Introduction The Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient Mesopotamian narrative, is one of the earliest works of literary fiction. It follows the journey of Gilgamesh, a historical king of Uruk, who is hailed as a mighty ruler and a demigod. However, the evaluation of his kingship remains contentious. Was Gilgamesh a good king? This question invites a multifaceted examination of his...
Everyone loves a happy ending, and it can be argued that the average reader or viewer of work expects everything to work out fine by the end of a story. When an author of a work of literature chooses to leave the reader with an unhappy ending, it leaves an immense impact on the unexpecting reader. For instance, after a...
Throughout history, there have been many men and women who have been influential in keeping records so that their customs and traditions may be passed on and made known to modern people and cultures. Some ancient historians were able to observe other civilizations and how they differed from their own. Herodotus studying the Persians, Tacitus studying the Germanics, and Sima...
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Through the encounters of the rule character, King Gilgamesh, the 'Epic of Gilgamesh' recommends that demonstrations of individual significance and self-centeredness are not the way to a satisfying life and heritage. The Epic of Gilgamesh is based on friendship and moreover is the tale of gods, beasts, and men. The heritage of the story Gilgamesh was turned into various components...
Being considered the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia has always been an interest for many historians due to it being the focal point for many historical figures and advancements. Written language, in the form of ancient cuneiform, was first developed in Mesopotamia and was used by scribes to write on tablets for various things such as transactions and even stories that...
There is a spiritual awakening in each of these stories waiting to be heard. Personally, assuming there's an underlying message in each of these tales that fate has the ultimate say in human existence and that we cannot really do much about it. Once we know that our time is coming, we generally look at things in different ways, including...
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The Epic of Gilgamesh is recited through the literacy mechanisms of poems that survived from Sumerian Literature, as further enlightening how ancient times contended and how ancient people lived reflected on moments that revolved around key components: death, life, and what is life beyond death, relying on how someone conjured these stages of life, whiles evolving as an individual in...
Invisibility of women The role of women in different periods and countries of each text is almost the same and women are equally evaluated during different times. The main role of women is presented as a mother who cares for children and who is responsible for their safety and prudence. Except for men’s women-relatives (mother, sister, etc.), there are other...
Happy endings are common in literature and they end the story with a positive resolution or outcome. I believe that happy endings are also predictable in the sense that you can make the assumption that the protagonists will have everything work out in their favor before reaching the end of the story. However, not all endings are happy or have...
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The famous playwright Euripides once said, “One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives” ( The presence of friends makes our life worthwhile, but it is difficult to find a decent companion who will be with us in all the circumstances of life. In the ancient Babylonian epic Gilgamesh, we can observe a close bonded relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu....
Death and the underworld are perceived through different civilizations. Where Egypt saw life in the underworld similar to their god Osiris, who was alive through death, Mesopotamia saw nothing but darkness. It was at death that the individual has stripped away from all clothing, all glory. “Associated first with darkness, but also with dusk, dryness, and thirst” the concept of...
The Epic of Gilgamesh renditioned by Danny P. Jackson depicts the search of a king for immortality and discovering the meaning of life. Gilgamesh, the king of the city of Uruk, two-thirds god, one-third human, believes he is a god-like figure and the only one who can lead the city of Uruk. In doing so, believes he can have his...
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