Essay on Who Is to Blame for Gatsby's Death

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What if someone told you that the love of your life is to blame for your death? Would you believe them? In The Great Gatsby Daisy Gatsby’s one true love, Wilson whose wife Myrtle is having an affair with Tom Buchanan, decides on Gatsby’s life. They all play a part in Gatsby’s death one of them being Daisy.

Multiple things contribute to Daisy being responsible for Gatsby’s death. First off, Daisy was behind the wheel when Myrtle was murdered. She does not take into account other people's feelings. She plays with the heart of Gatsby by giving him false hope. This is obvious during the argument that takes place in the city when’’ she realized at last what she was doing anything at all, `` she will never leave Tom for Gatsby even though she says she loves him Gatsby feels he will never meet the standards that Daisy wants even though he tries to obtain wealth. It hurts him to hear Daisy say ‘’ I did love him once but loved you too’’ Furthermore, Daisy uses Gatsby for his love which ultimately leads to his death. If Daisy had waited, Gatsby would have been happily married and lived a perfect life.

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Tom Buchana also plays an important role in his death. Throughout the story, many situations lead to Gatsby’s death that are caused by Tom. the biggest cause of Gatsby's death was that he told Wilson, that when Myrtle was murdered Gatsby was the one driving.’’ He ran over Myrtle like you’d run over a dog and never even stopped his car.’’ knowing Daisy was truly responsible for killing Myrtle. He lies to Wilson to protect his wife and get revenge on Gatsby for trying to take his wife. Since he did that, Wilson made a terrible mistake.

Wilson is most responsible for Gatsby's death because he believed Tom when he told him ‘’ he ran over Myrtle…’’ He eventually goes to Gatsby's house, where he finds Gatsby lying on an air mattress in the pool, floating in the water and looking up at the sky, wilson shoots Gatsby, and Gatsby dies.

In conclusion, many people were a part of Gatsby's death. Some of the people responsible are Tom and Daisy, but the most responsible is Wilson. He was the one who shot Gatsby. Then Daisy who caused the death of Myrtle, comes Tome who lied to save himself and his wife.

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Essay on Who Is to Blame for Gatsby’s Death. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 28, 2024, from
“Essay on Who Is to Blame for Gatsby’s Death.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024,
Essay on Who Is to Blame for Gatsby’s Death. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Sept. 2024].
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