James Dasher's ‘The Maze Runner’ and How It Changed Me: Book Review

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When I remember growing up, I wasn’t much of a reader, despite having a mom who has probably read every book ever written. Reading isn’t the butter to my bread. I got distracted by my phone when I got my first iPhone in year 6, reading didn’t feel important to me anymore. I had just turned 11, and I was long how I had a life on social media and didn’t need to read because I didn’t care about how reading would’ve shaped me into a smarter student. Reading is a type of hobby that I do once or twice a year, and when I do, I revel in reading a book of my interests, I feel myself slipping into the world of the book, and I like the rush feeling of imagining I’m a different person in a different place.

The New York Times bestseller ‘The Maze Runner’ by James Dasher is packed with action and excitement that leaves you on the edge of your chair throughout the whole book and wanting more after reading the book. The series starts with Thomas waking up to the sound of doors cranking open, only to find out he’s being welcomed to the glade, an encampment at the center of a terrible and bizarre maze. My favorite types of novels are ones that have both a book and a movie, and I reckon the book was just as good as the movie. Thomas’s character was one of the best parts of the book, and how he wanted to escape this nightmare by fighting a different fight every day. When it comes to reading books, it seems that I get really into science fiction and young adult. Bravery is the big theme of the novel because Thomas shows ultimate bravery going into the maze, sacrificing his life to save his dying friend and to solve and escape the puzzles of the maze.

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The adventure with Thomas is the utmost one I’ve read, and it makes me want to read more books in the series and re-watch the movies. James Dasher's book changed me as a reader. 'The Maze Runner’ changed me once I read the first few pages. I fell in love. I highly recommend this book for everyone to read.

As I got older, I read less and less every year. As a teenager, I was distracted by my phone, which turned me away from reading, but when I think about reading now, I realize that this novel rekindled my interest in reading. In the future, I will devote more time to this hobby, immersing myself in the magical worlds presented on the pages of books.

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James Dasher’s ‘The Maze Runner’ and How It Changed Me: Book Review. (2023, November 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/james-dashers-the-maze-runner-and-how-it-changed-me-book-review/
“James Dasher’s ‘The Maze Runner’ and How It Changed Me: Book Review.” Edubirdie, 15 Nov. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/james-dashers-the-maze-runner-and-how-it-changed-me-book-review/
James Dasher’s ‘The Maze Runner’ and How It Changed Me: Book Review. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/james-dashers-the-maze-runner-and-how-it-changed-me-book-review/> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
James Dasher’s ‘The Maze Runner’ and How It Changed Me: Book Review [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Nov 15 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/james-dashers-the-maze-runner-and-how-it-changed-me-book-review/

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