History of the United States essays

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Impact of American and European Revolutions on Literary World: Analysis

3 Pages 1257 Words
How Revolutions Changed the Literary World The 18th and 19th centuries were a time of chaos and great change. They brought forth many drastic changes in terms of cultures, societal ideologies, and personal belief systems around the world. Prior to the 18th century, people had As nations began to expand and empires collapsed, people of all different nations began to...

The American Civil War and the Black Lives Matter: Analytical Essay

1 Page 577 Words
The American Civil War stands at the central spot of American history and defines a pivotal movement that would change the course of the nation’s politics and economy. The war, which started in 1861, split America into two factions (Kingseed 3). The central element of the American Civil War was slavery. As slavery flourished in the South, it gradually died...

Critical Review of Irving Kristol's Analysis of the American Revolution

2 Pages 921 Words
Irving Kristol was known as the godfather of neoconservatism due to his influential repercussion in the intellectual and political culture of the last half of the twentieth century, as well as his contributions as an author and editor. Irving Kristol, in his brilliant analysis of the American Revolution, The Most Successful Revolution, provides a thorough explanation of the reasons behind...

McCarthyism in "The Crucible" and "HUAC Testimony": Analysis

2 Pages 835 Words
In Arthur Miller's, “The Crucible” his story takes place in 1692 Salem, Massachusetts. In the village of Salem, a string of unlawful accusations and hangings are conducted due to mass hysteria surrounding so called, “witches.” He aims to portray the dangers of how mass hysteria in a community can affect action and the idea of guilt until proven innocent. The...

The McCarthy Trials and the Red Scare: Analysis and Annotated Bibliography

2 Pages 922 Words
The McCarthy trials put many in the crossfire of being accused of being a communist. Arthur Miller was one of these few that were put under the spotlight. Though McCarthy’s crusade for justice from communist infiltration of our public offices, Miller found it useful to look back to the past. The Salem witch trials characterized by their allegations of warlocks...

Interconnection of Dust Bowl and Great Depression

2 Pages 819 Words
American journalist and writer, John Steinbeck wrote a series of short articles for TSF news identifying vital affairs concerning the migrant workers/“new gypsies” and their backgrounds in California. Recognized together, as “The Harvest Gypsies”, the seven articles were all gathered into a nonfiction book later on. These articles helped illustrate how California - more specifically the United States government -...

Analysis of Jeffery Amherst's Activity during French and Indian War

1 Page 650 Words
During the French and Indian war there was a commanding general of the British forces who resided in North America from 1754 through 1763. His name was Jeffery Amherst. Jeffery Amherst was one of the first examples of biological warfare. During the French and Indian war, he sent blankets infected with smallpox to the Indians as a way to beat...

Critical Analysis of Changes within the Progressive Era

2 Pages 1130 Words
The beginning of the twentieth century was a time of great social change and economic growth in the United States. The Progressive Era was a time in which Americans were innovating in social welfare. The Progressive Era had major reform and change in the United States which began from 1890 to 1920. Progressivism was a group of different ideas concerning...

Analysis of Hurricane Katrina Fraud Aftermath

3 Pages 1191 Words
At the end of August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina, a category 5 hurricane, hit the Gulf Coast and caused phenomenal damage to Florida and Louisiana- destroying a large amount of the city of New Orleans. By September of 2005, the Department of Justice established the Hurricane Katrina Task Force. The purpose of this Task Force was to detect and prosecute...

Andrew Jackson and His Impact: Analysis of Indian Removal Act

3 Pages 1284 Words
Andrew Jackson and his impact (DBQ) Andrew Jackson was 7th President of the United States. With Jackson as the president from 1829 to 1837, America both grew and crippled. Even as the most controversial president ever, the legacy of Andrew Jackson still lives. Because many saw him as a great political figure, his presidency began the “Age of Jackson.” In...

Comparing Baldwin's Sonny's Blues to Alarcón's The Ballad of Rocky Rontal

1 Page 639 Words
The surroundings of someone has impact and influence on an individual's behavior, this is also referred to as “nurture.” These influences later eventually determine mental health and the roles in society one fulfills. Two short stories, James Baldwin’s, “Sonny’s Blues' ' and Daniel Alarcón, “The Ballad of Rocky Rontal” are great examples of two different men who are from two...

Gilded Age Industrialization's Impact on American Lifestyle: Analysis

2 Pages 808 Words
Following the devastation of the Civil War period and the unrest of the Reconstruction era, the United States saw a span of societal prosperity and monumental economic progress called “The Gilded Age”. Specifically, the Gilded Age offered a solution to the prevalent issue faced during the Reconstruction era; the nation needed a new labor system to replace the horrific slavery...

Significance of Imagination: Wright Bros & Isaac Newton

1 Page 594 Words
Creative imagination is an intentional imagination. It involves a process of analysing, processing and combine to generate new, valuable and unique ideas from sensory experience. A person needs to be fully understood the materials and using creative and critical thinking to generate a valuable idea which can benefit the world. Creative imagination is vital to everyone especially philosophers, artists, inventors...

Political Turmoil and Musical Expression: Watergate and Desperado

2 Pages 876 Words
Introduction The 1970s in the United States were a time of profound political and social upheaval, marked by significant events such as the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal. These occurrences not only shaped the nation's political landscape but also left indelible imprints on its cultural expressions, including music. Among the rich tapestry of musical evolution during this period, the...

Harlem Renaissance and African-American Injustice

3 Pages 1376 Words
Unjust treatment amongst the colored race inevetably caused the uprising of the Harlem Renaissance. Prior to the Harlem Renaissance, the Jim Crow Laws were actively enforced. These laws remained in existence for more than a decade. The duration in which the laws were still in use lasted for a little over a century. Originating from previous practices the Jim Crow...

Effect of First Industrial Revolution on People

2 Pages 1072 Words
This essay will argue about the conditions of the people affected by the first Industrial Revolution. More specifically, it will focus on the living conditions of the common people, concerning health, education, consumptions and domestic life. Taking under scrutiny Great Britain, at the end of the 1840s, an analysis of the political context will incur, regarding the mechanisms which influenced...

Critical Analysis of Sorrow and Transformation in Selected Stories

3 Pages 1417 Words
In “The Shroud” and “Sonny’s Blues” both the Grimm Brothers and James Baldwin created a very sympathetic story that conveys the messages of sorrow, loss and transformation but make peace at the end. There are many similarities in both of these short captivating stories and both stories are made to make the reader feel for the characters. Even though they...

Tobacco's Role in Jamestown: Historical Analysis

2 Pages 1032 Words
Tobacco was the first crop grown for money in North America. In 1612 John Rolfe and the settlers of the first American colony in Jamestown, Virginia grew tobacco as a cash crop. It was their main source of money. Other cash crops were corn, cotton, wheat, sugar, and soya beans. Tobacco helped pay for the American Revolution against England. Ralph...
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Importance of Transcontinental Railroad for Utah: Analytical Essay

1 Page 521 Words
Prior to the arrival of the Mormon pioneers in Utah the first contact with Europeans were with the Spanish explorers. Father Dominguez led an expedition from Santa Fe NM to try to find a route to Monterrey California. Also, father Escalante explored southern Utah and today a city is named Escalante. The European explorers wanted to trade with the Indians....

Confederacy and the Articles of Confederation

2 Pages 841 Words
Introduction The formation and evolution of political entities have always been pivotal in shaping the course of history. The Confederacy and the Articles of Confederation represent two significant periods in American history, each illustrating a distinct approach to governance and unity. The Confederacy, a coalition of Southern states during the American Civil War, sought to uphold a decentralized structure and...

Motivations for Manifest Destiny

2 Pages 882 Words
During the American revolution they are going to be creating new government structures and they’re going to be based upon Enlightenment principles, things like natural rights, the consent of the governed, restrictions on government, power and they’re going to be also really influenced by the fear of replacing the strong British power, centralized power in the Monarch, in the parliament...

Analyzing the Supreme Court's Power: Marbury v Madison

2 Pages 684 Words
Introduction A few weeks before Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated as the 3rd President of the United States, the Federalist Congress came up with 16 new circuit judgeships and more judgeships (Organic Act) with which Adams went on to fill the Federalists in a bid to have control over his party’s control of the judiciary and to frustrate the legislative agendas...

General Overview and Analysis of Watergate Scandal

1 Page 559 Words
What does Zinn mean by Under Control? Zinn makes it quite clear on how impressive and amazing the United States of America truly is even after all the behind the scene dirt that came out. Furthermore; the events that occurred during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. This reality of American’s perception came into light in the 1970s. Zinn shares that...

Scientific Impact of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

2 Pages 827 Words
Introduction The Lewis and Clark Expedition, commissioned in the early 19th century by President Thomas Jefferson, stands as a cornerstone in the annals of American scientific exploration. Officially known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, it was launched in 1804, with Meriwether Lewis and William Clark at its helm. The mission was primarily to explore and map the newly acquired...

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