a mere prediction. There have been many cases where various flora and fauna have been greatly reduced because many of their homes have been lost, replaced by many tall buildings and residential buildings. In general, global warming...

A Bright Future Without Global Warming

2 Pages 810 Words
Imagine if this world ended because of natural disasters, and your family became one of the victims. There will be much sadness experienced by the people who lose their loved ones. 'Global warming is not a prediction; it is happening,' according to James Hensen. Global warming is the process of the increasing average temperatures in the atmosphere and the Earth's...

Coral Reef Depletion and Possible Solutions

5 Pages 2118 Words
Abstract Coral reef depletion is not a new phenomenon as coral reefs in most parts of the world have gone through substantial alterations in their history. As early southeast the 1870s, coral reef mortality existed in many places although the trend of depletion has Southeast increased in recent years. Natural disturbances such as hydrographic disturbances, unusual drops of sea levels,...

Temporal Neutrality on the Coral Reef Island

2 Pages 1103 Words
The coral reef fortification program is the uniquely right choice to make in the case of the Coral Reef Disintegration issue. The evidence concerning the significant diminishing of the coral reef is strong enough to support such a decision. The island faces an existential threat if the erosion caused by the strong waves is not addressed immediately. After the island...

The Social and Environmental Impacts of Water Desalination

2 Pages 966 Words
As a community a thought is lingering in the back of our minds. Our population is exponentially growing, and as we see more and more fresh water slip down the drain away from us, Where will we look to get fresh drinking water in the future? As the human race starts to see the water sources deplete we look to...

Application of Recycling to Waste From Refinery Industry

1 Page 664 Words
Recycling is the process of making waste materials from industries useful through re-using. Recycling in the refinery industry; helps to conserve the environment as these industries produce wastes like gases which if not properly managed, pollute the environment and human existence in particular. The wastes from refinery industries form a problem because when inappropriately disposed of; they can explode, corrode,...

Municipal Solid Waste Management

2 Pages 904 Words
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is what people leave after their everyday life activities, and includes items such as paper, plastic garbage, metals, electronics, and textiles. These leftovers are damaging for the environment, and its their volumes grow with the human population. The waste issue is especially urgent for places with a high density of citizens, therefore different strategies of waste...

An Overview of The Volcanoes in Hawaii and Their Histories

3 Pages 1197 Words
The volcanoes in Hawaii are formed on a chain of hotspots in the ocean known as the Hawaiian Emperor Seamount chain. The hotspot location climaxes, resulting in a shield volcano, and then dies out, reappearing on the trail of the chain, creating a new volcano. This is known as the plate tectonics and hotspot theory, developed by Tuzo Wilson in...

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