Malaysia essays

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1 Page 575 Words
Malaysia is one of the countries that provides high-quality service in terms of healthcare services and now it has come to be an alternate destination for medical tourism aside from Singapore, Thailand, and India. Since the year 2000, the number of tourists who seek healthcare in Malaysia has been increasing as people see it as an ideal destination for healthcare...
2 Pages 819 Words
Introduction The global energy landscape is rapidly transforming as nations strive to mitigate the effects of climate change by transitioning to renewable energy sources. Malaysia, a Southeast Asian nation endowed with abundant natural resources, is no exception. The country has recognized the importance of renewable energy as a means to diversify its energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels....
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6 Pages 2631 Words
Introduction This essay intends to provide the idea of conducting the research. It starts with a background study that covers the unemployment issues in Malaysia and how the youth unemployment rate is affected. Moving on, the problem statement is discussed, which summarizes the industry issue, and providing research gaps that are found in the previous research articles reviewed. Research questions,...
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1 Page 581 Words
With a population of 32.7 million, Malaysia is a multi-ethnic religious nation, distinguished primarily by three major ethnic groups: Malay and indigenous people, Chinese, and Indians. Malaysia has been effectively converting itself from a poor nation into a middle-income country since its independence in 1957. Despite difficult external factors, the economy of Malaysia has shown periodic expansion. It may also...
4 Pages 2031 Words
Introduction The Royal Malaysian Police (RMP; Malay: Polis Diraja Malaysia, PDRM) is a branch of Malaysia's security forces. The force is a centralized organization charged with the task of everything from traffic control to intelligence gathering. Its main headquarters are in Kuala Lumpur's Bukit Aman district. The RMP collaborates collaboratively with police forces all across the world, including those of...
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3 Pages 1258 Words
Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country, occupying parts of the Malay Peninsula and the island of Borneo. It is known for its beaches, rainforests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European culture references. Its capital is Kuala Lumpur. In 2021, Malaysia’s population is 33.42 million, it is an undeveloped country. Malaysia is very special among unique countries in the...
3 Pages 1368 Words
Corruption is a crime where a person gets benefits like freedom, contracts or privileges from another person after giving money, gift or even entertainment as bribes. Generally, corruption is defined as the abuse of entrusted power, status or wealth for private and dishonest gain. According to the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), corruption can be classified into four forms, namely, requesting...
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3 Pages 1485 Words
It is possible to estimate the average number of children a woman will have during her childbearing years by calculating her fertility rate. Malaysia is currently experiencing a population crisis, as the fertility rate continues to fall. It is continuing to fall because of the fact that Malaysia is going to be a develop country and flourish the modern way...
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4 Pages 1945 Words
Food is a necessity and a basic human right. It plays a vital role in the promotion of health and disease prevention. However, as recorded in the 2020 Global Hunger Index the GHI score trend has increased to 13.3 by comparing to 2012 which is only 11.8 (Global Hunger Index Rank, 2021). In order to overcome the spreading of the...
2 Pages 724 Words
Malay food is strong, spicy and aromatic, combining the rich tastes of the various herbs and spices commonly found in Southeast Asia. It is one of the three major cuisines in Malaysia and together with Chinese and Indian food continually to attract tourists to the country with its incredible variety and flavors. The overall tone is spicy with a little...
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5 Pages 2169 Words
Air is one of the most important elements to all living things. However, in this 21st century, air pollution has become a growing threat to all life on Earth. Air pollution can be described as the contamination of the atmosphere by various pollutants that are harmful to all life, reduce visibility and produce odors that are undesirable. Some of the...
Air PollutionMalaysia
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2 Pages 804 Words
Malaysia is a democratic country. The Constitution of Malaysia is the supreme law of the country. It was proposed by the constitutional conference, followed by the Reid Commission, and finally came into force on the 27th August 1957. This led to the independence of Malaysia, under the circumstance that it was a country with a parliamentary democratic system and the...
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3 Pages 1330 Words
Improving accountability and transparency of public spending can improve the financial management in the Malaysian public sector. Transparency is operating in such a way that is easy for others to see what actions are performed. Transparency implies openness, communication and accountability. Accountability however is an aspect of governance that has been subject to discussions related to problems in the public...
2 Pages 773 Words
National Community Basketball League (NCBL) is one of the oldest and biggest leagues in Malaysia. In the year 2005, National Community Basketball League (NCBL) was build up with the modest start of eight groups. NCBL is making an alliance that attracts spectators and participants. National Community Basketball League (NCBL) formerly known as the Non-Chinese Basketball League (StatSports Locker Room, 2016)....
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2 Pages 1071 Words
Immigrants are divided into two categories which are immigrants who come into a country with permission by using legal and valid documents and then there are also immigrants who come into a country without permission and any valid or legal documents. These types of people are called illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants refer to people that migrate into a country illegally...
6 Pages 2667 Words
Introduction Almost all Malaysians and the rest of the world were stunned when a girl from Sarawak committed suicide after 69% of the respondents from her Instagram followers asked her to do so. The victim posted an Instagram poll stating: “Really Important, help me to choose D/L” whereby D stood for death while L stood for live. This incident clearly...
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2 Pages 760 Words
Freedom of Expression does exist in Malaysia. ‘Freedom of Speech, Assembly and Association’ is recorded under Article 10(1) of the Federal Constitution, in Part II. According to Article 10 Clause (1) in the Federal Constitution, “(a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression; (b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms; (c)...
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