Justification essays

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1 Page 519 Words
In the American Constitution, the foundation of the country, it states that a person has the right to believe what they choose. The essence of the constitution was to protect those who chose to believe something different than the minorities. So, for Americans to impose their way of life onto people who were on their own land is unconstitutional. I...
2 Pages 1055 Words
Can war ever be justified? War is the act of conflict between two or more countries or groups due to a particular reason. In the past, war has ended in many tragedies and caused long-lasting effects for all countries involved. This has caused it to become a global ethical debate as there are arguments to justify and oppose the act...
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2 Pages 1056 Words
Critically consider the main philosophical justifications for punishment. “It is generally taken for granted that those who break the law ought to be punished.” (McDonnell, C. 2008 – page 1). The form of punishment, however, is a topic for debate. This essay with critically evaluate the main philosophical justifications for punishment. The philosophy of rehabilitation can be thought of as...
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2 Pages 750 Words
Euthanasia is the process of purposefully ending another person’s life to stop their suffering. An example of this may be a doctor offering someone who has a terminal condition such as cancer drugs to humanely end their pain, this can be classed as euthanasia. There are many forms of euthanasia and just as many reasons as to why someone may...
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3 Pages 1298 Words
A lot of questions about V’s actions and use of violence arise while reading V for Vendetta. Many question whether or not his use of violence as revenge is morally justified. It is agreed that there is something wrong with their government and something has to be done for it to change, but is violence really the answer? In V’s...
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2 Pages 956 Words
The situation presented where a student submits an assignment purchased from a paper-writing service as his/her own work provides a multi-level dilemma considering the current norm of academic integrity and anti-plagiarism policies. While an argument can be made that the service itself is unethical, the hypothetical posed does not provide enough information to determine, and ultimate accountability for the ethical...
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3 Pages 1589 Words
In a rapidly changing world where we have emerged in the age of information and technology and a growing knowledge economy, the pace of change in an evolving employment landscape is predicted to accelerate with approximately 65% of children entering primary school expected to gain future employment in completely new job types that don’t yet exist (World Economic Forum, 2016)....
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