Money and Happiness: An Essay

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Table of contents

  1. The Notion Behind Happiness
  2. Money and Happiness: Understanding the Correlation as an Argument
  3. The Counterargument to Money and Happiness as a Correlative Factor
  4. Conclusion

There are regular discussions about how money makes people happier, which is more of a philosophical question, and this discussion topic can be deciphered from several perspectives without yielding a winner in the end, because each contention from both sides will not be correct, but will be a well-considered opinion.

The Notion Behind Happiness

Is happiness a defining moment in our life that arrives to fulfil or satisfy our needs? Is it a predisposition toward a fulfilment that gives us a positive feeling of exhilaration and gratitude, or is it something else entirely?

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Similarly, I accept that there is a fascinating study of happiness that stresses how we as people have something in our minds that can be considered a ‘mental insusceptible framework’, a framework that helps people change their perspectives on the world so they can sleep well at night. Thinking about it I believe this to be the case because no matter what is new with a person, if it is going the way they want it to go; or if it does not satisfy us in any way, I believe this to be the case. We try to find the positive aspects of what happened to convince ourselves that it was all meant to be, even if it didn't turn out the way we had hoped. This can be clarified as happiness, which is what we feel when we don't obtain what we want.

Natural happiness, on the other hand, is the joy we experience when we have what we require. We won't be happy if we become reliant on getting every result we require, given that taking note of is unsurprising. We should figure out how to find happiness in any situation, whether lucky or unfortunate because it will help us see things.

Money and Happiness: Understanding the Correlation as an Argument

On the one hand, money brings happiness to people. As far as I'm concerned, this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that money makes people happy. We live in a world where everything we own, including items and services, is purchased with money, whether it's food, housing, clothing, or even the most insignificant item we own.

You can't be happy when you wake up in the morning and realize your bank account is empty, especially if you are the father of a family. What good is it if it can't help you find happiness? Genuine happiness stems from personal connections and circumstances, yet research reveals that those with lower salaries are more helpless in the face of sadness. According to a study, poor people had more medical problems and were also more depressed. In any case, when people have enough money to deal with their problems, they are unlikely to be under a lot of stress.

The Counterargument to Money and Happiness as a Correlative Factor

Money, on the other hand, does not make people happy. Instead, I'll suggest that money enhances happiness. There are two ways to spend your money that are guaranteed to bring you happiness and prosperity: encounters and presents. When you spend money on an experience, such as an outing or a visit to a gallery, there are a few things that happen that can increase your enjoyment but cannot be bought with money.

To begin with, you are attempting to flee the house and encountering something novel. Oddity appeals to our minds. Then, perhaps, you'll be joining others who are coming with friends or family to the exhibition hall with your auntie. Furthermore, you create positive memories that you can reflect on later, resulting in more stable prosperity and happiness. When you're out travelling, you can shoot photos and share them with others, resulting in stronger friendly relationships. The main problem at that moment is that money may be able to bring you happiness, but it all depends on how you use it.


The adage ‘money can't buy happiness’ is true because there is nothing left to do at this point but acquire materialistic goods, which can't bring you happiness, so if you're unhappy, you'll just make others miserable as well. Overall, we can say that the debate between money and happiness will be endless because everything said is a valid judgement. However, the most important thing to remember is that money and happiness are both possible.

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Money and Happiness: An Essay. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
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