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Starbucks: Expo 2021, PESTL Analysis and Coronavirus

2 Pages 972 Words
Starbucks is a famous café world wide you could find it almost everywhere in the world. Starbucks was founded in March 31, 1971 and was founded by 3 people named Gordon Bowker, Zev Siegl, and Jerry Baldwin. Most people love their coffee and usually like to start their mornings with a beverage from Starbucks. FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Starbucks need all...

Coronavirus Impact over the Tourism Reservations System

1 Page 528 Words
A reservation is a process of booking and blocking rooms, tables or, according to the Cambridge dictionary, an arrangement to have something kept for a person or for a special purpose in advance for the guests or tourists. When we refer to hotel rooms or a place arranged for the tourist to stay the right term we use is accommodations....

Unique Challenges of Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes

2 Pages 948 Words
Introduction Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, leading to insulin deficiency. While it can affect individuals at various ages, it is particularly prevalent among juveniles. This demographic faces unique challenges due to the interplay of physiological, psychological, and social factors. Juvenile Type 1 diabetes not only impacts...

Impact of Coronavirus on Child Education

3 Pages 1565 Words
Abstract Online learning often means that the parents themselves are well educated to assist with the lessons and have enough time. Moreover, it will make it more burdensome for parents who are also affected by COVID-19 to provide equipment for online learning. Face-to-face learning will resume on 8 March 2021. All primary school students will resume the school term on...

Alzheimer's Detection with CNN Architecture

4 Pages 1850 Words
Abstract Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an progressive brain neurological disorder which destroys brain cells causing people to lose their memory, mental functions and ability to continue daily activities. Diagnostic symptoms are experienced by patients usually at later stages after irreversible neural damage occurs. Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease is challenging because sometimes the signs that distinguish Alzheimer’s Disease MRI data, can...

1999 Third World HIV Prevention Trials

1 Page 510 Words
Third World HIV Prevention Trials. In February 1994, the Data Safety and Monitoring Board of the U.S. National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases interrupted AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) Study 076 (22). The preliminary data revealed a statistically significant and dramatic difference in vertical HIV transmission rates from mothers to their newborns, between women who received the active regimen...
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Nurse's Role in Malnutrition Health Promotion

3 Pages 1534 Words
Caring for every patient’s nutritional status is crucial when it comes to the role of a nurse. This is crucial for the nurse and their patient because the patient’s life could be in danger if they do not have a healthy diet or they are not provided with instructions on how to maintain a healthy diet. Every patient needs a...

Microbes And Alzheimer’s Disease

1 Page 650 Words
Currently scientist and doctors are working together to build a bridge between the potential connection that is associated with microbes and Alzheimer’s disease. At this moment, there is no cure for this irreversible, progressive brain disorder. This disorder slowly destroys the memory’s ability to retain and remember information as well as thinking skills, and eventually as it progresses it affects...

Sharing Economy and the Coronavirus

4 Pages 1611 Words
Introduction The sharing economy becomes more relevant in the present context as the covid-19 pandemic triggers the factor to the full bloom. The idea behind the sharing economy differs from traditional business models. It is built around the sharing of resources. It involves mutual development, processing, delivery, trade, and usage by various individuals and organizations of goods and services. New...

The Noncommunicable Disease Of Diabetes In China

3 Pages 1539 Words
INTRODUCTION Diabetes is a world renowned killer and is one of the causes of death that is leading in the world. (Elfein) There is no cure for diabetes and it is a chronic health condition. Diabetes is distinguished between Type I diabetes (DM I) and Type 2 diabetes (DM II) along with gestational diabetes.(Thom2) The DM I entails high levels...
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Factors contributing to child malnutrition in Bangladesh

6 Pages 2759 Words
Malnutrition in children’s is becoming a key worldwide health challenge given the widespread nature of the population it affects. Children can also encounter various types of malnutrition: 3.62% of children under the age of five are both stunted and wasted, while 1.87% of children under the age of five are both stunted and overweight worldwide (6). It is related to...

The Issue of Childhood Obesity in Mexico

6 Pages 2522 Words
Introduction Obesity is a complicated contemporary disease that can be simply defined as having an excessive amount of body fat to the point it starts to cause health problems. Therefore, obesity is not only a superficial or beauty concern as one may contemplate, but it also encompasses hidden dangerous health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and...

Management Process Of Type II Diabetes

4 Pages 1909 Words
Chronic illness today is sometimes referred to as a pandemic due to the increasing prevalence of such illnesses (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, & Camera, 2014). Some examples of illnesses that can become chronic are heart failure, kidney disease, cancer and diabetes (Lewis et al., 2014). This paper will focus on type II diabetes (DMII). DMII manifests as a result of...

Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges In Higher Education

3 Pages 1198 Words
ABSTRACT The Covid- 19 Pandemic has disrupted the life of every human being globally. It has brought life to a standstill in all sectors of the economy and posed a great threat and a challenge to the Indian Economy in the fields of Higher Education. The Pandemic has been a bane as it has affected lakhs of human lives globally....

Violation of Child Rights during COVID-19 and Child Labour in India

6 Pages 2535 Words
Abstract Does the violation of Child Rights lead to Child Labour problem? Violation of Child Rights is a topic of great concern in every country of the world since the Industrial Revolution, Globalization, and Privatization etc. Under these entire situations, Child Rights are denied and these factors have led to the creation of such circumstances where millions of children worldwide...

Covid-19 Impact on Higher Ed in Nagpur: Teachers

3 Pages 1364 Words
Abstract Higher education is a backbone of any country, and it plays an important role in the economic and social growth of the nation. India with the second largest population have largest strength of students who are pursuing their higher education studies. With the spread of the COVID-19 around second week of March 2020 central and state governments across the...

Examine the Causes, Symptoms and Effects of Childhood Trauma

4 Pages 1693 Words
Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causing feeling of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013, p271). Childhood trauma is a serious adverse of childhood experiences. There are a lot of factors that cause...

The Luxury Industry during and after the Coronavirus Pandemic

4 Pages 2027 Words
The break-out of coronavirus pandemic has greatly impacted the whole world. People stayed at home during lockdown, or wearing masks all day during their work after the slightly alleviation. Not only the daily life has been changed dramatically, but also the business world. The most impacted business should be those who rely highly on world trade. The world trade in...

Childhood Trauma and Substance Abuse in Female Offenders

5 Pages 2061 Words
Substance abuse is one of the factors related to female offender’s pathway into the criminal justice system (CJS), it has been correlated with the after-math of childhood abuse and the repeated involvement in crime (Bloom et al, 2003). Vast numbers of women in prison have been arrested for drug offences or have reported to have a drug abuse problem (Henderson,...

Obesity in Low-Income Communities in the United States

2 Pages 858 Words
On the off chance that individuals are lifted from poverty, can they adequately and productively battle obesity? The U.S. is one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and in the same manner has high obesity rates; 33% of the populace has obesity in addition to another third that is overweight. The issue is anticipated to decline; rising childhood obesity...

The Features Of Type 1 Diabetes

2 Pages 1135 Words
What is Type 1 diabetes? How does it affect the body’s natural homeostasis? Are there ways to prevent and even get treatment? As your reading this research paper on Type 1 diabetes you will see multiple factors on how this disease can cause and even play in effect on other organs in the body such as the heart, pancreas, and...
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Reducing HIV in Chinese MSM: Key Strategies

9 Pages 3861 Words
Issue China has made a substantial progress in tackling its HIV epidemic. The HIV epidemic in China is largely characterized by low national prevalence at 0.037% with certain regions having higher and more severe HIV prevalence rates [1]. The country has also made substantial progress with regards to funding its HIV response as 99% of funding came from domestic sources...

The Effects Nutrition Has on Obesity

3 Pages 1287 Words
Obesity is a rapidly growing threat to the health of people worldwide, and will most likely lead to other life threatening diseases if not treated. According to the WHO Consultation (2000), Obesity has been around since the end of the Persian rule in 332 BC, but insufficient knowledge was known about the present condition. Some indicated our metabolisms obeyed the...

Why Obesity is a Growing Cause in the U.S.

1 Page 559 Words
Obesity is currently a major issue in the United States due to social media, technology, and everyday life, which needs to be controlled because it can eventually lead from minor to major health issues. Obesity is the condition if being overweight; a condition characterized by excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. “Obesity has become a serious health...

Tackling Adult Obesity

2 Pages 941 Words
Introduction Adult obesity has emerged as a significant public health concern globally, with its prevalence showing an alarming upward trend. Defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat, obesity is measured using the Body Mass Index (BMI), where a BMI of 30 or above is considered obese. According to the World Health Organization, obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, affecting...

Insulin Delivery: A Review Of Past And Current Methods

4 Pages 1957 Words
Abstract Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that millions of people around the world suffer from. The hallmark of this disease is an insulin insufficiency. For decades researchers have sought to find and improve treatment methods for this disease, using various methods of insulin delivery. This article outlines some of the major techniques used over the past several years. Introduction Over...

Risk Factors Of Malnutrition

2 Pages 975 Words
Australia’s indigenous health status of the people continues to be worst compared to other sub groups. According to a research study that there is little improvement over the past decades about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s health status. Their adult life expectancy is decreased by 15-20 years, twice mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases, death rate was 17 times higher due...

Is Obesity Affecting Your Sex Life?

1 Page 561 Words
Let me be clear before I dive into the world of sex and being overweight. If you are confident, and your partner, or yourself makes you feel sexy, and desirable, then you are guaranteed to communicate that between the sheets. This isn’t the case for everyone though, there have been studies done that connect being overweight to having lower energy...

Health and Side Effects of Obesity

2 Pages 786 Words
Did you know that “ least 2.8 million people each year [die] as a result of being overweight or obese”? World Health Organization. (2017, obesity). Obesity is a big issue that is affecting people of all ages around the world. There are many causes of obesity such as overeating, genetics, hormones, the environment, and lack of physical activity. A lot...

Should Junk Food be Taxed to Curb Obesity?

4 Pages 1739 Words
Junk food is used to describe food items and drinks that are low in important nutrients (protein, fibre, vitamins) and contain high amounts of calories from saturated fat, added sugars and added salts. While the definition of junk food can vary from person to person, everyone can agree that it is not the healthiest category of food. A diet consisting...

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