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Effective Strategies for Educating Deaf Students

2 Pages 864 Words
Introduction Teaching deaf elementary students presents unique challenges and opportunities for educators. These students require tailored instructional strategies that accommodate their specific communication needs. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, and many of them are children who rely on educational systems to meet their learning needs. The purpose of this essay...
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Circulant Triangular Fuzzy Number Matrix in Swine Flu: Analysis

4 Pages 1673 Words
Abstract The major and challenging process of Swine Flu conrmation has promoted attempts to model it with the use of circulant triangular fuzzy numbers. In this paper, calculate the Six different indications using occurrence relationship (Ro) and conformability relationship (Rc) based on expert medical reports and analysis of related patients with Swine Flu and present some operations on circulant triangular...
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Chronic Pain as a Major Public Health Challenge: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1400 Words
Chronic pain is a multi-dimensional, distressing experience that can occur with or without tissue damage and persists over extended periods of time (at least 3 months) [1]. This disease is a public health problem worldwide [5]. Specifically, it is currently estimated that chronic pain affects between 20 and 30% of the adult population worldwide [3–8] and up to 70% of...

Case Study of Mild Learning Disability and Autism

3 Pages 1367 Words
Formative assessment Scenario 1 Patrick is a 28-year-old white Scottish male; he has a diagnosis of mild learning disability and Autism. Patrick has epilepsy, which is poorly controlled with Sodium Valproate (500mg twice daily), and his mood is stabilized using Citalopram (20mg daily). Patrick lives in shared accommodation, he shares with one housemate. The housemate has only recently moved into...

Co-Designing With People Living With Dementia

2 Pages 805 Words
The article “Co-designing with people living with dementia” Paul A. Rodgers [2018] wants to draw attention to the misunderstanding of the people living with dementia by presenting a project from Alzheimer Scotland to design a tartan. It puts the focus on people living with dementia regaining “their self-esteem, identity and dignity” [Rodgers, 2018, p189] in the community, to change the...
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The Real Danger of Concussions in Youth Athletics

2 Pages 1131 Words
Onе of thе lеast undеrstood, but most common injuriеs in sports is MTBI – mild traumatic brain injury – othеrwisе known as a concussion. An еstimatеd 3. 8 million rеcrеation- and sport-rеlatеd concussions occur in thе Unitеd Statеs еach yеar (Halstеad 599). Whilе most attributе youth rеlatеd concussions to high-contact sports such as football; concussions arе also prеvalеnt in sports...

Ethical Issue: Tube Feeding and Patients with Dementia

2 Pages 984 Words
“Health care professionals have an ethical obligation to protect life and to relieve suffering”. Like other health professionals, registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) follow a code of ethics. The principles and standards of the Code of Ethics for the Nutrition and Dietetics Profession encompasses non-maleficence, autonomy, beneficence, and justice. “Dietitians are expected to exercise professional judgement and practice dietetics based on...
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Childhood Obesity Action Campaign

2 Pages 871 Words
World health organization (WHO) defined obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. Body weight measure by the body mass index (BMI), a person’s weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of his or her height (in metres). A person with a BMI of 30 or more is generally considered as obese1. According to Center...

Quality Improvement in Dementia using the Dementia Golden Ticket

1 Page 392 Words
Dementia is a condition in which there is a continuous decline in cognitive function and is most prevalent with the ageing population. Within England, dementia is most common amongst people living in East Sussex with prevalence of 13000. Suggested by the local review there is a lack of support and care available to patients with dementia; this is having a...
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Impacts of Dementia on Daily Living

5 Pages 2113 Words
Dementia is overall term that is used to describe various wide ranges of diseases and/or conditions that are often diagnosed by the loved one or caregivers of a patient suffering from signs and symptoms of a decline in memory, language, and problem-solving skills. This condition affects the patient’s thoughts, responses, feelings and all aspects of life. Individuals diagnosed with dementia...
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The Death of Julius Caesar

3 Pages 1584 Words
Nobody can be accepted by everyone, so were the rulers who sat on the very top. People always tend to have more discontentions towards the ones with more power over them than the ones who were actually annoying. There were always assassinations toward powerful leaders, like Jing Ke to Qin Shi Huangdi and J. D. Tippit to John Kennedy. Julius...

Music delays cognitive decline in dementia

4 Pages 1969 Words
Dementia effects approximately 50 million people world-wide with almost 10 million new cases every year. It is a syndrome which is the deterioration of cognitive functions that is not considered normal deterioration that comes with age. It effects calculation, learning, language, memory, thinking, judgement, and comprehension among other things (World Health Organisation. 2019). The difference between dementia and normal aging...
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Abraham Lincoln's Health Troubles, Weight Fluctuations, Death

2 Pages 865 Words
The history of the United States of America will never be complete without the mention of the name Abraham Lincoln. The late politician who happened to have served as the 16th President of the United States is respected for the role he played in keeping America together during the bloody American Civil War and has been hailed as the 'champion...

The Progression of Vascular Dementia Stages

2 Pages 918 Words
Introduction Vascular dementia, a prevalent form of cognitive impairment, stems from cerebrovascular disease affecting blood flow to the brain. It manifests through a spectrum of symptoms that vary in severity, often leading to significant challenges in daily functioning. Unlike Alzheimer's, which is characterized by memory loss as a primary symptom, vascular dementia typically presents with a more diverse array of...
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Dementia: Symptoms, Causes, and Impacts

2 Pages 1018 Words
Introduction Dementia is a broad term that encompasses a variety of brain disorders affecting memory, thinking, behavior, and the ability to perform everyday activities. As the global population ages, dementia has emerged as a significant public health issue. According to the World Health Organization (2021), over 55 million people worldwide are living with dementia, and this number is expected to...
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Guanosine as a Potential Therapy on Traumatic Brain Injury

4 Pages 1705 Words
CDC defines TBI as a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury. TBI is typically classified as focal (confined to a specific location), diffused (comprises a widespread area) or mixed injury (combination of both focal and diffused). Different aspects including TBI ethology,...

Competition Authorities and Their Role in Price Control in the UK

3 Pages 1248 Words
The coronavirus pandemic is the first time that all economies across the world have faced such a severe global challenge since the recovery from World War II, and it would be fair to say that the UK have been among the worst affected. In this report, I will investigate how the UK Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) have adapted to...

Helping the Internet of Things in the Covid-19 Era

4 Pages 1904 Words
The Internet of Things, called the IoT for short, is a new interconnection of technology heralded as the next industrial revolution—implying radical change, disruption, and an entirely new paradigm for the planet. Specifically, the Internet of Things is an extension of the existing connections between people and computers to include digitally-connected ‘things’. These things measure and report data. This data...

Review of 'The Panic Virus' by Seth Mnookin: Medicine, Science, Fear

2 Pages 873 Words
'The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, and Fear' by Seth Mnookin, published in January 2011. Seth Mnookin is an American writer, journalist, and media reporter for Undark Magazine's podcast and contributing editor at Vanity Fair. Mnookin is the author of three books with a non-fiction genre, and one of these books is The Panic Virus. The book...

The Dust Bowl and Its Impact on Farmers

1 Page 517 Words
The Dirty Thirties, or the 1930s. What is so special about this time period? During the 1930s, it was a challenge for people around the world. Everyone worked more than they had ever did before. Many people lost everything they owned and suffered from lack of money. One of the most affected people by this worldwide economic depression were farmers...

Different Stages of Criminal Trials That Are Impacted by Covid-19

4 Pages 1735 Words
“Covid-19 descended without a warning. We limited the number of lawyers, sanitized the courtrooms et al. However, access to justice cannot be suspended even if there is a lockdown”, - Justice D.Y. Chandrachud. Covid-19 being the most unprecedented situations of all time, has impacted not only country’s economy but the legal functioning as well. The problem lies with no statute,...

Ebola Virus as a Deadly Disease

2 Pages 737 Words
The Ebola virus is a fatal disease that spreads rapidly from human to human. Ebola is a type of filovirus, this is a virus that causes extreme haemorrhagic fevers to humans and some animals. This virus has two known diseases in it: The Marburg virus and The Ebola virus. The difference between these two filoviruses is that polyadenylation is a...

Practicing Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Pain

3 Pages 1261 Words
This year has been so full of stress and anxiety for just about all of us. Concerns about our health, uncertainty about the future, and the feeling of isolation have made so many of us worse for the wear. It should come as no surprise that chronic pain, which is greatly affected by mental state, may also be reaching an...

Hepatitis and Its Various Types

2 Pages 766 Words
In the medical field, a virus named Hepatitis was disclosed by Dr. Baruch Blumberg in 1965. Dr. Baruch Blumberg received a Nobel Prize for his significant discovery that impacted the medical field with its benefits of knowing about the disease. The primary name of Hepatitis was called the 'Australia Antigen'. 'Australia Antigen' was found when scientists looked for an Australian...

Natural Remedies for Pain Management

2 Pages 940 Words
Introduction Chronic pain is a pervasive issue that affects millions worldwide, reducing quality of life and imposing significant economic burdens. Traditional medical approaches often rely on pharmacological interventions, which, while effective for some, can lead to dependency and other adverse effects. Consequently, there is an increasing interest in natural methods for pain relief, which offer a holistic approach to managing...

Atherosclerosis as a Stress-Induced Disease

6 Pages 2591 Words
In 'Stress: Portrait of a Killer' a documentary by National Geographic goes in depth about how dangerous stress can be. For humans stress is always present. There is always a worry about work, finances, relationships, and other situations that poses a challenge. In most mammals stress is a few minutes of terror in a in a habitat full of predators....

University Students' Knowledge & Attitude on STDs

4 Pages 2020 Words
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a group of diseases that can be transferred from person to person or between sexual partners through sexual intercourse. These diseases travel via semen, sperm, blood or vaginal fluids from one person to the next through sexual contact, and from mother to child. These includes diseases such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV and genital herpes...

Ebola Virus Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

2 Pages 972 Words
Introduction Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), a severe and often fatal illness, has attracted global attention due to its high mortality rates and potential for rapid spread. Identified first in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo, EVD has since been the subject of extensive research aimed at understanding its pathology and containment. The...

Pollen Allergy: Causes, Common Symptoms and Treatment

1 Page 587 Words
Sneezing, runny nose, red eye, itching... No doubt, the pollens are back. How can we protect ourselves from it? What are effective treatments? When the good days come, your eyes sting and tearful, your nose runs, you sneeze. The signs don't deceive, you're probably allergic to pollen, a common health problem. We tell you more about the symptoms and treatment...
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