Patient essays

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2 Pages 959 Words
Introduction Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, demyelinating and debilitating autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS),with Overcoming Woman gender which without effective cure and requires Lifetime treatment(1). The purpose of Treatment in MS is to prevent recurrence and reduce the rate of neurologic Destruction.(2). Doctors generally prescribe disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses...
4 Pages 1920 Words
Simply, a placebo can be described as an inert substance which has no medically proven healing ability or positive physiological effect yet can improve the receivers symptoms of a condition. However, the definition of a placebo has become murky in recent times as we are becoming more aware of other aspects of healthcare which seem to contribute to the overall...
4 Pages 1958 Words
When a patient is admitted to the hospital the issue to tackle is not necessarily only the immediate course of evaluation and treatment, but to also address what lies ahead of the initial admittance. The lack of follow-up care post hospital discharge is a matter of contention within the United States healthcare system and a direct causation of high readmittance...
2 Pages 915 Words
1. Dataset Description UCI Machine Learning repository - Diabetes 130-US hospitals for years 1999-2008 Data Set This research includes a publicly available dataset taken from the Center for Clinical and Translational Research, Virginia Commonwealth University. It consists of over a million records collected across 130 US hospitals and from various healthcare providers over 10 years (1999 – 2008) [1]. It...
6 Pages 2916 Words
Background and review of literature Major depression, characterized as a “common cold” of psychiatry severely limits psychosocial functioning and diminishes quality of life. It is predicted that the burden of Major depressive disorder (MDD) on the modern society will be the largest of all diseases by 2030 (World Health Organization, 2008). The recent National Mental Health Survey (2015-2016) revealed that...
3 Pages 1307 Words
According to the national survey of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia within the United States, public opinion polls show public approval for the legalization of physician-assisted suicide. Physician-Assisted Suicide gives terminally ill, yet legally capable of making decisions, patients the assistance of drugs at lethal doses to end their life. Physician-assisted suicide is controversial with many pros and cons outlined by...
3 Pages 1475 Words
The HBO movie, ‘Wit’, follows the heart-wrenching story of academic scholar Vivian Bearing as she undergoes an intensive chemotherapy regimen to combat her stage four ovarian cancer diagnosis. The film chronicles Vivian’s patient experience in the hospital setting as she undergoes treatment. Throughout the course of the movie, we see Vivian slowly stripped of her identity as an English scholar...
1 Page 656 Words
Are dogs really a man’s best friend and important? In many ways, dogs are important. This is because many dogs positively influence people with diseases or with a disorder. Relationships between dogs and humans are important because dogs can help people with Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and autism spectrum disorder. To begin with, many studies have proven that dogs impact people...
3 Pages 1319 Words
The term assisted suicide is defined as a situation when a terminally ill patient voluntarily made a suicide request from a doctor and he will assist him by supplying equipment and lethal drugs to hasten the patient’s death. Eight states in the United States of America namely California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and Montana have...
5 Pages 2374 Words
Cancer is a disease associated with the growth of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and destroy normal body tissue. Skinner et al. (2005) cancer is not a single disease but rather a term that defines the uncontrolled spread of cells. Furthermore, a study by Dennis J. Kerrigan et al. (2013) found cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity...
3 Pages 1235 Words
Cancer The phrase everyone dreads and wishes to never hear… you have cancer. Cancer will take you by storm not only affecting you, but your loved ones, nurses, and healthcare providers. It is a beast that can drain you and everyone around you emotionally. Treatment can be exhausting and alters clients and their everyday life. With organizations like The American...
6 Pages 2723 Words
The goal of palliative care is to provide artificial support the end of their life is near. Palliative care can consist of: withholding or withdrawing futile treatment, which is not considered to be euthanasia or assisted suicide. Fully legal care of terminally sick people, such as withholding or withdrawing futile treatment, should mewer involve an intention to end a patient’s...
5 Pages 2442 Words
Background: Optimal asthma management has been found largely due to patients’ medication adherence and correct inhaler technique. This study aimed to examine drug-related factors affecting medication adherence among Egyptian asthma patients Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 110 clinically diagnosed asthma patients attending at a university hospital, in Sohag, Egypt. Inhaler criteria and adherence were evaluated by...
4 Pages 1867 Words
Literature review Only a few studies have been carried out to determine the associated factors with the outcome of malnutrition and recovery time in adult HIV patients. As the researcher searched, there is no published literature on the time to nutritional recovery from malnutrition in adult HIV patients in Ethiopia. 2.1.1 Median recovery time Few researchers struggled to determine the...
3 Pages 1486 Words
Purpose of Paper The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the need for medical charting and discuss about the federal and state laws enacted to mandate the need for Medical Charting. A medical chart is a highly confidential documentation where the personal and well detailed information of a patient and care progress of the patient. It strictly contains demographics,...
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