If I Had Three Wishes They Would Be

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Imagining having three wishes granted is a timeless concept that has fascinated humans for centuries. The allure of such a scenario lies in the boundless possibilities it presents. In a world where limitations are an intrinsic part of human experience, the notion of wishes offers a tantalizing vision of what could be. This essay explores the hypothetical scenario of being granted three wishes and the potential impact these choices could have on both individual and global scales. By examining the implications of these wishes, we delve into the broader questions of human desires, ethical considerations, and societal responsibilities. Each wish reflects a deeply rooted aspiration, driven by personal experiences and a vision for a better future. Through a structured analysis, this essay aims to demonstrate how carefully considered wishes can serve as instruments for personal fulfillment and societal progress, bridging the gap between dreams and reality.

Wish One: Eradicating Global Poverty

The first wish I would choose is the eradication of global poverty. This choice is driven by the staggering inequalities that exist in our world today. According to the World Bank, as of 2018, approximately 9.2% of the global population lived on less than $1.90 a day. This figure underscores the pervasive nature of poverty and its debilitating effects on human potential. Eradicating poverty would not only improve the standard of living for billions but also foster global economic stability. With improved access to education, healthcare, and employment, individuals could break free from the cycle of poverty, unleashing human potential on an unprecedented scale. Critics may argue that such a wish could disrupt economic structures, but evidence suggests that reducing inequality benefits societies as a whole by fostering a more equitable distribution of resources (Piketty, 2014). Thus, the wish to eradicate poverty is not just an altruistic ideal but a pragmatic step towards a more prosperous and harmonious world.

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Wish Two: Advancing Medical Science

The second wish I would make is for the advancement of medical science to eradicate diseases that currently plague humanity. The COVID-19 pandemic has starkly illustrated the vulnerability of our global health systems and the profound impact of infectious diseases. By wishing for advancements in medical research, particularly in areas like genetic therapy and vaccine development, we could potentially eliminate diseases that cause suffering and death. The ethical considerations of such a wish are significant, particularly concerning the distribution of medical advancements. However, history demonstrates that medical progress, when managed effectively, can lead to substantial improvements in quality of life. For instance, the eradication of smallpox was a monumental achievement that saved millions of lives. With advancements in medical technology, we could envision a future where diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's are manageable or even curable. This wish not only addresses immediate health challenges but also lays the groundwork for a healthier, more resilient global population.

Wish Three: Promoting Environmental Sustainability

The third wish I would prioritize is the promotion of environmental sustainability. The current climate crisis poses an existential threat to life on Earth, necessitating urgent and comprehensive action. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society" (IPCC, 2018). By wishing for a sustainable future, we aim to address the root causes of environmental degradation, such as deforestation, pollution, and reliance on fossil fuels. This wish envisions a world where renewable energy sources are the norm, ecosystems are preserved, and biodiversity is protected. While technological advancements alone cannot solve these complex issues, they can play a crucial role in mitigating impacts and fostering sustainable practices. Critics may question the feasibility of such a transformation, yet numerous studies highlight the economic and social benefits of sustainable development (Stern, 2007). Thus, this wish is both a moral imperative and a strategic investment in our planet's future.


In conclusion, the hypothetical granting of three wishes presents a unique opportunity to address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today. By choosing to eradicate global poverty, advance medical science, and promote environmental sustainability, we align personal desires with broader societal goals. Each wish reflects a commitment to creating a world where individuals can thrive without the constraints of poverty, disease, or environmental degradation. While these wishes are ambitious, they are grounded in a vision of hope and progress. The power of wishes lies not in their fantastical nature but in their ability to inspire action and change. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, this exercise in wish-making serves as a reminder of our collective responsibility to shape a future that embodies the best of human potential. Ultimately, the true measure of these wishes' success is their capacity to transform dreams into tangible benefits for all.

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If I Had Three Wishes They Would Be. (2024, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/if-i-had-three-wishes-they-would-be/
“If I Had Three Wishes They Would Be.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/if-i-had-three-wishes-they-would-be/
If I Had Three Wishes They Would Be. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/if-i-had-three-wishes-they-would-be/> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
If I Had Three Wishes They Would Be [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Dec 27 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/if-i-had-three-wishes-they-would-be/

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