Essay on Child Poverty in America

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Child poverty. Child poverty makes my blood boil. Child poverty is infuriating, outrageous and straight-up wrong. Good morning Mr Johnson, Miss Granziera and classmates. Today I will be speaking about why child poverty makes my blood boil. Even as a privileged child, who is not directly impacted by this widespread issue, I still find this aggravating. Over two billion children worldwide, are struggling to live. Child poverty is wrongful, disregarded, and uneconomical.

Last year, a schoolboy in China arrived at his school with frozen hair and a picture of him went viral. This poverty-stricken student is nicknamed ice boy and walks to school for an hour in snowy weather each day. He and his family live off $6.72 Chinese dollars or $1.41 Australian dollars each day. Sadly, his mother left him when he was only five years old due to their increasing poverty. He says,’’ All I wish for is a good life. A life where my family and I can eat well, dress well, and sleep well.’’In comparison, the average amount of money spent on food weekly for Australian families is $163. Therefore, our average daily food cost is around $23.50. This enormous sum of money could last ice boy and his family over half a month for all costs including food. When I walk to school, the walk takes me a measly five minutes. Ice boy takes an hour to reach his nearest school. Imagine walking to school 12 times in one morning. Then in the afternoon walking back 12 times once again. However, he is forced to travel to school in freezing temperatures. So now imagine walking to school 24 times in one day, for over two hours in below zero temperatures. Then when you get home, you don't have enough food to rejuvenate your exhausted body. On top of all this, you must do multiple house chores tiring you out even more. Imagine this scenario for five days a week for years upon years.

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Secondly, child poverty is detrimental to the economy, and the future generation of children. According to the Cato Institute, America spends $668 billion dollars per year on child poverty. If we leave this issue untouched, our future generation will be uneducated, unhealthy, and unemployed. $668 billion dollars could potentially be spent on medical issues. According to Princeton University’s Center for Health and Wellbeing, individuals with a below average income have life expectancies 25 percent lower than those with above average incomes. $668 billion dollars could potentially be spent on education.

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Essay on Child Poverty in America. (2024, July 19). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 7, 2025, from
“Essay on Child Poverty in America.” Edubirdie, 19 Jul. 2024,
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Essay on Child Poverty in America [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jul 19 [cited 2025 Jan 7]. Available from:

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