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Themes of Greek Gods in Art of Hellenistic Period

2 Pages 1089 Words
Greek Mythology traces as far back as nineteen hundred B. C. till the ninth century. When there are godly figures there will be people who illustrate these godly figures in many different forms of artwork. This results in endless amounts of artwork illustrating the Greek’s idea of their Gods. There are multiple different types of artworks, including dominantly paintings and...

Study of Gandhi Memorial Museum at Madurai

6 Pages 2952 Words
Introduction The term “Museum” originally derived from the Greek word meaning the “Sanctuary of the muses”. The Museum’s first duty is to survey, collect documents and preserve genuine objects and information, may it be any field of specialization. The other aspect is to utilize them for the research and education for the present and future generations, for which the museums...

Stonehenge as a Sacred Place: Descriptive Essay

2 Pages 900 Words
What is Sacred? Ancient Egypt art and architecture detail the belief systems and socioeconomic structures of ancient Egypt. Some of the diverse architectural structures remain as primary focus points for tourists. The arts are at times compared with evaluations of their various similarities. However, there is still a diversified symbolism in most of them in their anonymity and association with...

Rhetorical Analysis of Mark Antony's Speech

4 Pages 1984 Words
Introduction to Rhetorical Strategies In Mark Antony’s speech, he first starts by stating ‘Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;”, he does this with the purpose of mirroring the more emotional tact the will take all through the remainder of his speech.In comparison to “Remarks to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session” - Hillary R. Clinton, Hillary...

Representation of Holocaust and World War II in The Book Thief

3 Pages 1578 Words
Zusak’s novel ‘The Book Thief’, based on real events, represents the Holocaust by having details that accurately depict the events of that time, the emotions that were forced upon people and reasons for the decisions they made. Having an accurate novel gives the feeling of a genuine representation that feels true to events that occurred. The authenticity and emotion of...

Renaissance Humanism: Descriptive Essay

2 Pages 1140 Words
Renaissance Humanism In the history of the world, many remarkable events have taken place that has led to a turnaround in the thoughts and general lives of the people. One of such period is renaissance humanism. Renaissance Humanism is the study of ancient Greek and Roman texts with the goal of promoting new norms and values in society. (Writers, 2019)...

Portrayal of Medieval Society in The Canterbury Tales: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1614 Words
In the western medieval space, peoples and texts are transmitted, crossing the borders of kingdoms and language barriers. The contributions gathered here are concerned with the perception of the boundaries between territories, languages, or cultures and with the awareness of their lack in the texts of the Middle Ages. In 1386, when he began to write his Canterbury Tales, Chaucer...

Portrayal of Industrial Revolution in Oliver Twist

3 Pages 1557 Words
In the late eighteenth and mid nineteenth century oversaw the birth and fast-paced growth of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. (Baker, 2019) Factories overtook the role of previously played by agriculture in the economy and the working-class citizen quickly made his way out of the village and into the workhouse. (Barrow, 2013) Though the economy was thriving, there was a...

Oriental Vampires Vs British Imperialists: Analysis of Bram Stoker’s Dracula

6 Pages 2819 Words
On one hand, Bram Stoker’s Dracula features a villainous vampire who wishes to impose his demonic way of living on the people of England. Before setting foot in London, he researches England’s language, culture, and geography and while in London, he converts the locals into beings like himself. On the other hand, while entering Dracula’s castle Jonathan Harker describes it...

Mary Shelley's Critique of Romanticism in Frankenstein

7 Pages 3034 Words
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was written in 1817, in the midst of the Romantic Era. However, Shelley strayed away from the concepts of Romanticism and wrote Frankenstein as an anti-Romantic work. Four key concepts that Shelley negated in her work included the celebration of nature, the simple life, the idealization of women, and the presence of a one-sided perspective. Furthermore, Mary...

Louisiana Purchase Exposition: Cultural Issues

3 Pages 1152 Words
The 1904 Louisiana purchase exposition celebrated the centennial of the 1803 purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France, which represented the first major expansion of American territory (Kennedy, 1998). The fair displayed various exhibits ranging from the field of architecture, agriculture, technology, art, and history. Among these, the anthropological exhibit had gained much attention, organizers brought people from the Philippines,...

Interpretation and Analysis of Medieval and Renaissance Human Anatomy

3 Pages 1404 Words
The Renaissance Humanism program was the age of recovery and emulation. This course examined the shift toward the interpretation and analysis of Medieval and Renaissance anatomy. In this essay, I will demonstrate Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey presented the goals and ideals of the Renaissance Humanist program. Furthermore, due to a shift towards a more humanist approach, aided by the...

Impact of Renaissance on Man’s View of Man: Essay on Humanism

6 Pages 2648 Words
Did Renaissance Change Man’s View of Man? Did the Renaissance change man’s view of man? This question is debatable. There are so many points to prove the differences and similarities in theories like astronomy to medicine and humanism. The Renaissance, French for “rebirth,” was a period that started near 1350 A.D. after the Middle Ages when people started having more...

Idea of the Industrial Revolution in Hard Times: Critical Analysis

4 Pages 1672 Words
The industrial revolution was a pivotal point in time during the Victorian age, perhaps even one of the most compelling chapters in English history. The writers of the day drew increasingly urgent attention to the condition of England and the working-class Charles Dickens introduced Hard Times and the idea of the industrial revolution as the mechanization of human beings. Although...

Historical Essay: General Overview of the Battle of Thermopylae

1 Page 548 Words
The battle of Thermopylae, under the king Xerxes (486-456 BC) the Great son of Darius the Great, was another victory for Persians in the fifth century. The Persians were advancing on the battleground with their full might. Five million, two hundred and eighty-three thousand, two hundred and twenty men excluding the cooks, women, and concubines were ready for an assault...

Great Depression in The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

1 Page 502 Words
In The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck writes about the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the anguishing journey a family endures while trying to travel cross-country. The Great Depression was the cruelest financial decline in the account of the industrialized world from 1929. In contrast, the Dust Bowl was the time in history where severe dust blizzards occurred and...

Function of Afro-Caribbean Music in the Reconstruction of Political and Cultural Identity

5 Pages 2504 Words
How does Afro-Caribbean music function in the reconstruction of political and cultural identity? In order to understand Afro-Caribbean music’s role in the reconstruction of cultural and political identity, one must appreciate its diversity and what Afro-Caribbean music is comprised of. To do this, there must be a discussion of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, its multiple trade routes, and the differing...

Essence of Neolithic Revolution: Analytical Essay

1 Page 556 Words
Threshold 7 is about the emergence of agriculture. I learned here how the development of agriculture begins and how it changed human lifestyles all around the world. First, let's talk about what is our world before agriculture, we all know that looking for food or what we call foraging is really hard. Foraging is searching for wild food resources. It...

Essay on the History of Imperial China: Ming Dynasty

2 Pages 1136 Words
Dres's regulations: Qing dynasty: First structured dress code (P.4-5): When referring to the dress regulations carried out in the Forbidden City, what pops up as the most characteristic and representative are the attires worn during the Ming and Qing periods. Especially, during the Qing dynasty, we can reflect how by 1759, the Qianlong Emperor (1736-1795), worried about the Manchu customs...

Essay on History: Spartan Mirage and the Battle of Thermopylae

3 Pages 1205 Words
The theory of the Spartan Mirage was first coined by Francois Ollier in the 1930s. Francois Ollier was a French historian who published a book titled ‘Le Mirage Spartiate’. The book outlined the effect of distortion of Sparta found in ancient writers like Xenophon, Plutarch, and Herodotus. These books have created a picture that the Spartan society was equal and...

Essay on Hellenistic Period: Role of Alexander​ ​the​ ​Great​

2 Pages 900 Words
Was​ ​Alexander​ ​the​ ​Great​ ​a​ ​Hero​ ​or​ ​a​ ​Villain? Alexander​ ​the​ ​Great​ ​can​ ​be​ ​perceived​ ​as​ ​many​ ​different​ ​things,​ ​such​ ​as​ ​a​ ​villain,​ ​hero,​ ​or both.​ ​He​ ​did​ ​many​ ​good​ ​deeds​ ​and​ ​horrible​ ​ones​ ​in​ ​his​ ​lifetime,​ ​mainly​ ​while​ ​he​ ​was​ ​king​ ​of Macedonia​ ​and​ ​other​ ​areas​ ​he​ ​conquered.​ ​He​ ​was​ ​ruthless​ ​but​ ​also​ ​courageous,​ ​smart,​ ​and skillful.​ ​Alexander​ ​the​...

Essay on Hard Times: An Oral History of The Great Depression

3 Pages 1153 Words
Great Depression Book Review The roaring Twenties was a period of transformation, at which time many Americans possessed, automobiles, and radios, and telephones. Automobile innovations brought the need for good roads (increasing 10% to 80% of families owning cars). The radio brought people closer to each other. The telephone connected families and friends together. In the 1920s, the 18th amendment...

Essay on Architecture: Analysis of Stonehenge

2 Pages 720 Words
An example of such a structure would be Stonehenge in Southern England. Its purpose however still remains a mystery. Excavations are being done to find out various possible functions of these structures. However, it is believed to have multiple purposes and is estimated to have been built over many years. Stonehenge is enclosed in a large circle with a diameter...

Essay on Architecture during the Hellenistic Period

1 Page 608 Words
What are the salient features of art and architecture during the Hellenistic period? Explain its origin and impact on other cultures of the world (25) The art and architecture of this era mainly focused on personal lives. The sculptures and paintings made, depicted the figures having personal feelings and showing emotions. During this era Idealism was present. Most of the...

Discussions on Modernity, Coloniality, Glorification of Western Hypocrisy in Heart of Darkness

3 Pages 1519 Words
Well known to generations of readers and reaching almost a century of age, the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad has not lost any of its ability to astonish and dismay. The novel continues to be, to many degrees, a significant starting point for discussions on modernity, coloniality, glorification of Western hypocrisy, and societal ambiguities. However, in more recent...

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