Learning Disability essays

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Essay topics
5 Pages 2366 Words
How learning is affected when having a Learning Disability From starting a fire to writing a thesis learning has always been the bridge to any goal attainment. It generates new knowledge which in turn gives us the ability to make better choices in both daily and academic life. Almost every western society promotes the importance of learning because it can...
Learning Disability
like 97
7 Pages 2975 Words
Learning disability is defined as a significant lifelong difficulty in learning and understanding, practising the skills needed to cope with everyday life, and that there is evidence that these difficulties started before 18 years of age (Gates et al, 2015). This essay will discuss critically, recent theories and methods applied in order to prioritise and safely meet the health and...
Case StudyLearning DisabilityNurse
like 228
3 Pages 1367 Words
Formative assessment Scenario 1 Patrick is a 28-year-old white Scottish male; he has a diagnosis of mild learning disability and Autism. Patrick has epilepsy, which is poorly controlled with Sodium Valproate (500mg twice daily), and his mood is stabilized using Citalopram (20mg daily). Patrick lives in shared accommodation, he shares with one housemate. The housemate has only recently moved into...
AutismCase StudyLearning Disability
like 494
2 Pages 960 Words
Children with special educational needs require their learning to be taloried to meet desired learning objectives. In addition, children who have significantly greater difficulty learning often struggle to keep up with others of the same age, due to the severity of their disability and therefore extra school support is needed. One of the most prevalent learning disabilities found within pupils...
DyslexiaLearning DisabilityLev Vygotsky Theory
like 234
2 Pages 770 Words
Introduction Dyslexia, a learning disorder characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities, affects approximately 5-10% of the global population (Shaywitz, 2003). While considerable research has been dedicated to understanding its cognitive dimensions, the socio-emotional impact of dyslexia is equally profound yet often underexplored. Individuals with dyslexia frequently experience feelings of frustration,...
DyslexiaLearning Disability
like 152
1 Page 585 Words
According to Psychology Today, “Research shows that 8 to 10% of American children under the age of 18 have some type of learning disability”. When a child tries their hardest and still struggles in an area of learning, a red flag will be waived for a learning disability. With a child having a learning disability does not categorize them as...
DyslexiaLearning Disability
like 247
4 Pages 1797 Words
In today’s day and age, the terms “Inclusive” and “Inclusion” are used interchangeably, in the education world and in today’s society. Novak (2018) has defined Inclusion as “involving all children in class regardless of their capabilities and variability” while defining Inclusive as the actual practice wherein children are given opportunities to learn through cooperative and adaptive learning. These approaches serve...
AustraliaCritical ThinkingLearning Disability
like 221
5 Pages 2235 Words
Learning disability is “a form of delayed developments in one or more development areas such as speech, language, reading, writing arithmetic or other school subjects resulting from a psychological handicap caused by a possible cerebral dysfunction and/or emotional or behavioral disturbances” (Adam and Tatnall, n.d. p.2). While the word ‘special need’ is sometimes used to connote learning disability, however, Adam...
2 Pages 985 Words
Growing up I seemed to always be accused of being lazy and stupid. I suppose this day was every other average day, Ms. Robinson, my kindergarten teacher called my parents after school to discuss my behavior issues. “Your daughter refuses to carry out my simple instructions when I ask her to silently read or to complete homework”, - I remembered...
AcceptanceConfidenceLearning Disability
like 228
5 Pages 2561 Words
Critical Thinking Thesis: Learning Disabilities, specifically dyslexia This topic interests me because I am familiar with people who suffer from learning disabilities. This made me want to explore in detail, the learning disability called dyslexia. I have a younger sibling who has not yet been definitively diagnosed with a learning disability however, specialists say that he has a 25% delay....
DyslexiaLearning Disability
like 255
2 Pages 830 Words
Introduction Language-based learning disabilities (LBLDs) represent a significant challenge within the educational landscape, affecting a considerable number of students worldwide. These disabilities, characterized by difficulties in processing linguistic information, can influence various aspects of learning, from reading and writing to speaking and listening. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, approximately 15-20% of the population has...
Learning Disability
like 391
2 Pages 717 Words
Introduction Of Pakistan: Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It is the sixth-most populous country with a population exceeding 212,742,631 people. In area, it is the 33rd-largest country, spanning 881,913 square kilometers (340,509 square miles). Pakistan has a semi industrialized economy with a well-integrated agriculture sector and a growing services sector. Pakistan's political...
AutismChildrenLearning Disability
like 264
3 Pages 1468 Words
Introduction Education as defined according g to the conclusion of the council of European Union (2017,p3) should be “available and accessible to all learners of all ages including those facing challenges, such as those with special needs or who have a disability, those originating from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, migrant backgrounds of geographically depressed areas or war-torn zones, regardless of sex,...
Learning DisabilityPolicySpecial Education
like 192
4 Pages 1678 Words
Introduction 'Inclusion is a right not a privilege for a select few' oberti v. board of education, (2010). It is the right of all children in America, whether disable or not to have full access to resources and social interaction in inclusive schools, this has been an important topic of discussion for many years. Children who required Special Education were...
6 Pages 2569 Words
Abstract Educating children with students who have a special impairment, could be beneficial to their health and in environmental conditions. Parents spend an average of $326 per month, or just under $4,000 per year, on out-of-pocket medical expenses on their special needs child according to New Mexico Statistics for Special Education. Making an environment more comfortable could increase their grades...
ChildrenLearning DisabilitySpecial Education
like 225
2 Pages 1111 Words
The social justice in education module made a significant impact on my attitudes and behavior towards children with disabilities and special educational needs. This is one of the concept that I have not come across in my teaching career in the past seven years. The Special educational needs and disability can be defined as, “A child or a young person...
3 Pages 1585 Words
Introduction Special Education has been a shifting department for the past decade. There have been new laws in place, a changing DSM5, and new findings regarding disabilities. With many different changes that are constantly happening, there is an uncertain amount of identifications within special education. In this paper we are going to discuss the issue of overidentification in special education....
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