How to Make A Good Impression At A Job Interview

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In the competitive landscape of today's job market, making a good impression during a job interview is paramount. A job interview is not merely a formal meeting but a critical platform where candidates can distinguish themselves as the ideal fit for a potential role. The interview process evaluates various facets of a candidate, including their communication skills, professionalism, and cultural fit. According to a study by Forbes, first impressions are formed within the initial seven seconds of an interaction, underscoring the importance of preparation and poise (Forbes, 2020). This essay will explore effective strategies for making a positive impression during a job interview, addressing preparation, presentation, and interaction skills. Additionally, it will discuss counterarguments to these strategies to provide a comprehensive understanding. By adopting these techniques, candidates can significantly enhance their chances of securing employment.

Comprehensive Preparation

Preparation is the cornerstone of a successful job interview. According to research by Harvard Business Review, candidates who thoroughly research the company and role they are applying for tend to perform better in interviews (Harvard Business Review, 2019). Effective preparation involves understanding the company’s mission, values, and recent developments. For instance, if interviewing for a tech company, familiarity with their latest products or innovations can provide a competitive edge. Additionally, candidates should anticipate common interview questions related to their field and practice articulating coherent, concise responses.

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Moreover, preparation extends beyond company-specific knowledge. It encompasses personal readiness, such as dressing appropriately for the job position. The adage "dress for the job you want" holds considerable weight in the context of an interview. Dressing professionally not only aligns with industry standards but also reflects seriousness and respect for the interview process. Furthermore, preparing questions to ask the interviewer demonstrates genuine interest and engagement, contributing to a favorable impression.

Some may argue that over-preparation can lead to a lack of authenticity during the interview. While there is a concern that candidates might come across as rehearsed, adequate preparation equips them with the confidence to navigate unexpected questions and scenarios. The key lies in balancing preparation with spontaneity, ensuring that responses remain genuine and reflective of the candidate’s true persona. Thus, comprehensive preparation remains a pivotal strategy in making a good impression.

Effective Presentation

Presentation during a job interview encompasses both verbal and non-verbal communication. According to Albert Mehrabian’s communication theory, non-verbal cues constitute a significant portion of effective communication (Mehrabian, 1971). Maintaining eye contact, offering a firm handshake, and exhibiting positive body language are crucial components of a strong presentation. These elements convey confidence and attentiveness, which are highly regarded by interviewers.

Verbal communication skills are equally important. Articulating thoughts clearly and confidently can significantly impact the interview outcome. Candidates should focus on clear enunciation and a moderate pace, avoiding filler words that could detract from their message. Sharing specific examples or accomplishments, particularly those that align with the job requirements, can bolster a candidate’s credibility and leave a lasting impression. For instance, discussing a past project that showcases relevant skills provides tangible evidence of a candidate’s capabilities.

However, it is essential to consider the counterargument that overemphasis on presentation might overshadow substance. While presentation is critical, it must be complemented by substantive content. Interviewers seek candidates who not only present well but also possess the necessary skills and knowledge. Therefore, a balanced approach that integrates both presentation and substance is imperative for success in a job interview.

Interpersonal Interaction

Interpersonal skills are integral to making a good impression during a job interview. The ability to establish rapport with the interviewer can significantly influence their perception of a candidate. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, candidates who engage in effective interpersonal interactions tend to be rated more favorably (Journal of Applied Psychology, 2018). Demonstrating active listening, empathy, and adaptability are key aspects of successful interaction.

Active listening involves attentively processing the interviewer’s questions and comments, allowing candidates to respond appropriately and thoughtfully. Showing empathy and understanding can further enhance the interaction, as it reflects a candidate’s ability to connect with others on a personal level. Additionally, adaptability is crucial in responding to dynamic interview scenarios, such as unexpected questions or changes in format.

Critics might argue that interpersonal skills are innate and challenging to develop in a short time. While it is true that some individuals may naturally excel in interpersonal interactions, these skills can be honed through practice and feedback. Engaging in mock interviews and seeking constructive criticism can aid candidates in refining their interpersonal abilities. Thus, developing strong interpersonal skills is a viable strategy for making a favorable impression during a job interview.


In conclusion, making a good impression at a job interview is a multifaceted endeavor that requires strategic preparation, effective presentation, and strong interpersonal interaction. While some may contend that these strategies could overshadow authenticity or substance, a balanced approach that integrates preparation with genuine interaction can significantly enhance a candidate’s prospects. The ability to research the company, present oneself professionally, and engage effectively with the interviewer are fundamental components of a successful interview. By implementing these techniques, candidates can navigate the complexities of job interviews with confidence, ultimately increasing their chances of securing the desired position. In the ever-evolving job market, mastering the art of making a good impression is an invaluable skill that can shape one’s professional trajectory.

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How to Make A Good Impression At A Job Interview. (2024, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
“How to Make A Good Impression At A Job Interview.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2024,
How to Make A Good Impression At A Job Interview. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Jan. 2025].
How to Make A Good Impression At A Job Interview [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Dec 27 [cited 2025 Jan 9]. Available from:

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