Linguistics essays

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2 Pages 784 Words
Teacher beliefs and practices relating to integrated descriptive linguistics teaching falls in to the class of communicative teaching (CLT) that continues to stay underneath constant analysis, primarily within the faculty|high|highschool|high school|secondary school|lyceum|lycee|Gymnasium|middle school} school context. there's a tested tendency for EFL lecturers in Asia to think about descriptive linguistics teaching and CLT as dichotomous; additional analysis into the factors which...
5 Pages 2137 Words
Is language a distinctive feature when it comes to constructing yourself? Language allows speakers not only to communicate with others, but also to express who they are, where they come from, and who they associated with. “Language functions as a cornerstone in the construction of our identity and in the relationships we build” (Littlejohn and Rao Mehta 1). The process...
1 Page 693 Words
As we all know that computers have a marked influence on linguistics.In the near future computers would be providing more help to linguists. Computational linguistics studies how computers are related to linguistics and also deals with techniques of computers that assist us in interpretation of language. To facilitate linguists to explore and interpret natural language with the help of computers....
4 Pages 1942 Words
Abstract In language there is a metafunction, namely, Ideational; correlation of the usefulness of language in conveying experience in the form of expression and understanding of the perception of life that is carried out consciously called transitivity. This study attempts to analyze the transitivity process of Palembang Malay verbs with Linguistic Functional Linguistics categories. The research method uses a combination...
7 Pages 3172 Words
Abstract The writings of Halliday and Hasan (1976) established the approach of cohesion in texts in discourse analysts. Depiction on this significant study, researchers have been inquiring cohesion in both monologic and dialogic discourses of different languages (Taboada, 2004; Angermeyer, 2002), genres (Tanskanen, 2006; Hoey, 2005), and registers (Hasan, 1984; Hoey, 1991). The purpose of this study was to introspect...
3 Pages 1257 Words
No matter what you major in most of the time there’s always some type of math/statistics in it even if it’s just a little. I’m majoring in Speech Language Pathology and from what I knew before researching was that statistics does play a small role in this field. You wouldn’t think that though because what does statistics have to do...
3 Pages 1581 Words
One of my Chinese friends once complained to me worriedly that a Chinese ’19, who already has an offer from Goldman Sachs, said that he spoke English with a heavy accent, and that it might compromise his chances in the American job market. I shrugged and replied, “Well, then you may have to work harder on your accent. That’s how...
2 Pages 711 Words
Introduction Linguistics, the scientific study of language, delves into the complexities and intricacies of human communication. It's a field that spans the sounds of speech, the structure of sentences, and the nuances of meaning, offering a window into the human mind and social interaction. My personal motivation to become a linguist stems from a deep fascination with how language shapes...
4 Pages 1970 Words
The Gospel of Thomas is one of the most famous apocryphal works to have been found for a variety of reasons. To begin with, it was mentioned by a number of early Christian writers such as Hippolytus who quotes it in his arguments with the Naassenes and also may have been utilised by the Manicheans which makes it an influential...
5 Pages 2460 Words
INTRODUCTION The geographical location of the Indian sub-continent and the various historical forces have brought into the land people with different ethnic origins and varying culture based on religion, language and philosophy of life. Linguistic diversity is one of the marked features of the Indian society. There are well recognized regions within the Indian having distinct languages of their own....
1 Page 526 Words
Words are a very powerful device, and none more so than the ones that the bride and groom will say during their wedding day. This doesn't just mean the vows that they have taken, although this is probably the most important words that will be spoken during the wedding. This also includes the bride and groom wedding speech, delivered together...
2 Pages 981 Words
Anthropology is known as the scientific study which seeks to end the infinite curiosity about humans(HASKINGS-WINNER, COLLISHAW, 2011, p. 7). Anthropology does not focus on one research about humans, it is a broad study seeking why, when and how people appeared on earth as well as how they have changed and got distributed around the world. Anthropologists also want to...
4 Pages 1802 Words
ABSTRACT Imam Al-Bukhari who was a Persian Islamic scholar was born in the city of Bukhara somewhere around 810 AD and passed on around 870 AD around Khartank a village of Samarqand. His real name was Muhammad Ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim ibn al-Mughirah ibn Bardizbah al-Jufi Abu Abdallah al-Bukhari. He has with the title Amir al-Mu’min in the field of...
5 Pages 2204 Words
Introduction A Human cannot live without social, we always need people to communicate with each other, therefore, we have language as the tools for interactions. Kentjono (1982) said that ‘Language is a system of a sound symbol which arbitrary, used by a social group to work together, communicate, and identify their self’. While Cambridge dictionary state that language is a...
2 Pages 1085 Words
Abstract Currently, in the United States, there are approximately 2 million Vietnamese-Americans. There is a shift in the relative language dominance from the first language (L1) to the second language (L2) of immigrant populations that have come to the United States (Tang, M.G., 2007). Maintaining the Vietnamese language provides a critical means for transmitting cultural values across generations and within...
4 Pages 1976 Words
Abstract Natural Language Processing is a branch that is mainly involved in the field of Artificial Intelligence and deals with the study of mathematical and computational modelling of various aspects of natural language and the development of wide range of systems. NLP researchers aim to research on how human beings understand and use language so that appropriate tools and techniques...
5 Pages 2325 Words
Introduction Our group has decided to look into Susumu Kondo’s case study titled “First Language Acquisition: A Case Study of a Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Child” from a publisher; who published about this case study in 2007. As stated in the titled, Susumu Kondo focused more on a bilingual child’s first language acquisition through interactionism with people around the subject that...
1 Page 562 Words
Blackberry Picking forms part of Seamus Heaney’s first published collection and it is dedicated to Philip Hobsbaum (Heaney, 1999). He was one of Heaney's tutors at Queen's University Belfast. The main theme of many of Heaney’s poems was growing up and he took inspiration from his childhood and nature. (Seamus Heaney, 2020). Blackberry Picking appears to explore the optimism of...
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