Environment essays

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Waste Management's Impact on Economy: South Korea vs India

3 Pages 1296 Words
Introduction The rise in environmental issues has led to the field of environmental economics which deals with the relationship between the economy and environment becoming extremely important. India as a country generates 62 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) each year. (Wikipedia contributors,2019, October 16). However, only about 30% of the waste collected is actually treated (Livemint, Mar 1,...

Blockchain's Potential to Improve Environmental Sustainability

2 Pages 1053 Words
Do you know that around 800 million people are currently vulnerable to many life-threatening risks like floods, droughts, hurricanes, heat waves, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events? Species are going extinct. Oceans are suffocating. Ice regions are melting. And the lives around us are at stake all because of our actions like deforestation, excessive carbon emissions, pollution, etc. At the...

European Destinations to Enjoy Snowfall in Europe

4 Pages 1664 Words
Let's be honest. What does a hassle-free trip filled with wellness and self-exploration really mean? It's true that looking after ourselves is key to bringing our game on the daily, but discovering what makes feel good isn't just about usual movie watching and going to small parties, - nor is it easy, one-track journey. Hassle-free trips filled with wellness and...

Integration into the Conservation Biology Discourse Community

2 Pages 904 Words
Introduction The discourse community of conservation biologists is a unique and dynamic collective that plays a pivotal role in safeguarding biodiversity in a rapidly changing world. This community is defined by shared goals, specialized knowledge, and a commitment to preserving the natural environment through research, policy advocacy, and public education. Membership in this community involves not only technical expertise but...

Negative impact of environment in Silent Spring

6 Pages 2724 Words
Introduction “There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature- the assurance that dawn comes after night and spring after winter” - Rachel Carson Nature remains as the beginning of the world. It is believed that God created nature first and then human beings to preserve and enjoy its ambiance. Human’s duty to preserve nature have been started...

The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR): Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1596 Words
The Environmental Bill of Rights Project The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) is one of the most significant environmental laws of our time that protect and conserve the environment. The EBR recognizes that while the government has the primary responsibility for protecting, conserving and restoring the natural environment, the people of any country has the right to participate in government...

Impact of Dust Bowl on Economic Depression

2 Pages 941 Words
The end of World War 1 brought the United States a time of much political, economic, social changes, and had the U.S. emerge from the war as a powerful military leader. Factories and industries throughout the country had become significantly more efficient with the rise of Ford's assembly line and allowed for regular citizens to gain access to items much...

Rogerian Argument: Locavore Synthesis Essay

1 Page 669 Words
Introduction: Significantly over the past years, locavorism has become a growing shift across the country; people tend to be complacent and continue to buy products not acknowledging what impacts it could have on the atmosphere or to themselves. Interpreted by someone who is dedicated to consuming food that is produced or developed within their local area to abstain from eating...

Comparing Climate Change with Black Lives Matter

2 Pages 1133 Words
Speaker: I'm qualified to speak about this issue because I'm passionate about learning history. I think it's crucial to draw ties between similar social movements because you might be able to prevent repeating history. Purpose: The purpose of this letter is to inspire those in the Climate Change movement to learn from their opponents and not view the incoming hate...

Analytical Essay on Increase in Panda Populations

3 Pages 1450 Words
1. Introduction After spending 30 years on the “endangered” list, China’s wild pandas have risen in numbers. Due to a population rise, panda nature reserves have grown from 40 to 67 since last surveyed. Traditional methods such as supporting the construction of roads and railroads, mining, deforestation, and poaching have steadied to a decline, resulting in an increase in the...

Supporting Giant Panda Conservation: Connecting People to Nature

3 Pages 1287 Words
Current estimates on the number of species present on Earth vary widely but a census conducted by Hawaii University concluded that this number stands at 8.7 million species. Of this number, 1.3 million have been entered into a database so far. This diversity is fundamental for ecosystem stability and ultimately essential if we are to support our continued existence on...

Comprehensive Husbandry for Wedge-Tailed Eagles

2 Pages 815 Words
Introduction The wedge-tailed eagle, Aquila audax, is an iconic raptor native to Australia, renowned for its expansive wingspan and commanding presence in the skies. As apex predators, these eagles play a crucial role in the ecological balance of their habitats. However, increasing human encroachment and environmental changes pose significant threats to their survival. The development of effective husbandry guidelines is...

Allusions in History: Dust Bowl & Irish Potato Famine

3 Pages 1286 Words
As was once said by Robert Swan “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”, and this message prominently appears in the plot of the 2014 feature film Interstellar. This film is set approximately 60-70 years in the future from the year it was produced, and portrays the earth as going through environmental...

The Genesis of Humanity: A Scholarly Perspective

2 Pages 767 Words
Introduction The origin of man and the development of mankind is a profound subject that has intrigued scholars, scientists, and theologians for centuries. This essay explores the multifaceted perspectives on human origins, blending insights from anthropology, paleontology, and genetics. The scientific consensus places the genesis of modern humans, Homo sapiens, in Africa approximately 200,000 years ago, a theory supported by...
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East African Refugee Crisis

3 Pages 1531 Words
No one really ever knew about six-year-old Mawi Asgedom, a refugee of the Eritrean-Ethiopian War, until he came to the U.S. Not many ever really seemed to care and sympathize with Mawi and other refugees while they lived in harsh refugee camps in Sudan. The government of their homeland certainly didn’t care about them, as rather than providing its citizens...

Role of Print Media in Coverage of Environment Issues

4 Pages 1668 Words
Abstract Media has been considered as fourth pillar of democracy, where everyone has right to expression. With its vast reach, mass media is called ' the magic multiplier' which demonstrates its powerful impact. Because mass media is a platform to highlight social, political, cultural, global issues alongside the voices of common people to attract the attention of governing body towards...

Climate Change, Obesity and Undernutrition

3 Pages 1161 Words
Climate change, obesity, and undernutrition are massive global challenges. As the climate continues to change and damage the environment, it also has a direct impact on obesity and undernutrition. In January 2019, The Lancet issued a report on “The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition, and Climate Change” stating that these three problems represent a “synergistic epidemic” or syndemic and for...

The Characteristics of Environmental Ethics

3 Pages 1256 Words
Introduction to Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics deals with the moral and ethical relationship between humans and the nature. In other words it questions a human on its rights on non human world. While ethical issues concerning the environment have been debated for centuries, environmental ethics did not emerge as a philosophical issue until the 1970s i.e the start of Industrialisation...

Environmental Philosophy and Ethics

6 Pages 2580 Words
Our only home is falling apart. The world we live in is rapidly becoming another landfill for all our wastes and the human population is not doing anything as a whole to prevent these problems from becoming too extreme to the point of no return. Only recently, have we begun to focus on our environment and attempting to clean our...

Calamitous Effects of Global Warming on Humanity

2 Pages 883 Words
Disastrous, destructive, damaging and dying animals are all catastrophic consequences that is global warming’s noose tied around humanity’s neck. Over the years there has been a significant increase in the effects of climate change which is a direct result of global warming. This can evidently be seen till recently in Australia of 2020. This incident that shook the core of...

Biodiversity Conservation: A Tool For Infectious Disease Control

2 Pages 890 Words
Biodiversity relates to the degree of abundance and richness of life present in a specific region. This could refer to a distribution of species having distinct characteristics, difference in genetic makeup, or in terms of the presence of varying ecosystems in a certain area (Brown & Cohen, 2019). According to World Health Organization (2020), “People depend on biodiversity in their...

Starbucks and its Marketing Strategies

3 Pages 1239 Words
Starbucks has become a force to be reckoned with over the years in the coffee industry, providing a name for itself firstly in the United States and soon branching internationally. In this age, it would come across very hard to find someone who has not even heard of the brand Starbucks in their entire life. How is it possible for...

Ethics and Ethical Dilemma

5 Pages 2397 Words
Identification of Dilemma According to Meijaard & Sheil (2012), any business person finds himself or herself in routine arguments. The argument calls for thought decision on the ways to hand the situation. The overall ethical dilemma has confronted George, the manager of the Beech-Nut company, who is in a situation of making a difficult choice for the sake of the...

The Significance of Engineering Ethics: Chornobyl

5 Pages 2139 Words
Introduction Engineering is the application of principles in mathematics and physics in order to design, analyse and manufacture systems. It is crucial for an engineer to consider the ethical implications during every stage of creating a system, therefore it is vital to understand the definition of Ethics: a system of moral principles that govern people’s behaviour and decision-making. For example,...

Overpopulation: How Does Sustainable Living Change People’s Lifestyle

2 Pages 1075 Words
Introduction Sustainability means to be maintained and a lifestyle where you reduce the earth's natural resources. I have chosen sustainable living because it is good for the environment and society plus it reduces people's usage of resources and encourages them to use natural resources. It's also because I think it's important to have sustained life and society to make things...

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