‘Pearl Harbor’ is an American romantic war drama film directed by Michael Bay in 2001. The film presents a heavily fictionalized version of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, focusing on a love story that unfolds in the run-up to the attack, its aftermath, and the Doolittle Raid. Historians have found multiple inaccuracies in this film....
3 Pages
1344 Words
A turtle and a salmon are swimming together. While swimming, the turtle asks the fish: “How does the water taste today”. After thinking about it for a couple of seconds, the salmon responds: “What’s water?”. The 2001 film ‘The Matrix’, directed by the Wachowski brothers is a science fiction homage to Plato’s allegory of the cave. Both stories tell of...
'Coach Carter' is an American biographical teen sports drama film directed by Thomas Carter. In this paper I'm going to discuss how the main character of this fascinating movie, Ken Carter, demonstrates demonstrates his inspirational character. The Mississippi business, writer, coach and family man, Ken Carter’s motivation and inspiring work ethic has been seen to become a world-known person on...
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The movie ‘Coach Carter’ is a veritable story reliant on Coach Ken Carter who was a basketball mentor at a Richmond’s optional school. ‘Coach Carter’ is extraordinarily moving and charming motion picture which was facilitated by Thomas Carter, and this motion picture was released by Central Pictures in 2005. It is certified story of a man who pushed his understudies...
Childhood experiences are defined through the environments in which they are raised in. Regardless of their environment, a child will thrive through natural survival instincts, coping skills, and will exhibit resiliency characteristics throughout their childhood. Throughout the films ‘Kony 2012’ and ‘Babies’, it displays childhood from two very different views, and how childhood can manifest differently according to geographical habitus....
‘Inception’ is considered the most unique motion picture of its time. Released in 2010 when executive Christopher Nolan was falling off the statures of ‘The Dark Knight’, ‘Inception’ demonstrated there was as a reasonable place, unique studio tentpole. The science fiction film acquired $828.3 million at the overall film industry and was even a player on the honors circuit. Among...
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Chris Kyle’s most notable accomplishments-2 silver stars, 5 bronze stars, and 160 confirmed kills as an American sniper-demonstrate his hard work and dedication to the United States Military and Armed Forces. All of these achievements stood possible for Chris through many years of tireless hard work and dedication. He was denied entry into the United States Marines due to medical...
Disobedience often deems an individual as an aggressive revolutionist, an independent leader, or a rebellious outsider. The context of one’s obedience—or lack thereof—determines how the majority will see them. Whether acting out and defying expectations can be defined as audacious and reckless behavior or valiant and courageous, is in the eye of the beholder. Impulsively disobeying and blindly obeying are...
5 Pages
2170 Words
Introduction to Fictional Characters and Psychological Disorders Undergoing a psychological disorder can alter people all around the world on an everyday basis, although has anyone ever wondered if a fictional character from a motion picture, TV show, novel, etc., is engaged with a psychological disorder well. This paper is going to address a fictional character and how she has been...
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Production time on massive-scale films varies, and the level of detail varies because of scene precedence, film precedence, last-minute changes, and plenty of different elements. Time is the primary factor in the difference among stunning 4k digital pix that appear like filmed scenes (James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’) and things that don’t look all that first-rate, like the fight scene in ‘Black...
Music surrounds us, no matter where we travel or what we do it is impossible to not be exposed to two notes that create a musical tone. People use music to sometimes cope with emotions, relive certain moments where they felt euphoric either by relating to the lyrics or even just through hearing certain sounds of music. In ‘Blade Runner’,...
Introduction to Michael Oher's Journey Based on a book ‘The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game’, the movie I am going to talk about in this paper is based on a true story. Michael Oher, lonely boy, left away to the streets has now entered school, no money, no family, started sleeping at the school’s gym during winter as it...
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The movie ‘Babies’ by Thomas Balmès takes us on a trip around the world to observe four newborn babies for the first two years of their lives. The movie looks at the relationship infants have with their parents and compares their development through a series of vignettes when each child accomplishes certain milestones. Throughout this paper I will discuss two...
2 Pages
951 Words
At the opening of the Gettysburg scene in his movie ‘Remember the Titans’, Yakin starts with a long shot of the camp building and its surroundings. By using this shot, it tells the audience where the scene is taking place and at what time. As shown by the long shot, the audience can recognize that the setting of the scene...
‘Panther’ is a film about the ascending just as fall of a 1960s diminish radical improvement that got the creative essentialness of now is the perfect time. Diaries by its originators and others have suggested that the Black Panthers never had the power or numbers they ensured, yet they filled a critical need, making the image of a prepared, attacker...
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‘12 Years a Slave’, directed by Steve McQueen, is a film about a free black man, Solomon, being kidnapped in to slavery, separated from his family, dehumanized, but eventually, finding his way into freedom again. The depravity of slavery stripped away his humanity and identity, stretching his hope further away as each portion of his life becomes harder to overcome,...
‘The Blind Side’ is a movie based on a true-life story about a homeless teen and the family that took him in. The movie is based on Michael Oher who was homeless, who discovered a family that wanted him, and who rose to become famous. This paper will analyze the main character Michael Oher. Michael was an African American homeless...
This paper is based on the 2005 American biographical sports drama film 'Coach Carter', directed by Thomas Carter. This review is centered on Coach Carter's leadership style; the primary motivation for watching this film is to learn about solid leadership tactics for reaching goals confidently and the ideas and ethics that the coach employs. Coach Carter began his coaching career...
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Globalization and inequality are represented throughout the film ‘Life and Debt’ and this links to media images of tourism that portray a contrasting image of Jamaica and Dominica. In this report, I intend to explore these issues in the Jamaican economy and in trade and media images of Jamaica and Dominica. Globalization is presented negatively, allowing exploitation and aiding inequalities...
‘Toy Story 4’ is a computer-animated comedy film that was released on 21st June 2019 by Walt Disney Pictures. The film has a universal rating meaning that the film is suitable for all audiences aged four and over. Perhaps Disney did this to increase their target audience which in turn would increase their revenue. This was a successful idea as...
Alfred Hitchcock may be one of the most famous directors of the last century. The British film director was born on August 13, 1899, and produced more than 50 films before his death in 1980. It is undeniable that he changed the way audiences watch movies, for example, Hitchcock asked for the specific opening time of ‘Psycho’ and asked the...
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The early famous French directors created a uniqueness to approach into the cinematic universe known as the auteur theory. It’s value after a lot of experience that was being advanced during the late 1930s by the well-known French film critics: François Truffaut, Christian Metz, and Jacques Rivette. They were willing to risk about everything to create and come across something...
From the early days of silent cinema to today's emerging new technologies such as 360-degree panoramic filming, the film industry has begun to change as technology continues to evolve, transforming the audience's experience and engagement with cinema and filmmaking. This paper will review Eric Kurland's ‘History of VR’ and Lev Manovich's ‘The Poetics of Augmented’ to understand the development and...
The documentary ‘Babies’ documents the development of four newborns from different parts of the world ranging from Namibia to Mongolia, Japan and America. It depicts the child’s development processes and how cultural, social, emotional, and family ties play a crucial role. The documentary has no voice over narration, but we see sparse dialogue throughout its duration, which allowed the audience...
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The story is told of a trainee who observed an experienced colleague taking a class he would be teaching for the first time the next day on his teaching practice. The experienced teacher talked for a few minutes at the start of his lesson, explaining what he wished the students to do. He then said something like, ‘Right, you know...
4 Pages
1774 Words
Introduction: 'Wall-E' as a Cautionary Tale ‘Wall-E’ is considered as a cautionary tale about the Earth, highlighting how the rampant consumerism and neglect have turned the Earth into a garbage-strewn wasteland. The film highlights the problem of human consumerism, which is based on an unsustainable relation between the economics of production, consumption, and waste management. The film eliminates the presence...
The film ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest’ is narrated by a paranoid schizophrenic Native American male who pretends to be deaf and dumb in order to avoid socialization or confrontation from anyone in the Oregon psychiatric hospital. Bromden along with the rest of patients in the hospital fear former army and head nurse, Nurse Ratched, who Bromden believes to...
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In today's time, it is very easy for someone to be a bully or harass a person over social media. Before the popularity of social media, this type of insults to people would be done directly face to face with the person. The movie ‘No Country for Old Men’ displays representations of the different levels of harassment along with what...
The novel ‘Jurassic Park’ was written by Michael Crichton, and published in 1990. Most people know it as the inspiration for Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film, which has gone on to spawn one of the biggest franchises in film history. While both the book and film follow the same basic plot, the film excludes many scenes and storylines so that the...
‘American Sniper’ is based and inspired by a book with the same title, as well as taken inspiration from stories by Chris Kyle. He was an American special forces sniper that became a legend across the UK and American media for being an unstoppable force. Chris Kyle’s story is mostly made into a propaganda tale of an ‘American hero’. He...