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Evolution of Trench Warfare during World War I

2 Pages 1150 Words
Technology’s significant impact on World War 1 occurring in the early 20th century, shifted the war’s landscape and ultimately transformed some of the world’s great powers from back then to what they are now. From the grueling nauseating trenches where soldiers had a radical change of dying, to the modern artillery developments crumbling indestructible fortresses, the impact technology played on...

Louis XIV Strengths: Biography Essay

4 Pages 1591 Words
Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, was the French King that had the throne since the age of five. After Louis XIII died, Louis XIV succeeded to the throne and was rented by Anne of Austria, Louis XIV's mother, as Louis was too young to rule. Anne was assisted by Cardinal Mazarin who was an Italian diplomat and...

Understanding of Historiography in Teaching: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2514 Words
Introduction Philips (2005, pp.16-17) claims that “the authority vested in the word of the dominating view of Australian history is deemed to be unchallengeable, not because it is beyond question, but simply because it has been reinforced by repetition and written text over the centuries”. Despite the fact that historical texts have been repeated and re-written for centuries, through historiography,...

Traditional Mainstream Historiography Vs Contemporary Historiography: Compare and Contrast Essay

6 Pages 2528 Words
Do you think Carlo Ginzburg’s idea of micro-history also contributes to looking at everyday life in history? During the period between the two world wars, there was a radical departure from the traditional mainstream historiography which mainly focused on high-level politics and diplomacy, warfare, and the lives of great statesmen. On the contrary, they tried to focus on the lives...

The One Who Run Away: Essay on Historiography of Superior Culture in Western Country

4 Pages 2071 Words
Only eleven days after the new year celebration around the world in 2019, a girl from Saudi “escaped” from her family. She locked herself in a Bangkok airport hotel room since the Thailand government “confiscated her passport and were holding her Sunday…”, according to the CTV news published on January 6 by Grant Peck and Aya Batrawy. This news drew...

Information Essay on Traditional Tools of Historiography

7 Pages 3097 Words
Drawing on Hayden White’s concept of historiophoty critically examine the role and impact of film in processes of historical understanding. Hayden White identifies ‘historiophoty’ as “the representation of history and our thought about it in visual images and filmic discourse” (1988: 1193) and the following essay will critically examine the ways in which film impacts processes of historical understanding. After...

In-depth Historical Analysis and Historiography of the Spanish Civil War: Proposal Essay

6 Pages 2710 Words
Course Description: In this course, students will break down the Spanish Civil War into two main sections. The first section will give students a general overview and fundamental understanding of the Spanish Civil War. The second section of this course will invite students to take a deeper analysis and examination of multiple participants in the conflict. Proposal: The adage that...

Evolution of the Arabic Tradition of History Writing: Essay on Historiography

5 Pages 2404 Words
Abstract History writing or Historiography is a study of historical writings means the art of writing history or the history of history. like many other disciplines, it was begun in the late 18th century. However, history writing is as old as humankind. Certainly, historians of the ancient past had a sense of history writing of their precursors. Introduction The term...

Iconic Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb

5 Pages 2006 Words
Introduction Ancient Egypt has been at the forefront of archaeological investigation since Napoleon discovered the Rosetta Stone. From then on archaeologists have continued to discover new findings that all have iconic qualities. However, it cannot be denied that the most iconic discovery is Tutankhamun's tomb. This discovery stimulated a widespread interest in Egyptian history known as ‘Tutmania’, an outcome that...

Electronic Discovery in the Legal Industry

3 Pages 1475 Words
Executive Summary Electronic discovery is changing the way evidence can be presented amongst both parties and the judge. In the early stages of civil litigation, the exchange of electronic discovery between two parties is a critical process that involves the deliverance of electronically stored information, also known as ESI. ESI is different than paper documents because the information is created,...

Is Chivalry Dead: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1015 Words
The historical definition of chivalry would imply a summation of all Knights, Noblemen, and horsemen in Medieval times. Upon breaking down the old French origin of the word, “chivalry,” boils down to two French words, “chevalier” and “cheval,” which mean “knight” and “horse” in English respectively. In the past, this is all the word would imply. However, time has evolved...

What Is the Public Good: Informative Essay

1 Page 424 Words
According to Adam Smith’s Theory” Wealth of Nations,” ideology is the exact same in I believe. He stated “Rational self-interest in a free market economy leads to economic well-being” In other words, there was little to no government involvement and we as individuals were given the opportunity to have a free market so we can become balanced. We as individuals...

Definition Essay on Archaeology

2 Pages 971 Words
Archaeology can be defined, as the ancient and recent human past thus, the study of human history and prehistory through material remains. Archaeology is a scientific research discipline that delves more into the history of humans, the things they produced, the materials they used, and the material things they discarded. Archaeology is a subfield of the study of all human...

Archaeology as a Multidisciplinary Science

1 Page 622 Words
Archaeology, in general, can be considered a science and a branch of humanities. The definition of quotation to this broader group of sources indicates actually that archaeology attracts upon many specific disciplinary methods, methods, and questions to handle its central trouble perception of human lives through the find out about of material stay left from the past. Archaeology is seen...

Analysis of Documentary about the Spanish American War and the Philippine “Insurgency”

2 Pages 1017 Words
The Spanish American War and the Philippine “Insurgency” were very fascinating events to learn about in the film and the sources that were given. Entering the Imperial Age, America was in its reconstruction era and was culturally divided due to the recent conclusion of the civil war. During this time America was very interested in expanding its empire and turning...

Analysis of Marxist Historiography

4 Pages 1852 Words
Into History is mutable; all historians are, despite attempts to avoid it, a product of their own historical contexts. So since the beginning of the study of history, there have always been different theories and methods used to approach it. Moreover, as social and cultural beliefs have changed, these theories and methodologies have changed as well. The last two hundred...

What is History?’ by E.H. Carr: Reader's Reflection

3 Pages 1261 Words
Reflective Essay What is history? Though history had been there since ancient periods, most people and scholars are confused about what really history means. The definition of history is neither complicated nor easy. The question of what is history sometimes feels meaningless but also superfluous. The book’ What is History?’ by E.H Carr talks about different definitions of history by...

What is History?: Reflective Essay

2 Pages 930 Words
“What is History?” A question that needs a lot of thinking to be done. Before I read the book I thought the definition that best suits the question is “History is a narrative of what civilized men have thought or done in the past” given by Will Durant. EH Carr’s “What is History?” Not only talks about history being an...

What Is History: Book Summary

4 Pages 1967 Words
Introduction In this document, we are going to study the work of EH Carr on history in the book what is history? The document is divided into 5 parts to give the reader a flexible experience in the reading. Some points, paragraphs, and lines are taken from historical sources given by E.H Carr in his book what is history. The...

Vessel of Truth: Analysis of 'What Is History?'

4 Pages 1666 Words
Collingwood (1993) argues, if we take the word ‘science’ to mean ‘any organized body of knowledge’, then it is clear that history is a science but a special kind: whose business is to study events inaccessible to our observation, and to study these events inferentially, arguing to them from something else which is accessible to our observation, and which the...

Reflective Writing on 'What Is History?' Authored by E.H. Carr

2 Pages 1080 Words
Defining history is in fact intricate one, absolutely intricate! The concrete and professional meaning of history still isn’t found in the premises of historical authority. The number of professors and historians gave definitions of history depending upon their intellectual competence in line with their ideology, the kind of society they exposed and, and historians’ training and principles. It has thus...

How Do You Construct the Past Objectively: 'What Is History?' by E.H. Carr

6 Pages 2505 Words
First and foremost, what is the definition of History? History originates from the Greek word ‘Historia’ which means information or an inquiry designed to extract the truth. There are many definitions of history; a simple definition of history is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. History is also a continuous, typically chronological, record of important or public...

What Is History': Critical Analysis

2 Pages 1032 Words
1. Historians and facts are too much related because if there is no historian then there are no means of storing facts. This is because no one can interpret thoughts and they will be useless. E.H. Carr also said that facts are just like the ordinary past. But a historian according to his point of view selects an ordinary fact...

Congress and the Executive Branch Pre-Spanish American War 2

1 Page 576 Words
The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the growth and development of the newly formed United States of America. It will briefly discuss any events leading up to the production and authorization of the Articles of Confederation and the United States of America Constitution. Various components of the Constitution that apply directly to the executive leadership and Congress...

What Caused the Dust Bowl: Informative Essay

1 Page 409 Words
Origins of The Dust Bowl “Welcome to the great plow up, where crops grow good and money flows endlessly.” That's what they said about the Oklahoma regions during the initial discovery of the plains. During the great plow-up, people would take their furrow plows and plow up the dirt to plant cash crops like wheat and corn. The government was...

Critical Analysis of 'The Declaration of Rights for Women' by Susan B. Anthony and 'Women Suffrage Timeline' by NWHM

3 Pages 1406 Words
RQ: To what extent did WWI have on the course of women's suffrage in the United States? Identification and evaluation of sources The focus of this investigation will be “To what extent did WWI have an on the course of women's suffrage in the United States?” and will analyze the degree to which the main aspects of how WWI changed...

Impact of World War One on the Australian Home Front

3 Pages 1320 Words
World War One (WW1), was a devastating historical conflict between many countries all over the world. This war began in 1914 and ended in 1918. WWI is still known as one of the biggest wars Australia has ever fought in. WW1 had a significant impact on many different countries, unions, and religions, including Australia’s Homefront. WW1 politically impacted Australia over...

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