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The Cold War: An Examination of its Causes, Impact, and Legacy

3 Pages 1241 Words
The Cold War, a protracted ideological and geopolitical confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, profoundly shaped the second half of the 20th century. This essay delves into the causes that ignited the conflict, explores its far-reaching impact on global affairs, and examines the enduring legacy it left behind. What Is a Cold War? The Cold War, a...

Why Was the Civil War Inevitable: Essay

4 Pages 1638 Words
What did the slaves do during the civil war? Every time someone says “the civil war” most people think of a divided country that fought for the slaves’ freedom. What we don’t know as well is the slaves’ side of the war. Did they silently rebel, or were they obedient and helped their masters? Thanks to historians interviewing former slaves...

Why Is Egypt Considered the 'Gift of the Nile': Essay

1 Page 524 Words
The Nile river provided Egypt with fertile land. Most parts of Egypt were and even still are a desert, but there was rich soil along the Nile river that was good for growing crops. They took advantage of this to grow wheat and sell them throughout the Middle East which helped them to become rich. As time went by, the...

Was the Civil War Necessary: Essay

2 Pages 982 Words
The war is one of the foremost deadliest wars in history however it conjointly was the largest turning purpose in history yet. one of the foremost necessary events regarding the war is the finish of slavery. The aftermath of the war created the thirteenth, 14th, and fifteenth Amendments. This aftermath is termed reconstruction. but we have a tendency to be...

Vigilatism with Modern Day on Example of Boston Tea Party: Essay

1 Page 586 Words
When a society or community feels its government or a higher power has failed them, they take action itself. This resulted in the term vigilantism, in which law enforcement is undertaken without legal authority by a self-appointed group of people. Historically, there are cultures that don't trust their governments at baseline, such as most of Africa, including South Africa, which...

Views of Holocaust Historiography on Women: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2470 Words
Following on from this examination of PTSD and its impact on the reliable narrator, this dissertation will now interrogate other constraints placed on the accurate representation of women`s Holocaust experiences. In the 1960s and 1970s, the narratives of women which dominated historiography largely focused upon the accounts of resistance fighters or otherwise those considered heroic women. It is important to...

Ulysses S. Grant Essay

3 Pages 1139 Words
I grew up in Ohio, my family was anti-slavery and my father was a soldier, who never saw much combat. My family always wanted me to enlist as a soldier in his footsteps and so after getting my education and growing to the ripe old age of 17, I decided that I would indeed enlist as a soldier. The training...

To What Extent Did the Nineteenth Century Conservation Discourse Differ from That of Today

5 Pages 2438 Words
Plants, trees, forests, soil, animals. These are some common words that people hear when the environment is mentioned. The existence of these trees, plants, and animals adds to biodiversity and serves many important roles such as attracting visitors, generating revenue, and contributing to slow climate change. Over the years, many trees are felled and forest areas are disappearing at a...

Thomas Paine's Narrative on Boston Tea Party

2 Pages 961 Words
My dear mother and father, I must apologize for my mistake first. I did not send any letters to any of you because I’ve been pretty busy now here in America. I’ve been busy writing something that is very important to America now and on the same side, may seem harmful to England’s interests. Actually, I am writing a document...

Synthesis Essay on Boston Tea Party

1 Page 287 Words
Boston tea party - Synthesis - 1773 The Boston Tea Party was an act of protest done by the colonists to show the English that they were over the hassle and unfair taxes of the English. It was a political move with economic issues because they went into more debt with the English before the revolutionary war which fueled their...

Role of King Geroge III in Boston Tea Party: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1114 Words
“Once vigorous measures appear to be the only means left of bringing the Americans to a due submission to the mother country, the colonies will submit.” -King George III. “King George III is most well known for being the King of England during the American Revolutionary War.” ( Pavao, October 5) When most people hear of King George III, they...

How Is 'The Crucible' an Allegory for McCarthyism: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 897 Words
One national authoritative source demonstrated that American people are all living with fear and extended intimidation in their life, reflecting on the declining participation rate in public safety construction. Arthur Miller, the admirable and passionate writer, offers a convincing argument that accusation on people’s identification not only has been considered a violation of personal rights, but also has immensely destructive...

How Is 'The Crucible' an Allegory for McCarthyism

4 Pages 1712 Words
In the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, a group of young women in Salem, Massachusetts falsely accuse other villagers of witchcraft. The trials and accusations put the village into a frenzy that results in the death of nineteen individuals and the arrest of two hundred others. Arthur Miller wrote this play to create an allegory between McCarthyism and the...

How Does the Concept of Hubris from Greek Tragedy Apply to the Peloponnesian War: Essay

2 Pages 1018 Words
Ancient Greece — known for its sophisticated sculpture, architecture, and famous philosophers — is full of history. Moreover, Ancient Greek history is full of culture, amazing architecture, famous philosophers, and most importantly, war. The History of The Peloponnesian War, written by Thucydides, is known to be a historical account of the Peloponnesian War which centers around the fifth-century BC war...

How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt: Essay

2 Pages 789 Words
Herodotus was known as the `Father of History.` And he was born in Halicarnassus in Ionia in the 5th century B.C., He wrote a book called `The Histories.` In his book that the modern historian derives the meaning of history and called it a fact of history. He was the first person who started to collect and systematically document events...

History of Country Music in America from 2000 to 2010

2 Pages 706 Words
Music has been a well-considered genre of humanity. Specifically, country music which has been regarded as a patriotic form of music; no other genre of music has been so popular in the conscience of Americans as country music (Fay, Molly, 2014). In 2008, Country Music was regarded as the second most profitable genre of music by the Recording Industry of...

Historiography as the Result of Democratisation of History

4 Pages 1865 Words
History, [is] a distillation of rumor”, a concoction diluted by the distortionist propensity of politics. Contemporary efforts in historiography reflect the growing democratization of history as it is propelled from the exclusivity of academia to the untamed depths of the public domain. Compounded by the already vague and multi-faceted nature of the historical discipline, the entwinement of politics and historiography...

Historical Examples of Trade War in the United States: The Boston Tea Party, The Smoot-Hawley Act, and The Chicken Tariff War

2 Pages 826 Words
Definition of Trade war The term Trade War is used to describe a scenario where governments behave unilaterally, ignoring the impacts of their actions on political and economic agents in the opposite country (Grossman & Helpman, 1995). While purely non-cooperative outcomes are unlikely to emerge in a world with repeated interactions and many forums for trade discussions, the extreme case...

Essay on World War 2

3 Pages 1155 Words
The start of this tragic event was on September 1st, 1939. Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of Germany, invaded the country of Poland. He was obsessed with the idea of having a pure German superior race, which he called Aryan. In believing this, Hitler was confident, the only way to achieve his pure German race, was to gain land, which he decided...

Essay on World War 1

3 Pages 1141 Words
Before world war I Britain was an industrial power and had some of the greatest inventions of the age. Great Britain was a great state before the war.“ however the world pretends to divide itself, there are only two divisions in the world today -human beings and germans’ Rudyard Kipling 1915. The impact of world war 1 on Great Britain...

Essay on Trajectory of Irish Historiography

9 Pages 4091 Words
How did twentieth-century historians interpret the period known as the Great Famine? The history of any nation is an integral part of establishing sovereignty and recognition on a global scale. Certain events or individuals dominate these narratives and can be based on triumph or atrocity. As such, the period of the 1840s has become a key feature in what could...

Essay on Studying Philippine Historiography

1 Page 630 Words
Historiography refers to looking back on the historical writings and research of the Philippine Archipelago throughout Luzon to Mindanao during the Spanish period. Our historian's perspective mainly focuses on Filipino viewpoints through time. They expand their knowledge and provide the pillars of historical research and new interpretations of traditional literacy. The question wants to foresee the development of Philippine Historiography...

Essay on Social Causes of the Civil War

4 Pages 1574 Words
Slavery is the most element to create the Civil War in the Freedom of the United States. The most important encouragement to withdraw eleven southern states from the US Alliance in 1860, which leads to the civil war, is slavery. The resistance of the leader of South Policy leaders to try through the northern anti-police forces to prevent the expansion...

Essay on Ocean: Ocean Trenches and the Depths (Zones) of the Ocean

1 Page 550 Words
Let's talk about the continental shelf, slope, and rise! The continental slope is the seaward edge of the continental rise, which we will talk about later. Now, let's talk about the continental shelf! The continental shelf is a broad, comparatively shallow submarine deck of continental crust setting up the edge of a continental landmass. And lastly of the “continentals’, as...

Essay on Industrial Revolution

3 Pages 1248 Words
1. Introduction The industrial revolution came with major changes to human lives from the first industrial revolution that started in England from the year 1750 to 1760 which changed the labor system from animal labor to machinery then human kind kept on evolving as they got to witness the second industrial revolution which is mostly associated with the discovery of...

Essay on Harlem Renaissance and The New Negro

6 Pages 2692 Words
The ‘Black Capital’ of the twentieth century, Harlem served as a cultural nexus of black America. It was a refuge for African Americans fleeing from oppression in the South and a new home for those seeking new opportunities. Harlem was a haven, a place of self-discovery, cultural knowledge, and political activism for African Americans, especially during the first half of...

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